234Th flux in epipelagic waters at Station ALOHA and the Equatorial Pacific from R/V Kilo Moana cruises KM1407, KM1418, & KM1515 during 2014-2015 | Season
| Season |
Algal cover from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 | season
| season |
Algal cover from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 | season and year of survey
| season_year |
Percent cover and abundance of algae and invertebrates in the rocky intertidal zone from Bodega Marine Reserve, CA from 2004-2013 (Intertidal Diversity project) | season of sampling. exact dates vary from year to year. Spring (April-May); Summer (July-August) Fall (October-November); Winter (January-Feb)
| season |
Algal species ID from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 (HERBVRE project) | season
| season |
Amino acid enantiomeric ratios (D/L) of high and low molecular weight (HMW, LMW) DOM collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | Season of sample collection
| season |
Sample log for 16S and 18S rDNA amplicons sequenced with 454 technology collected on the R/V Atlantic Explorer BATS site in 2012 (DimBio NABE project) | season sample taken
| season |
BIOS-SCOPE survey biogeochemical data as collected on Atlantic Explorer cruises (AE1614, AE1712, AE1819, AE1916) from 2016 through 2019 | Season designation where 1=Mixed, 2=Spring Transition, 3=Stratified, 4=Fall Transition
| Season |
Percent cover of healthy and bleached coral in Pacific Panama using the transect method in 2019 | season and year that the transect was taken
| Time |
Bottle data including phosphate, nitrate, total nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, silicate, chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC, PON), and biogenic silica from multiple cruises to the southern Ross Sea, 2001-2006 (IVARS project) | season of sampling
| season |
Bulk sediment organic matter composition of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014. | Season at time of sampling
| season |
Carbon and nitrogen data from kelp determined during seasonal global change experiments examining the effects of seasonal variation in light availability and nutrients on the response of three high-latitude kelp species | Seasonal experiment ID (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020)
| Season |
Comparison of recruitment dynamics in five intertidal marine invertebrates following mass mortality along the northeastern Pacific coastline in 2005 (CHIPS project) | sequential sampling season number
| season |
Data describing interactions between colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014. | Season sampling occurred
| season |
Concentrations of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014. | Season at time of sampling
| Season |
Impacts of turf-coral interactions from allelopathy experiments in Mo'orea, French Polynesia during austral summer (Mar 2022) and austral winter (Sep 2022) | Indicates season for the experiment (either austral summer or austral winter)
| Season |
Linear extension measurements of species from two common morphotypes of coralline algae found in Sitka Sound, AK. from 2017 - 2019 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | season of field deployment (summer vs winter)
| season |
Crustracean population surveys pre- and post-hurricane Irma from seagrass flats in the Florida Keys, USA from 2017 to 2019 | Season of sample collection
| Season |
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020 | sampling season
| Season |
Sea urchin (Diadema mexicanum) counts from video transects of reefs off Pacific Panama collected between 2016 and 2018 | Time of the year when the data were collected (Spring or Fall)
| Season |
Diel carbonate and nutrient chemistry reported for different benthic reef communities under ambient and acidified conditions during summer and winter | Season during which experiments were conducted
| Season |
DOC and DON concentrations of waters collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | Season of sample collection
| season |
Faunal ID, size and biomass on oyster reefs in Quonochontaug Pond, RI from July-August 2018 and September-October 2018 | season of tray deployment (summer or fall)
| season |
Results from feeding assays conducted as part of seasonal global change experiments examining the effects of seasonal variation in light availability and nutrients on the response of three high-latitude kelp species | Seasonal experiment ID from which algal tissue was sourced (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020)
| Season |
Fish species counts in 3, 20x40 m transects, Panama, 1980-2010 (EPac Corals projects I-VII) | dry season: Jan-Apr; wet season: May-Dec
| season |
High and low molecular weight (HMW, LMW) DOC 14C collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | Season of sample collection
| season |
HMW and LMW DOC recovery parameters from waters collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | Season of sample collection
| season |
Mesozooplankton community biomass (wet and dry weight) for total and 5 size classes using samples collected by net tows during cruises at Station ALOHA from February 1994 (HOT-52) to September 2022 (HOT-339). | Season of sampling where 1=Winter, 2=Spring, 3=Summer, 4=Fall
| Season |
Gulf of Maine Inshore Trawl Survey: Length Frequency Data from F/V Robert Michael, F/V Tara Lynn NEC-JS2000-1 along the Maine and New Hampshire coasts from 2000-2004 (NEC-CoopRes project) | season of year i.e. spring or fall
| season |
Inshore trawl lobster condition from F/V Robert Michael, F/V Tara Lynn NEC-JS2000-1 along the the Maine and New Hampshire coasts from 2000-2004 (NEC-CoopRes project) | season of year i.e. spring or fall
| season |
Gulf of Maine Inshore Trawl Survey: maturity stage length, weight for selected species from F/V Robert Michael, F/V Tara Lynn NEC-JS2000-1 along the Maine and NH coasts from 2000-2004 (NEC-CoopRes project) | season of year i.e. spring or fall
| season |
Marine and Freshwater Energy Density Data Integrated and Organized by Taxonomy from Previous Research Sources (1961 through June 2024) Discovered by a Literature Review | Information from the original source about the time of year when the sample(s) were collected. Includes the season, month, or—when a number is provided—the median day of year across sampling dates.
| Season_or_doy |
Intertidal community diversity surveys at 23 sites in California, USA and Baja California, Mexico across tidal elevations from 2022-2023 | Season in which the survey was conducted; Spring (all regions), Fall (SoCal only)
| Season |
Invertebrate survey counts in the rocky intertidal zone from Bodega Marine Reserve, CA, 2004-2013 (Intertidal Diversity project) | season of sampling. exact dates vary from year to year. Spring (April-May); Summer (July-August) Fall (October-November); Winter (January-Feb)
| season |
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014. | Season at time of sampling
| Season |
Kelp growth data from seasonal global change experiments examining the effects of seasonal variation in light availability and nutrients on the response of three high-latitude kelp species | Seasonal experiment ID (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020)
| Season |
Spring and summer 2019 seston, excretion, and tissue C:N:P data for quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Lakes Michigan and Huron | Season sampling occurred
| Season |
Upward vertical growth of P. damicornis measured from a dye line, 2018-2019 | S (spring); F (Fall)
| Time_Period |
Concentrations of mercury forms and ancillary parameters in size fractionated plankton samples and in water collected during 2014 from Long Island Sound and the adjacent shelf | Season of sample collection (Spring, Summer, Fall)
| Season |
Organized and quality-controlled CalCOFI data for CTD casts and bottle measurements from CalCOFI stations between La Jolla, California to Point Conception between 1984-2019 | Season for data. Winter (December, January, February); Spring (March, April, May); Summer (June, July, August); and Fall (September, October, November).
| Season |
Maximum depths of the visual luminoxyscape for four species of marine invertebrate larvae from CalCOFI stations between La Jolla, California to Point Conception between 1984-2019 | Season for data. Winter (December, January, February); Spring (March, April, May); Summer (June, July, August); and Fall (September, October, November)
| Season |
Biogeochemistry data from Maunalua Bay, Hawaii measured on four dates between April and October 2015 | Season: SPRING or FALL
| Season |
Relative growth rate of Gracilaria in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 2013 (Gracilaria effects project) | season the data was sampled (see manuscript for details)
| season |
C and N isotope data for Ross, Weddell, and crabeater seal tissues from west Antarctica collected during multiple field seasons from 2008-2010 | Year and season of sample collection
| Collection_year_and_season |
Adult fish biomass of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem from NOAA Ship Trawl-Survey-Vessel NEFSC-Bottom_Trawl in the Coast of U.S. between Cape Hatteras and Nova Scotia from 1963-2013 (NEFSCBottomTrawl project) | Spring or Fall
| season |
Plankton net flow meter calibration data from the R/V Gaia cruise off of La Jolla, California in July 2015 (Nearshore larval transport project) | season: summer = 1; fall=2
| season |
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013 | The season when the water sample was collected and filtered and when the in situ measurements were performed in the field.
| Season |
Nearshore Larval Transport (NLT) temperature time-series data from nearshore La Jolla, Southern California, 2014-2016 | season: spring or fall
| season |
Abundance and proportion of adult fish species of the Northeast U.S. Shelf; bottom trawl surveys were conducted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) during 1977-1987 and 1999-2008 | 1 digit code for sample season: 1=spring and 2=fall.
| season |
Abundance and proportion of ichthyoplankton of the Northeast U.S. Shelf from surveys conducted during the MARMAP (1977-1987) and EcoMon (1999-2008) programs. | 1 digit code for bimonthly sample collection period: 1=January-February; 2=March-April; 3=May-June; 4=July-August; 5=September-October; 6=November-December.
| season |