Parameter: coccus_s

Short Description: synechococcus abundance
Short Name: coccus_s
Official Name: coccus_s
Units: cells/milliliter
No Data Value: nd
External Identifier: skos:broadMatch:


Synechococcus abundance.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Discrete bottle samples collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 through June 2024Synechococcus Synechococcus
Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef from the Bermuda coral reef platform and adjacent Sargasso Sea extending to Bermuda Atlantic Time Series-station from 2014-2018Flow cytometer total counts of Synechococcus Synechococcus
Biogeochemical and biological data from Niskin bottle samples from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project)Synechococcus abundance by flow cytometry (cells/mL). synechococcus
Biogeochemistry Data from R/V Atlantic Explorer X0606, X0705, AE0810 in the Western Sargasso Sea roughly 38-20N and 66-43W from 2006-2008 (ATP3 project)Synechococcus abundance Synecho
Algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients collected from the Richard B Gump Research Station at Moorea LTER from 2010-2011 (MCR LTER and Coral DOM projects)Synechococcus abundance in cells/mL by flow cytometry. (2011 data only.) synecho
Station locations from fishing vessels in the Southern California Bight off Huntington Beach in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project)SYN (cells/mL) – flow cytometric analysis of Synechococcus SYN
Discrete bottle samples collected during BATS Validation (BVAL) cruises from April 1991 through July 2024Synechococcus abundance Synechococcus
Discretes surface samples from R/V Ka'imikai-O-Kanaloa KOK1115 near Kona, Hawaii from December 2011 (C-MORE project)synechococcus coccus_s
Extracted chlorophyll data, particulate carbon and nitrogen, flow cytometry and 15N2/13C rate measurements collected during EN596 from April 2017 in the North AtlanticSynechococcus Synechococcus
Nutrients, chlorophyll a, and flow cytometry counts of bacteria, Synechococcus, and photosynthetic eucaryotes from 13 cruises on into the Northeast Pacific from 2001-2003 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project)Abundance of coccoid cyanobacteria (Synechococcus). Original parameter name 'Synecho_abund_perml (N5)'. coccus_s
Global observations Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton with ancillary environmental data from 1987 to 2008Cell abundance Synechococcus
Phytoplankton diversity along with carbon and nitrogen uptake rates collected along the GO-SHIP IO9 repeat hydrography section of the Indian Ocean from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR1604 from March to April 2016Count of Synechococcus cells synechococcus
Flow cytometry, 16S rRNA gene amplicons, chlorophyll a, and surface seawater measurements taken between August 2017 to June 2019 Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, HawaiʻiSurface seawater cellular abundances of Synechococcus cells counted on EPICS ALTRA flow cytometer. Synechococcus_cells_per_mL
Biological oceanographic measurements, 16S rRNA gene amplicons and metagenomes from surface seawater taken from August 2017 to June 2021 at sites within and adjacent to Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, HawaiʻiSurface seawater cellular abundances of Synechococcus cells counted on CytoFLEX S flow cytometer. Synechococcus_cells_per_mL
Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CADetermined by flow cytometry Synechococcus
Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CAStandard deviation of Synechococcus (n = 2) Synechococcus_stdev
Nutrients and flow cytometry from station N-1200 collected in August 2017 from a cruise aboard R/V Mediterranean ExplorerCell counts from flow cytometry, average of duplicates from two separate casts Synechococcus
Biogeochemistry of microbial phosphorus uptake from cruises in the Sargasso Sea; Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2011-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project)Synechococcus abundance Syn
Phytoplankton (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and PEuks) determined by flow cytometry of samples collected on R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301, KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project)Concentration of Synechococcus (cells/mL). synechococcus
Pico- and Nanoplankton concentrations from CTD cast deployments collected from the R/V Endeavor (EN532, EN538) cruises in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean from 2013-2014 concentration of Synechococcus cells Syn_cells_per_ml
Picophytoplankton abundances determined by flow cytometry (post-cruise/on-shore analysis) from samples collected on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project)Abundance of Synechococcus abundance. coccus_s
Picophytoplankton abundances of live samples determined by flow cytometry (shipboard analysis) on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project)Abundance of Synechococcus abundance. coccus_s
Picoplankton abundances by flow cytometry from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TT043, TT045, TT050, TT054 cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project)Synechococcus coccus_s
Picoplankton Abundance Data from R/V Roger Revelle KNOX22RR in the Patagonian Shelf (SW South Atlantic) from December 2008 (COPAS08 project)Synechococcus Syn
Reef seawater biogeochemistry data from samples collected in the Jardines de la Reina reef-system, Cuba in November of 2017Synechococcus cell abundance Syn
Plankton cell abundances and APA data from RV Atlantic Explorer BATS cruise BV50 in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre during September 2015.Synechococcus cell abundance Syn
Counts of picocyanobacteria from SMILE cruise (SKQ201703S) at the North Pacific Subtropical Front in March 2017Synechococcus counts per mL synechococcus_per_mL
Oceanographic data from 12 monthly cruises off the Israeli coast in the east Mediterranean conducted between Feb 2018 and Jan 2019 at a continental shelf station (~140m depth) and an open-deep water station.Cell count of Synechococcus in the water sample. Count was done using flow cytometry. Synechococcus
Q-PCR counts of Synechococcus clades from R/V Knorr, R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Seward Johnson KN192-05, KM0701, SJ0609 in the S. Atlantic subtropical gyre and Benguela upwelling region from 2006-2007 (Fe_Synechococcus project)Number of cells per milliliter. abundance
Surface water and N.digitalis inhalent/exhalent water sample nutrient and bacterioplankton metadata of Looe Key and Wonderland Reef conducted in 10-15 December 2023Synechococcus concentration (mL-1) Syn_Conc
Chlorophyll a and flow cytometry data from bi-weekly vertical profiles in Resurrection Bay, AK from January to March of 2023 from bi-weekly vertical profiles in Resurrection Bay, AK from January to March of 2023Synechococcus abundance syn