Reproductive histology and energetics in Acropora hyacinthus in response to the 2019 Moorea bleaching event. | total host protein content
| protein_normSA |
Proximate biochemistry of sponge species collected in 2017 and 2018 across the Caribbean Basin in Curacao, Belize, Grand Cayman, St. Croix | Soluble protein (AFDW = ash-free dry weight). Milligrams of protein per gram of ash free dry weight of sponge
| soluble_protein_AFDW |
Results from bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays conducted to investigate the role of soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) in sperm from the gonochoric, broadcast spawning coral Astrangia poculata | Concentration of protein (in ug/mL) in well of 96-well plate in which assay was performed
| Protein_ug_mL |
Coccolithophore-associated organic biopolymers for fractionating particle-reactive radionuclides (234Th, 233Pa, 210Pb, 210Po, and 7Be) | amount of organic protein component
| Protein_Amount |
Coral energy reserve data from Puerto Morelos, Mexico including calcification, chlorophyll a, stable isotopes, and health metrics | Protein concentration of the coral fragment
| protein_g_gdw |
Coral energy reserve data from Puerto Morelos, Mexico including calcification, chlorophyll a, stable isotopes, and health metrics | Protein concentration of the coral fragment
| protein_J_gdw |
Physiology measurements on collected coral pairs from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI between July and December 2019 | Coral fragment protein content
| ProtFrag |
Physiology measurements on collected coral pairs from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI between July and December 2019 | Coral fragment host protein content
| ProtHostFrag |
Experimental coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements in October 2012 at Reef Systems Coral Farm, Ohio. | The soluble protein content of the animal host fraction, converted into Joules and standardized to ash-free dry weight
| Protein |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | total soluble protein concentration of each fragment
| protein_kJ_gdw_1 |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | total soluble protein concentration of each fragment
| protein_mg_cm_2 |
Physiological parameters of three corals species collected from Hawaii and exposed to four treatment conditions for 22-months as part of a mesocosm experiment | total soluble protein concentration of each fragment
| protein_mg_gdw_1 |
Physiological parameters of eight corals species surveyed from six locations around O'ahu, HI from August to November of 2015 | Total soluble protein concentration of each fragment
| protein |
Diel proteomes of cultured Trichodesmium erythraeum sp. IMS101 from laboratory experiments conducted in November of 2018 | Relative protein abundance. Normalized spectral counts.
| relative_protein_abundance |
Physiological metrics recorded at the end of experiments conducted to examine two coral species' responses to thermal stress | animal protein concentrations extracted from each ramet, normalised to the surface area of the ramet
| Pro |
Coral physiology and intracellular pH (pHi) collected as part of a study of pCO2 variability on the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis conducted at Heron Island Research Station, Heron Island, southern Great Barrier Reef in 2021 | Protein
| Protein |
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensis | Protein content of larvae in well as determined via Bradford assays
| Protein_ug |
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensis | Protein (ug)/number of larvae
| Protein_ug_per_larva |
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. | Host soluble protein normalized to host surface area
| prot_mg_cm2 |
Activity percent and composition percent of radionuclides, protein, carbohydrates, and iron at various pH levels using isoelectric focusing of radionuclide-labeled EPS | Protein exopolymeric substance extracted from diatoms cultured under Si-depleted (f/2-Si medium) conditions
| pcnt_comp_Protein_EPS_Si_minus |
Activity percent and composition percent of radionuclides, protein, carbohydrates, and iron at various pH levels using isoelectric focusing of radionuclide-labeled EPS | Protein exopolymeric substance extracted from diatoms cultured under Si-replete (f/2 medium) conditions
| pcnt_comp_Protein_EPS_Si_plus |
Winter growth and lipid accumulation in juvenile Black sea bass exposed to varying food and temperature conditions during lab experiments conducted from September 2021 to April 2022 at UConn Avery Point | Muscle/lean = protein content of the specimen
| Lean |
Winter growth and lipid accumulation in juvenile Black sea bass exposed to varying food and temperature conditions during lab experiments conducted from September 2021 to April 2022 at UConn Avery Point | Lean / dW_final
| Prop_Lean |
Physiological observations of Euphausia pacifica after a ten-day acclimation to dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH conditions in two separate laboratory experiments. | Protein content per individual
| Protein |
Physiological observations of Euphausia pacifica sampled in Puget Sound, WA aboard R/V Clifford A. Barnes during cruises CB1073 and CB1078 in 2017. | Protein content per individual
| Protein |
Feeding rates on and nutritional content of algal species collected in Antarctica, Fiji, and California. | Percent protein
| Percent_Protein |
Physiological responses of the coral host and associated endosymbionts measured during two experiments testing the effects of acute and chronic thermal stress on the scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata | animal protein concentrations extracted from each ramet, normalised to the surface area of the ramet
| Protein_mg_cm2 |
Physiology of Montipora capitata and Porites compressa from October 2019 to September 2022 in response to marine heatwaves (2015 and 2019) in Hawaiʻi | Protein
| Protein |
Results from protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation assays conducted to investigate the role of soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) in sperm from the gonochoric, broadcast spawning coral Astrangia poculata | Micrograms (ug) of protein loaded into well of Western blot from which data were eventually quantified
| Load |
Protein assay of proteinaceous material in pelagic sediment from the North Atlantic gyre, South Pacific gyre, and Peru Basin from cruises KN223, KNOX02RR, and ODP leg 201 between 2002 and 2013 | Content of proteinaceous material
| protein |
Protein assay of proteinaceous material in pelagic sediment from the North Atlantic gyre, South Pacific gyre, and Peru Basin from cruises KN223, KNOX02RR, and ODP leg 201 between 2002 and 2013 | Standard deviation of the content of proteinaceous material (triplicate analyses).
| prot_stdev |
Relative protein abundance from scaled and corrected exclusive peptide spectral counts from the ProteOMZ R/V Falkor expedition cruise FK160115 in the Pelagic central Pacific Ocean in 2016 | Concentration of protein per L of seawater passed through filter
| Calculated_Total_Protein |
Relative protein abundance from scaled and corrected exclusive peptide spectral counts from the ProteOMZ R/V Falkor expedition cruise FK160115 in the Pelagic central Pacific Ocean in 2016 | Metagenome ID of best inferred protein from Scaffold protein inference; needed to map to protein IDs.
| Protein_name |
Results from a study of physiological responses of Ulva lactuca to ocean acidification and nutrient enrichment | Protein content of Ulva at end of experiment
| Protein |
Total protein concentrations from study of sponge disease transmission from the Exuma Cays, Bahamas from 2009-2014 | Final total protein
| total_protein_final |
Total protein concentrations from study of sponge disease transmission from the Exuma Cays, Bahamas from 2009-2014 | Initial total protein
| total_protein_initial |
Literature review of sponge-microbe interactions on sixteen characteristics of 82 sponges. | Protein content in sponge tissue
| protein |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation determined through lab experiments conducted from September 2021 to February 2022 at UConn Avery Point | Muscle/lean = protein content of the specimen
| Lean |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation determined through lab experiments conducted from September 2021 to February 2022 at UConn Avery Point | Lean / dW_final
| Prop_Lean |
Comparative analysis of tissue biomass and energy reserves of six coral species from nearshore and offshore reefs in Palau, Micronesia during March 2017 | Total protein
| Protein |