32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | | Sea-Bird Electronics CTD (SBE9plus) |
17D and isotopic ratios from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Oxygen was measured by using a Seabird SBE 43 oxygen sensor mounted on an SBE 9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD).
| SBE 9plus CTD |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | | Sea-Bird Electronics CTD (SBE9plus) |
ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | CTD casts were perfomed using a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE-09 plus (24 bottle Niskin rosette).
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Ammonia and urea-derived-N oxidation rates measured using 15N additions from San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | From 2014 to 2015, water samples were collected using a 12 x 12 L Niskin bottle rosette equipped with a conductivity, temperature, and density (CTD) instrument package (SBE 9plus, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, USA), including dissolved oxygen (SBE 43) and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR, LI-COR, Biospherical Instruments Inc., San Diego, California, USA) sensors. Due to CTD failure, samples collected in 2015 and 2016 were collected primarily using manually triggered Go-Flo bottles and depths were chosen primarily using a profiling natural fluorometer (PNF) system as well as secchi disk.
| SBE 9plus |
CTD data from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in Nov-Dec 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD data collected in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California from R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in 2018 and R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | Used with a Sea-Bird SBE11plus deck unit
| Sea-Bird SBE 9 CTD rosette used for data and sample collection |
Bottle data from CTD casts conducted on R/V Sally Ride cruise SR1805 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean from March to April 2018 | | Sea-Bird SBE 9 CTD |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Sea-Bird SBE 9
| Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
Bottle Data from multiple cruises in the Gulf of Maine, NA4, 43 30N, 69 00W, Gulf of Maine, Mass Bay to Bay of Fundy, Cape Cod Bay, 2003-2010 (ALEX-GoME project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Bottle sampling from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine | Sea-Bird SBE 9 CTD data measurements
| Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
Seawater carbonate chemistry and dissolved oxygen of discrete samples taken in Puget Sound, WA during R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruises CB1073 and CB1078 in 2017. | Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD profiler equipped with Niskin bottles
| Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD profiler |
Bottle data (including temperature, salinity, density, O2) from CTD rosettes from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD data from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2110 in the Chesapeake Bay during August 2021 | A conductivity, temperature, and pressure instrument package (SBE9, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.A) attached to the Niskin bottle rosette used for sample collection.
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD data from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2212 in the Chesapeake Bay during August 2022 | | Sea-Bird 9 |
Ammonia oxidation rates from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruises HRS1316 and HRS1317 in Chesapeake Bay from August to September of 2013 | | |
Ammonium concentrations from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruises HRS1316 and HRS1317 in Chesapeake Bay from August to September of 2013 | | |
Dinitrogen to argon ratios (N2:Ar) from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS1317 in Chesapeake Bay in September of 2013 | | |
Nitrate concentrations from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruises HRS1316 and HRS1317 in the Chesapeake Bay from August to September of 2013 | | |
Nitrite concentrations from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruises HRS1316 and HRS1317 in Chesapeake Bay from August to September of 2013 | | |
Nitrous oxide concentrations from CTD bottle samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruises HRS1316 and HRS1317 in Chesapeake Bay from August to September of 2013 | | |
Size-fractionated chlorophyll from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN210 in the Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific in 2007 (Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Fluorometrically measured, extracted concentrations of chlorophyll-a sampled from CTD hydrocasts on R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | | CTD SBE 9 |
Chlorophyll a data from R/V Seward Johnson and R/V Knorr cruises collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific from 2007-2009 (ETP project) | | |
CTD bottle data from R/V Pelican cruises PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Discrete samples from CTD casts from R/V Melville cruises MV1209 and MV1217 from Coastal California San Diego Margin in 2012 (SeapHOx project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD profiles from R/V Melville cruises MV1209 and MV1217 from Coastal California San Diego Margin in 2012 (SeapHOx project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD profiles from the R/V Kilo Moana KM0701 cruise in the South Pacific during 2007 (WP2 project) |
href="http://bcodata.whoi.edu/WP2/Formats_of_data_2007.pdf">See: Formats_of_data_2007.pdf
href="http://bcodata.whoi.edu/WP2/thsl_cal.pdf">See: thsl_cal.pdf
Parameters from .cnv file:
# name 0 = scan: Scan Count
# name 1 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db]
# name 2 = t068C: Temperature [ITS-68, deg C]
# name 3 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m]
# name 4 = sbeox0Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg]
# name 5 = flSP: Fluorescence, Seapoint
# name 6 = par: PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor
# name 7 = nbf: Bottles Fired
# name 8 = sal00: Salinity [PSU]
# name 9 = sigma-é00: Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3]
# name 10 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
# name 11 = nbin: number of scans per bin
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD profile data from R/V Pelican cruises PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE07-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD profile data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN210 in the Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific in 2007 (Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton project) | Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File:
FileName = G:Data21000101.hex
Software Version Seasave V 7.0h
Temperature SN = 2131
Conductivity SN = 2881
Number of Bytes Per Scan = 41
Number of Voltage Words = 4
Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1
Append System Time to Every Scan
System UpLoad Time = Aug 18 2007 01:25:56
NMEA Latitude = 54 35.96 N
NMEA Longitude = 134 03.38 W
NMEA UTC (Time) = Aug 18 2007 01:25:53
Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan
Ship: Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise name: NRL #4
Cruise number: TN208
nquan = 25
nvalues = 200
units = specified
name 0 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db]
name 1 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m]
name 2 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
name 3 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]
name 4 = c0mS/cm: Conductivity [mS/cm]
name 5 = c1mS/cm: Conductivity, 2 [mS/cm]
name 6 = altM: Altimeter [m]
name 7 = latitude: Latitude [deg]
name 8 = longitude: Longitude [deg]
name 9 = timeS: Time, Elapsed [seconds]
name 10 = timeY: Time, System [seconds]
name 11 = flECO-AFL: Fluorescence, Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3]
name 12 = par: PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor
name 13 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]
name 14 = xmiss: Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar [%]
name 15 = sigma-é00: Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3]
name 16 = sigma-t00: Density [sigma-t, Kg/m^3 ]
name 17 = sigma-é11: Density, 2 [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3]
name 18 = sigma-t11: Density, 2 [sigma-t, Kg/m^3 ]
name 19 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
name 20 = potemp190C: Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]
name 21 = sal00: Salinity [PSU]
name 22 = sal11: Salinity, 2 [PSU]
name 23 = svCM: Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero, m/s]
name 24 = flag: flag
span 0 = 2.000, 103.000
span 1 = 1.980, 102.049
span 2 = 6.3851, 15.1536
span 3 = 6.3859, 15.6442
span 4 = 33.069511, 37.810101
span 5 = 33.071484, 38.161823
span 6 = 0.94, 124.52
span 7 = 54.59930, 54.59938
span 8 = -134.05646, -134.05640
span 9 = 81.537, 854.430
span 10 = 1187400437, 1187401210
span 11 = -0.0742, 6.2105
span 12 = 7.3999e+00, 9.3234e+01
span 13 = 3.72266, 7.10852
span 14 = 77.4994, 97.1311
span 15 = 22.2944, 26.0131
span 16 = 22.2943, 26.0120
span 17 = 22.1385, 26.0138
span 18 = 22.1384, 26.0127
span 19 = 6.3763, 15.1533
span 20 = 6.3772, 15.6439
span 21 = 30.2677, 33.1114
span 22 = 30.2021, 33.1124
span 23 = 1475.56, 1501.69
span 24 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00
interval = decibars: 1
start_time = Aug 18 2007 01:25:56
bad_flag = -9.990e-29
sensor 0 = Frequency 0 temperature, primary, 2131, 23-jan-07
sensor 1 = Frequency 1 conductivity, primary, 2881, 17-jan-07, cpcor = -9.5700e-08
sensor 2 = Frequency 2 pressure, 34901, 01-Feb-2007
sensor 3 = Frequency 3 temperature, secondary, 1703, 23-jan-07
sensor 4 = Frequency 4 conductivity, secondary, 0855, 17-jan-07, cpcor = -9.5700e-08
sensor 5 = Extrnl Volt 2 WET Labs, ECO_AFL
sensor 6 = Extrnl Volt 3 transmissometer, primary, CST-401DR, 09-feb-2007
sensor 7 = Extrnl Volt 4 Oxygen, SBE, primary, 0023, 12 oct 2006
sensor 8 = Extrnl Volt 5 altimeter
sensor 9 = Extrnl Volt 6 irradiance (PAR), primary, 4747, 10-July-2006
datcnv_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:31, 5.37e
datcnv_in = g:data21000101.hex g:data21000101.CON
datcnv_skipover = 0
wildedit_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:32, 5.37e
wildedit_in = g:data21000101.cnv
wildedit_pass1_nstd = 2.0
wildedit_pass2_nstd = 20.0
wildedit_pass2_mindelta = 0.000e+000
wildedit_npoint = 100
wildedit_vars = prDM depSM t090C t190C c0mS/cm c1mS/cm flECO-AFL par sbeox0ML/L xmiss
wildedit_excl_bad_scans = yes
celltm_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:33, 5.37e
celltm_in = g:data21000101.cnv
celltm_alpha = 0.0300, 0.0300
celltm_tau = 7.0000, 7.0000
celltm_temp_sensor_use_for_cond = primary, secondary
filter_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:33, 5.37e
filter_in = g:data21000101.cnv
filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.030
filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.150
filter_low_pass_A_vars = prDM
filter_low_pass_B_vars = c0mS/cm c1mS/cm
loopedit_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:34, 5.37e
loopedit_in = g:data21000101.cnv
loopedit_minVelocity = 0.000
loopedit_surfaceSoak: minDepth = 5.0, maxDepth = 20, useDeckPress = 1
loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes
binavg_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:34, 5.37e
binavg_in = g:data21000101.cnv
binavg_bintype = decibars
binavg_binsize = 1
binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes
binavg_skipover = 0
binavg_surface_bin = no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000
Derive_date = Aug 18 2007 03:36:34, 5.37e
Derive_in = g:data21000101.cnv g:data21000101.CON
file_type = ascii
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD station locations from R/V Melville cruises MV1209 and MV1217 from Coastal California San Diego Margin in 2012 (SeapHOx project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD station locations from R/V Pelican PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE07-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD casts from the SPIROPA project from R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904 and R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368 to the New England Shelfbreak in 2018 and 2019 | Sea-Bird SBE 9
| Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
CTD bottle data from R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 off the Central California Coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | Sensor and calibration information for all casts can be found in the original .btl file zip file available on the dataset landing page: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/701430
| |
CTD profiles acquired in Puget Sound, WA aboard R/V Clifford A. Barnes during cruises CB1073 and CB1078 in 2017. | Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD profiler equipped with a pH sensor (SBE 18), oxygen sensor (SBE 43), fluorometer (WETLabs ECO-AFL), and Niskin bottles.
| Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD profiler |
CTD data from R/V Seward Johnson and R/V Knorr cruises collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific from 2007-2009 (ETP project) | | |
CTD data from the equatorial and north Pacific from R/V Knorr cruise KN195-03 in 2009 (Subseafloor Microbial Life project) | CTD Hydrocasts were performed with a Sea-Bird SBE 9 mounted near the base of a Niskin 24 Bottle Rosette.
| Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
CTD profiles from R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 off the Central California Coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | Sensor and calibration information for all casts can be found in the original .btl file zip file available on the dataset landing page: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/701430
| |
CTD profiles collected on the NW Atlantic shelf off New England during the R/V Connecticut (CT2015-08) cruise during August 2015 (Ciliate Diversity project) | SeaBird CTD equipped with conductivity and twin temperature sensors, SBE 43 oxygen sensor, and WETLabs WETstar fluorometer.
| |
CTD station profile data from R/V Atlantis AT15-44 in the Pacific, off Costa Rica from February to March 2009 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project) |
Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]
Fluorescence, Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3]
Software Version Seasave V 7.18 | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD cast profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN402 from the Mediterranean Sea (MedFlux project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD cast profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN416 from the Mediterranean Sea (MedFlux project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD profiles collected with RV Connecticut on the Continental shelf and slope south of Montauk, NY on 14-15 June 2022. | | |
CTD hydrography from bottle casts for euphotic zone experiments from R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Sampling instruments consisted of a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE9plus CTD with dual pumps (SBE5), dual temperature (SBE3plus), reference temperature (SBE35RT), dual conductivity (SBE4C), dissolved oxygen (SBE43), transmissometer (Wetlabs), fluorometer (Wetlabs CDOM), and PAR sensor (Biospherical).
| CTD SBE 9 |
CTD cast sheets from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301, and KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
CTD data from 39 stations from R/V Cape Hatteras cruise CH0112 in the Northwest Atlantic Continental Shelf in 2012 (CiliateSequencing project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
All cruise CTD profiles, at 1 decibar intervals, from R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project) | Sampling instruments consisted of a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE9plus CTD with dual pumps (SBE5), dual temperature (SBE3plus), reference temperature (SBE35RT), dual conductivity (SBE4C), dissolved oxygen (SBE43), transmissometer (Wetlabs), fluorometer (Wetlabs CDOM), and PAR sensor (Biospherical).
| CTD SBE 9 |
Processed CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1301 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean in 2013 (POWOW project) | | CTD SBE 9 |
Processed CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2013-2013 (POWOW project) | | CTD SBE 9 |
Processed CTD data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN277 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean in March 2012 (POWOW project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO using samples from the R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | | |
Ammonia oxidation, nitrite oxidation, and nitrate reduction rates from R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) cruise in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville (MV1104) cruise in Mar-Apr 2011 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific | SBE9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package
| SBE9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package |
Dissolved nitrite and ammonium concentration data from R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) cruise in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville (MV1104) cruise in Mar-Apr 2011 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific | SeaBird 9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package (SeaBird Electronics, Bellevue, WA).
| SBE9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package |
Water column amoA and Nitrospina-like 16S rRNA gene abundances from qPCR in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific using seawater collected on R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) cruise in Jan-Feb 2010 and R/V Melville (MV1104) cruise in Mar-Apr 2011. | SBE9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package (SeaBird Electronics, Bellevue, WA)
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 plus |
Bottle and CTD data from the CARNE ASADA project from R/V New Horizon GoCAL4 in the Gulf of California and eastern tropical North Pacific from July to August 2008 (CARNE ASADA project) | SBE 9 CTD was equipped with a Seapoint Fluorometer and Biospherical Instruments QSP-2300 PAR sensor.
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Processed CTD profile data from both rosettes (GTC and ODF) deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023 | | |
All measurements used in the gross oxygen production estimates; from samples collected on R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Oxygen was measured by using a Seabird SBE 43 oxygen sensor mounted on an SBE 9plus conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD).
| SBE 9plus CTD |
CTD profiles of temperature, oxygen, salinity, density, fluorescence, PAR, and pH collected in Hood Canal on cruises CB1072, CB1077, and RC008 during 2017 and 2018 | Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD profiler equipped with a pH sensor (SBE 18), oxygen sensor (SBE 43), fluorometer (WETLabs ECO-AFL), and Niskin bottles.
| Sea-Bird SBE9 CTD |
Proteins identified from the black smoker chimney Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av1 - on the Axial seamount off the coast of Washington in 2011. | Seabird 9plus CTD with temperature and conductivity sensors.
| CTD Seabird 9 plus |
Proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av2 | Seabird 9plus CTD with temperature and conductivity sensors.
| CTD Seabird 9 plus |
Silicon uptake rates from samples collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | Sensor and calibration information for all casts can be found in the original .btl file zip file available on the dataset landing page: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/701430
| |
N2O concentrations from San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | From 2014 to 2015, water samples were collected using a 12 x 12 L Niskin bottle rosette equipped with a conductivity, temperature, and density (CTD) instrument package (SBE 9plus, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, USA), including dissolved oxygen (SBE 43) and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR, LI-COR, Biospherical Instruments Inc., San Diego, California, USA) sensors. Due to CTD failure, samples collected in 2015 and 2016 were collected primarily using manually triggered Go-Flo bottles and depths were chosen primarily using a profiling natural fluorometer (PNF) system as well as secchi disk.
| SBE 9plus |
CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus cruise OC1703A along the Northern California continental shelf in March of 2017 (Deep Sediment N Fix project) | | Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
Pigment concentrations (HPLC) from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station (BATS) from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | CTD casts were perfomed using a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE-09 plus (24 bottle Niskin rosette).
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Vertical profiles of primary productivity from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN210 in the Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific in 2007 (Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Size-fractioned primary production rates from samples collected on R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station in 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | CTD casts were perfomed using a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE-09 plus (24 bottle Niskin rosette).
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Primary production from the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | From 2014 to 2015, water samples were collected using a 12 x 12 L Niskin bottle rosette equipped with a conductivity, temperature, and density (CTD) instrument package (SBE 9plus, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, USA), including dissolved oxygen (SBE 43) and photosynthetically available radiation (PAR, LI-COR, Biospherical Instruments Inc., San Diego, California, USA) sensors. Due to CTD failure, samples collected in 2015 and 2016 were collected primarily using manually triggered Go-Flo bottles and depths were chosen primarily using a profiling natural fluorometer (PNF) system as well as secchi disk.
| SBE 9plus |
Ammonium, total nitrate and nitrite, nitrite, and flow cytometry profiles in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from March to April 2018 | CTD: Sea-Bird 9. CTD data processed with Seasave V7.26.7.107
| CTD Sea-Bird 9 |
Seasonal hydrography, abundance, and distribution of pteropods from MOCNESS and CTD casts during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2013 to 2015 | CTD casts were also routinely conducted at the Murray Basin site using 3-L Niskin bottles and a SBE3/SBR4 sensor set, to characterizing the local hydrography (salinity, temperature, fluorescence, dissolved oxygen, and beam transmission) and carbonate chemistry.
| |
RR2311 bottle data from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023 | | Sea-Bird 9 |
Physical meta associated with marine metagenome samples collected collected on the R/V Cape Hatteras (CH0112) cruise in the NW Atlantic Continental Shelf during 2015 (CiliateSequencing project) | | |
Sample logs from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program on R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS110714EN, HRS120711EN) in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay during 2011-2012 (TRANSPORT project) | | |
CTD data from R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in May-June 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | | CTD Sea-Bird 9 |