2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | lon_start_decdeg |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: ring net | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | lon_start_decdeg |
ADCP - TRANSPORT Fixed Station Moored | Moored ADCP data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | lon_start |
ADCP_Weicker | Current velocities from ADCP on R/V Lowell Weicker May 2012 | CiliateSequencing | lon_start |
AEROSOL | Aerosol Data | CLIVAR AEROSOL | Lon_Start |
Aerosol Data | Trace metal aerosol data from ARK-XXVI-3 cruise. | Be-7 Tracer Method | lon_start |
Anchovy data of Chesapeake Bay | Anchovies from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | lon_best |
AT18-02_CTD | CTD data from cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico, Nov-Dec 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | lon_start |
Barbados-Bermuda Th-232 Th-230 | Seawater concentrations of dissolved and total Th-232 and Th-230, Barbados to Bermuda | NSF Chief Sci Training Barbados-Bermuda | lon_start |
BH15-11 CTD | Processed CTD data from BH15-11 | Early Career Great Lakes research, Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy | lon_start |
Bigelow Bight fish and lg inverts | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - large inverts & fish | NEC-CoopRes | lon_start |
BONGO - Zooplankton | BONGO net tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Longitude_Deployed |
bongo net zooplankton | Zooplankton counts for bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2004 | NEP | lon_start |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | lon_start |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | lon_start |
bottle_data | Bottle data from CTD Rosettes from 2 cruises to the Gulf of Mexico during 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | lon_start |
bottle_KN207-01 | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | lon_start |
Carbonate chemistry | P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system (silicate, total alkalinity, total dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, oxygen) and hydrography samples | OAPS | lon_start |
Cariaco Meta-Omics Cruises CTD data | CTD profiles collected in support of molecular samples. | CariacoMetaOmics | lon_start |
CliOMZ AT50-10 McLane log | McLane pump logs - AUV Clio cruise | CliOMZ | Start_Long |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ | Start_Long |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Underway Sampling Log | Underway Sampling log AUV Clio Cruise | CliOMZ | Start_Long |
cod pots: catch and size | POTYEAR: Determining the Seasonality of Cod Pots: fish catch,size | NEC-CoopRes | lon_set |
CTD | Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on rosette. | Deep Atlantic DOM | lon_start |
CTD - AT37-12 | AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | vent O2 NO3 roles | lon_start |
CTD - Bottle | CTD Bottle Data (Preliminary) | TZEX | Lon_in |
CTD - Downcasts | CTD - Downcasts | MuLTI-2 | Lon_Start |
CTD - TRANSPORT Fixed Stations | CTD data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | lon_start |
CTD data - Eastern Tropical Pacific | CTD data from the Eastern Tropical Pacific | ETP | lon_start |
CTD data from LMG1110 | CTD downcasts from LMG-1110 in the Antarctic in November, 2011. | Salp_Antarctic | lon_start |
CTD KN195-03 | CTD data from KN195-03 in the equatorial and north Pacific. | Subseafloor Microbial Life | lon_start |
CTD KN223 | CTD data from KN223 in the western North Atlantic. | AMOC Last Glacial Max | lon_start |
CTD Profiles | CTD profile data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | lon_start |
CTD_CH0112 | CTD data from 39 stations from CH0112 cruise. | CiliateSequencing | lon_start |
CTD_ji | CTD for long term mooring cruises, GLOBEC Georges Bank, 1994-1999 | GB | lon_begin |
CTD_KM1301 | Processed CTD data from POWOW2 cruise (KM1301). | POWOW | lon_start |
CTD_KM1312 | Processed CTD data from POWOW3 cruise (KM1312). | POWOW | lon_start |
CTD_MOCNESS1_CCRings | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls | NAtlDarkData | lon |
CTD_Profiles | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | lon_start |
CTD_Profiles_KN207-01 | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | lon_start |
CTD_rl | Process Study CTD data, Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, 1994-1995. | GB | lon_start |
CTD_TN277 | Processed CTD data from POWOW1 cruise (TN277). | POWOW | lon_start |
CTD_Weicker | CTD data from 5 stations in Fisher's Island Sound | CiliateSequencing | lon_start |
Dissolved Fe conc and isotopes - UK_GA10 | Dissolved (0.2 micron filtered (<75 m depth) or 0.4 micron (>75 m depth) Fe stable isotope ratios and concentrations | TMI_GEOTRACES-UK | lon_start |
dogfish_hauldata | haul data: Spiny dogfish discard mortality using commercial hook gear - Gulf of Maine and Cape Cod | NEC-CoopRes | lon_start |
dogfish_mortality | Spiny dogfish discard mortality using commercial hook gear - Gulf of Maine and Cape Cod, 2006 | NEC-CoopRes | lon_start |
Doliolid diet: CTD casts | CTD data from SAV-15-10, SAV-15-19, SAV-15-31 | Doliolid Diet | lon_start |
drifter CGoA | Drifter buoy data collected by NOAA/PMEL/EcoFOCI | NEP | lon_start |
drifters_argos | Raw drifter data | SOGLOBEC | lon_start |
Florida Straights 2015 MOC1 Larval Fish Counts | | OSTRICH | lon_start |
GP16 Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 aerosol concentration from GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti section | EPZT Be-7, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | lon_start |
GP16 DI Water Soluble Aerosols | DI water soluble trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | lon_start |
GP16 Lead-210 Aerosols | Aerosols collected during EPZT cruise, analyzed for Pb-210 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | lon_start |
GP16 Nitrate aerosol isotopes | Nitrate (NO3) aerosol isotopes from the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Aerosol 1H NMR | Spectral magnitude data for 0.0008 ppm bands from aerosol water soluble organic matter 1H NMR spectra. | GEOTRACES Aerosol OM, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Aerosol FTICR MS | m/z and peak intensity data for the molecular formulas assigned to each aerosol water soluble organic matter sample run by ESI FTICR MS. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GEOTRACES Aerosol OM | lon_start |
GT10-11 - DI Water Soluble Aerosol Trace Elements | DI water soluble aerosol trace elements for the North Atlantic GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Filtered Rainwater | Trace metal concentrations in filtered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Hg Aerosol | Concentration of atmospheric aerosol total mercury (Hg) from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - N African Mineral Dust Composition | North African mineral dust composition from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Trace Metals Aerosol | Total aerosol trace metal concentrations. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT10-11 - Unfiltered Rainwater | Trace metal and major anion concentrations in unfiltered rainwater. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
GT11 - Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 in aerosol | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | lon_start |
Guaymas Basin MOC CTD | MOCNESS-CTD Data from Guaymas Basin vent region, AII-112-28, 1985 | Vent Benthos | lon_start |
HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES | Recovery_Lat, Deploy_Lon |
herring spawing grounds_acoustic locations | Inshore Gulf of Maine Survey of Atlantic Herring Sentinel Spawning Grounds, 2006: Acoustic time and location data | NEC-CoopRes | lon_start |
ice_thickness | Ice thickness transect data | SOGLOBEC, Sea Ice Microbes, Crabeater Seal Foraging | lon_start |
Integrated Acoustic Scattering BIP | Nautical Area Scattering Coefficients (NASC) from BIP XII cruise, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid El Nino Response | lon_start |
Integrated Acoustic Scattering NH | Nautical Area Scattering Coefficients (NASC) from NH1006 and NH1106 cruises, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | lon_start |
jumbo squid time-at-depth | Time-at-depth data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid. | Jumbo Squid Physiology, Jumbo Squid Vertical Migration | lon_start |
jumbo squid time-at-temperature | Time-at-temperature data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid. | Jumbo Squid Physiology, Jumbo Squid Vertical Migration | lon_start |
juv_fish_bycatch_redux | Species counts from control and gear manipulation trials to reduce bycatch of juvenile fish. | NEC_ProjDev | lon_start |
Kelp study transect locations | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | lon_start |
KM1314 bottle | Bottle data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | lon_start |
KM1314 CTD | CTD data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | lon_start |
Krill abundance by species | Krill raw counts and abundance sorted by species, Red Sea, Jan. 2014 | Red Sea Krill | lon_start |
Krill abundance by tow | | Red Sea Krill | lon_start |
LB_2012_Glider_CTD | CTD data from gliders, Jan-Apr 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | lon_start |
LB_2012_Glider_DO_L2 | Time series of dissolved oxygen measured on an undulating glider, Jan-Apr 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | lon_start |
MOC stations | Guaymas Basin vent field MOCNESS tow station list | Vent Benthos | lon_start |
MOCNESS - Stations | MOCNESS - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | Longitude_Deployed |
MOCNESS - Zooplankton | MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Longitude_Deployed |
MOCNESS physical parameters | MOCNESS physical parameters | GATEKEEPERS | Longitude_Deployed |
MOCNESS tow metadata | Metadata associated wtih the MOCNESS tows taken in the Red Sea near Economic City (ECDEEP), January 2014 | Red Sea Krill | lon_start |
MOCNESS_tabs | MOCNESS Summary Data from Gulf of Maine Krill Cruises | Krill GoME | lon_start |
MOCNESS_tabs_PS24 | MOCNESS Summary Data from Polarstern Cruise PS24-1 (ANTXXIV/I) | CMarZ_2004-2010 | lon_start |
MOC_CTD_RedSea | MOCNESS CTD data from RV/Thuwal, Red Sea, Jan. 2014 | Red Sea Krill | lon_start |
net flow meter calibration | Plankton net flow meter calibration data, July 2015 | Nearshore larval transport | lon_start |
NH1106 CTD | Binned CTD data from NH1106 cruise. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | lon_start |
NH1106 Midwater Trawl | Descriptive data from Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (IKMT) from NH1106, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | lon_start |
non-salmon meristics | Non-salmon meristics | NEP | lon_begin |
nutrients | Inorganic and organic nutrient data from Niskin bottles. | Deep Atlantic DOM | lon_start |
OOI Argentine Basin CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Start_Longitude |
OOI Irminger Sea CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Start_Longitude |
OOI Southern Ocean Array CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Start_Longitude |
OOI Station Papa CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | Start_Longitude |
plankton tow log - CROCKS-II | Plankton tow log from Alvin dives | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | lon_start |
raised web gillnets_metadata | Testing Raised-Webbing Gillnets to Reduce Bycatch of Cod While Targeting Pollock: haul data | NEC_ProjDev | lon_start |
ROV Dive Log (Wood Fall project) | Provides information for all dives with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | start_longitude |
salmon meristics | Salmonid Meristics and Necropsy Data | NEP | lon_begin |
salmon_hauldata | haul data and salmon numbers caught and processed; 2001-2004 | NEP | lon_start |
salmon_juv_diet | juvenile salmon diet, 2001-2003 | NEP | lon_start |
salmon_thermal | salmon otoliths - hatchery thermal marks, 2001 - 2004; Gulf of Alaska | NEP | lon_start |
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | DOGEE-II | Lon_Start |
sinking particles | Sinking Particles | SEEDS I | lon_start |
Suspended particles underway | Suspended particles from ship’s surface intake | Chief Sci KM1910 | lon_start |
Tow log and catch data | Tow log | Windowpane Bycatch | lon_start |
trawl catch - CCS | Trawl catches, abundance, biomass | NEP | lon_begin |
trawl catch - GoA | CGOA trawl data | NEP | lon_begin |
tucker and bongo net metadata - CGoA | Metadata for tucker trawls and bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2001 - 2003 | NEP | lon_start |
tucker catch - CGoA LTOP | Zooplankton catch data from Tucker trawl from CGOA LTOP cruises, 2001-2003 | NEP | lon_start |
Video transects (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for all video transects taken with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | start_longitude |
viral and bacterial counts | Viral and bacterial counts from filtered water, stained with SYBR Green and counted using epifluorescent microscopy. | Deep Atlantic DOM | lon_start |
WP2 net metadata - CGoA LTOP | WP2 net - meta data, 2001-2002 | NEP | lon_start |
WS1010_CTD | CTD data from cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico, May-June 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | lon_start |
zooplankton biovols from canyons | Zooplankton biovolumes from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, 2009 to 2012 | Canyon Krill | lon_start |
zooplankton counts and abundances | Zooplankton counts and abundances from net tows in Trondheimsfjord, Norway in spring 2012 | Calanus_Diapause | lon_start |
zooplankton dispvols MOC GoMaine | Zooplankton displacement volumes from MOCNESS tows in the Gulf of Maine | Krill GoME | lon_start |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | lon_start |
zoo_cb_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | lon_begin |
zoo_cb_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter3 count data from GSO/URI - MOCNESS 1m2 only | GB | lon_begin |
zoo_cb_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | lon_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | lon_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter2 count from GSO/URI - 1m2 MOCNESS nets only | GB | lon_begin |
zoo_sq_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | lon_begin |