Dorado 2014: Chemical composition of discrete hydrothermal syringe samples | Chemistry from discrete samples of hydrothermal springs | Dorado Outcrop | K |
Dorado 2014: OsmoSampler fluid chemistry | Spring and pore fluid chemistry from samples taken by OsmoSamplers | Dorado Outcrop | K |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | K |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | K |
EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | Refractory DOC Recycling | K |
Geochemistry | | SLW C Cycling | Potassium |
Geochemistry and radiotracer rates | Geochemistry and radiotracer rates | ALKOg | potas_mmol |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | K_A_SMLH2O_CONC_HIVOL_rvayjm, SD1_K_A_SMLH2O_CONC_HIVOL_rvayjm |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | K_A_SMLH2O_CONC_HIVOL_zistzq, SD1_K_A_SMLH2O_CONC_HIVOL_zistzq |
Low-pH springs: water samples | | CalcificationLowSatSeawater | K_est |
Major inorganic ions in Primary Marine Aerosol (PMA) generated near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | Potassium_Ion |
Major inorganic ions in seawater near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | Potassium_Ion |
Metals | Metals | OA - Canada Basin | K |
North Pond Pore Water Chemistry | Pore water chemical concentration data and location from push cores collected by the ROV Jason II on dive J2-773 | North Pond Microbes | K |
Permafrost Brine Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Arctic Subzero Brines | K_plus |
Porewater Composition | Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of the Cinder Cones Methane seep site | Cinder Cone Seep | Potassium |
RR1507 Vent Fluid Chemistry | RR1507 vent fluid chemistry | Functional microbial dynamics of vent deposits | K_mmol_kg |
Sediment pore water geochemical compositional data | Sediment pore water geochemical compositional data | Pacific Porewater Nd | K_mmol_L, K_error |
Sediment porewater and particulates of Louisiana Shelf | Sediment porewater and particulates on Louisiana Shelf Dec 2021-Aug 2022 | Extreme Si | PW_K_ICPMS |
Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Methanosphere | Potassium |
Stable Isotopes in Reactive Si Pools | | CLASiC | K |
Sulfate reduction energetics | Sulfate reduction energetics at Main Endeavor grotto chimney. | Middle Valley Vents | K |
UH_ICP-OES_MVBS_2012 dissolved ions | North Pond CORKs dissolved ion concentrations from samples collected using the MVBS system during ROV Jason-II dives | North Pond Microbes | K |
Underway pCO2 and dissolved oxygen concentrations and fluxes | Underway pCO2 and dissolved oxygen concentrations and fluxes | ASPIRE | k |
vent chemical composition-Crab Spa | Chemical composition of diffuse flow vent fluids collected from Crab Spa, 9N on the East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | K |
Vent fluid chemistry: AT26-10 and AT26-23 | Vent fluid chemistry from AT26-10 and AT26-23 | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | K_mmol_kg |
Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | North Pacific Atmos | PotassiumConcentration_ugPerm3 |