16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | 16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | Quantitative coral microbiomes | transect |
Abalone Recruitment Modules | | Abalone Safe Places | BART_transect |
accessory transects | Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Transect_num |
ADCP Transects | ADCP Transects | MuLTI-2 | Transect_Id |
AE1913 R2R ELOG | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | Transect |
Algal Habitat Coverage | Algal Habitat Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | Survey_Num |
ascidian space | Ascidian coverage change from removal expts. in rocky intertidal MPA | Subtidal Preserves | transect |
Beach Characteristics | Physical characteristics of sandy beaches | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Transect |
Belize core data | MBRS coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | transect |
Benthic community composition from Heron Island (2015-2020) | Benthic community composition from Heron Island (2015-2020) | Coral Resilience | Transect |
Benthic cover | The benthic cover of six study sites | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
Benthic cover data | Percent coverage of coral, algae, and inverts. | DisturbImpactsCoral | quad |
Benthic cover data in and out of MPA | Benthic data collected inside/outside each MPA border. | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
Benthic cover quadrats and photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | TransectNum |
Benthic Invertebrate Abundances associated with Octocoral Forests of St. John, US Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Transect_Num |
Bigelow Bight fish and lg inverts | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - large inverts & fish | NEC-CoopRes | transect_num |
Biodiversity of fish feeding groups | Biodiversity of fish feeding groups in Fiji | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
Biomass and density data | Biomass and density of MPAs and non-MPAs in Fiji | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
Biomass of fish feeding groups | Biomass of fish feeding groups in Fiji | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
bird obs - metadata | Supporting data for Bird Obs from NEP NCC R/V New Horizon | NEP | trans_no, trans_id |
birds | Birds from NEP NCC, R/V New Horizon | NEP | trans_id, trans_no |
bleaching transects 2019 | bleaching transects 2019 | Coral Climate ETP | Transect |
Braun-Blanquet Seagrass Surveys for PN clusters | | Reef Production Drivers | transect |
chiton density | Chiton density from removal expts. in rocky intertidal Marine Protected Areas, San Juan Islands | Subtidal Preserves | transect |
Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment data collected in 2018 off the Oregon Coast | NCC Pyrosomes | Transect |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log application (ELOG) | Amended Elog - AT50-10 cruise, AUV Clio | CliOMZ | Transect |
Colony monitoring | Coral health survey, Guam 2014 | Reef Resilience in Guam | transect |
Colony to colony interactions | Data describing the types of interactions between colonies. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | transect, meter |
Community composition of corals in Palau determined by quantitative transects | Community composition of corals in Palau determined by quantitative transects | Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal | Transect |
Community survey data on invertebrate and algal density | Kelp forest community surveys on invertebrate and algal density. | Kelp_Forest_Resilience | transect |
Coral cover Jarvis | Coral cover Jarvis | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | transect_ID |
coral percent cover | Percent cover of coral and other sessile invertebrates at Caribbean reefs | Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease | transect |
Coral Species Counts | Coral Species Counts | Coral microbiome resilience | Side |
Coral Species Frequency | Frequency of coral species richness in 36 cm × 36 cm quadrats from field surveys. | Killer Seaweeds | Transect |
Coral surveys | Coral surveys | Coral Reef Adjustment | Transect |
CTD | CTD data collected off the Oregon Coast | NCC Pyrosomes | Transect |
CTD - Downcasts | CTD - Downcasts | MuLTI-2 | Transect_Id |
CTD - Stations | CTD station info | MuLTI-2 | Transect_Id |
CTD bottle data from RR2201 | | BLOOFINZ-IO | transect |
CTD downcast from RR2201 | | BLOOFINZ-IO | transect |
Density | Blue mussel density | MuLTI-2 | Transect |
Diadema mexicanum population densities in Pacific Panama 2016-2018 | | Coral Climate ETP | Transect |
Distribution of sea fans | Distribution | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | Transect |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Algae | | Abalone Safe Places | TRANSECT |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Fish | | Abalone Safe Places | TRANSECT |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates | | Abalone Safe Places | TRANSECT |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: UPC | | Abalone Safe Places | TRANSECT |
Eelgrass Disease Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Transect |
Eelgrass Shoot Density | Eelgrass meadow conditions assessed from eelgrass shoot density measurements | Eelgrass disease | Transect |
Eelgrass Shoot Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Transect |
Effect of lionfish in seagrass open area habitats | Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in open areas. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | transect_direction, transect_number, transect_distance |
event log | scientific sampling events from R2R ELOG event logger | LatMix | Transect |
event log | Scientific sampling event log from cruise KN207-01 | SargassoSeaLipids | transect |
event log | Scientific sampling event log from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | transect |
event logs | scientific sampling event log | OAPS | transect |
eventlog_Endeavor | Event logs from Krill Gulf of Maine cruises EN484 and EN487 | Krill GoME | transect |
Fire coral colonies | Number of fire coral colonies | RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | Survey |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | TransectNum |
Fish count data | Percent coverage of coral, algae, and inverts. | DisturbImpactsCoral | transect_width, transect |
Fish observations | Fish observations corresponding to one observation of a fish or group of conspecific fish. | Goby size-selection | transect |
fish species counts | Fish species counts in 3, 20x40 m transects, Panama (1980-2010) | EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VII, EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VI, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: III, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: II, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: IV, EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: V, EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: I | transect |
Fish surveys 1999-2015 | Fish surveys, 1999-2015 | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | transect |
Florida Keys coral growth | FKRT coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | transect |
Florida Straits ISIIS physical environment data | Physical data collected by at towed plankton imaging system in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | transect |
flow cytometer | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl) fcm Ev & Barry Sherr Flow Cytometry Counts of Bacteria, Synecho, and PEUK | NEP | transect |
Gelatinous zooplankton observations | Gelatinous zooplankton observations, March 2022 - AUgust 2023 | Plankton Size Spectra | Transect |
GOMEPRO: ADCP Transects | ADCP GoME, 2015-2016 | GOMEPRO | Transect |
GOMEPRO: ADCP/CTD transect log | ADCP/CTD transect log | GOMEPRO | Transect |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Profiles | CTD profiles | GOMEPRO | Transect |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Stations | CTD stations | GOMEPRO | transect |
Gorgonia ventalina size and density (for PeerJ) | Gorgonia ventalina size and density, 2013-2019 | RUI-LTREB | Transect |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species from Super GeoFish | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Super-GeoFish | EPZT_Redox_Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SECT_ID |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species profiles from bottle samples | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Go-FLO bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | SECT_ID |
GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE | Transect |
herring spawing grounds_acoustic locations | Inshore Gulf of Maine Survey of Atlantic Herring Sentinel Spawning Grounds, 2006: Acoustic time and location data | NEC-CoopRes | transect |
HOBO temperatures from eelgrass field surveys | | Eelgrass disease | Transect |
ice_thickness | Ice thickness transect data | SOGLOBEC, Sea Ice Microbes, Crabeater Seal Foraging | transect_id |
Identity and Heights of Octocoral Species | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Transect_Position, Side_of_transect, Meter_Side |
Invertebrate Species Counts | Invertebrate Species Counts | Urchin metapopulations | SurveyNum |
Island grazing history | | OA Kelp Forest Function | transect |
Kelp study transect locations | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Transect |
Larval fish identifications and concentrations | Ichtyoplankton identifications and concentrations MOCNESS tows | MEZCAL | Transect |
Larval Sebastes Diet and Morphometric Data | | RAPID Anchovy Response | Line |
Long-term juvenile coral data | Temperature and rainfall data for St. John USVI. | St. John LTREB | Quadrat |
Long-term population dynamics of scleractinian corals | Percent cover of coral in photoquadrats | St. John LTREB | Quadrat |
Long-term random site coral coverage from USVI | Temperature and rainfall data for St. John USVI. | St. John LTREB | Quadrat |
Macroalgal growth and loss: M. pyrifera frond growth | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Transect |
Macroalgal growth and loss: understory blade growth | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Transect |
MBRS coral survey 2014 | MBRS coral survey | Thermal History and Coral Growth | transect |
MBRS SST 2003-2015: MUR and HOBO | MBRS SST 2003-205: Symbiodinium study | Thermal History and Coral Growth | transect |
Mesophotic benthic organism counts | | Hurricane impacts on deep reefs | Transect |
MOCNESS Filtered Volumes | | MEZCAL | Transect |
Nearest neighbor surveys | Data describing the nearest neighbor of sampled individuals. | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | transect, meter |
nutrients and chlorophyll | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl) | NEP | transect |
octocoral | Transect surveys of octocoral species abundance | Octocorals and Hurricanes | Transect_Position, Meter_on_transect |
octocoral transects - adult colony height | Adult octocoral height measurements from transects | VI Octocorals, St. John LTREB | transect_pos, transect_m |
Octocoral Forest Composition and Canopy Parameters used in Benthic Community Analysis, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Transect_Num |
Octocoral Recruitment | Octocoral Recruitment 2014-2019 | Octocoral Community Dynamics, VI Octocorals | Transect_Position, Side_transect, Meter_transect |
Octocoral Recruitment | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Side_of_transect, Transect_Position |
Octocoral size frequency | Size frequency | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | Quadrat_No, Transect, Side |
Octocoral species abundances 2018 | Octocoral species abundances 2018 | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Transect_Position |
Octocorals at East Cabritte and Europa Bay | Octocorals on St. John | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | transect_pos, transect_side, transect_m |
opc_ccs_alt | Display of OPC data with size classes in rows, not separate columns. | NEP | transect |
opc_ccs_nonzero | OPC data where biomass values of 0 have been removed from display | NEP | transect |
opc_ccs_orig | Optical Plankton Counter data from process cruises | NEP | transect |
Oyster reef survey totals | Survey totals | Oyster Reef Reversal | transect |
Oyster survival differences in high quality reef | | Identifying molecules of fear | transect_ID |
Oyster survival differences in low quality reef | | Identifying molecules of fear | transect_ID |
Parrotfish surveys | Parrotfish surveys | Coral Reef Adjustment | transect |
Percent cover of sessile invertebrates and algae | Percent cover of sessile invertebrates and algae. | Kelp_Forest_Resilience | transect |
percent cover PI | Percent cover of coral in pacific Panama using the coral point count method | Coral Climate ETP | Transect |
percent cover-inverts macroalgae | Percent cover by sessile invertebrates and macroalgae from removal expts. in rocky intertidal MPA | Subtidal Preserves | transect |
Peyssonnelia abundance | Peyssonnelia abundance along the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands from surveys during 2015 | RUI-LTREB | Transect_Number |
Predator size and abundance from oyster reciprocal transplant experiment | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | Quad_num |
Pyrosomes - Cam | Pyrosome counts from vertical video profiles, February - july 2018 | MEZCAL | Transect |
Pyrosomes - MOCNESS | | MEZCAL | Transect |
Raw Cover | | Sponge resilience | Transect |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey | Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey, 2017 | Varadero Reef | Transect |
reef disease PR | Disease prevalance at coral reefs at Puerto Rico in 2009-2010 | Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease | transect |
RR2201 Event Log | RR2201 Event Log | BLOOFINZ-IO | Transect_Cycle |
Rugosity | Rugosity | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | Transect_Position |
salmon_biodata | salmon length, weight, sex, stomach data, 2001-2004 | NEP | transect |
salmon_hauldata | haul data and salmon numbers caught and processed; 2001-2004 | NEP | transect |
scallop_wetdry_abund | Abundance of scallops after wet or dry storage methods, 2007 data | NEC-CoopRes | transect |
scallop_wetdry_size | Size of scallops after wet or dry storage methods, 2007 data | NEC-CoopRes | transect |
Seagrass Blade Height | | Reef Production Drivers | transect |
Seagrass Braun-Blanquet Surveys | Seagrass BB Surveys | Reef Production Drivers | Transect |
Seagrass Microbiome Data | | Eelgrass disease | Transect |
Seagrass surveys of blade height | | Reef Production Drivers | Transect |
SPE-DOC 13C from GO-SHIP cruises (2015 to 2018) | Stable carbon isotopes of DOC from GO-SHIP cruises | DOC 14C and 13C | GO_SHIP_Section |
Species richness | Species richness in MPAs | Killer Seaweeds | transect |
Species Sizes | Species Sizes | Urchin metapopulations | Survey_Num |
Sponge Density, Morphology, and Assemblages | | Sponge resilience | Transect |
Sponge density, morphology, benthos percent cover | Sponge density, morphology, percent cover, pre- and post-hurricane | Sponge resilience | Transect |
St John Octocoral Abundances 2019 | Octocoral colony heights measured during transect surveys at four sites on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands in June-October 2019 | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Transect_Position, Side_of_transect, Meter_on_transect |
St. John Octocoral Forest Closure Photo Analysis for Community Quadrats | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Transect_Num |
Substrate Coverage | Substrate Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | Survey_Num |
Survey disease oysters | Survey disease status and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | transect |
Survey Quadrats: organism sizes | Survey counts and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | transect |
Swimming Endurance | Ontogeny of swimming endurance of larval Amphiprion percula, Elacatinus lori, and Elacatinus colini from Belize in 2015. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | dist_cm, PA |
Tagged kelp size and depth | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Transect |
Transect information | Transect info | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Transect, Quadrats, Quadrat_size |
tucker and bongo net metadata - CGoA | Metadata for tucker trawls and bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2001 - 2003 | NEP | transect_name |
urchin density | Urchin density from removal expts. in rocky intertidal Marine Protected Areas, San Juan Islands | Subtidal Preserves | transect |
water and sediment geochemistry | Physical and geochemical measurements of water and sediments in Cape Fear River Estuary. | Estuarine ANAMMOX | transect |
Water Quality | Water Quality | Oyster Reef Reversal | Transect |
Water temperature at coral colonies | Water temperature at coral colony locations | Bleaching American Samoa | transect |
Whelk surveys | Surveys tracking the abundance of intermediate predator species with tidal elevation from 2014-2015 following sea star wasting disease | Sea star wasting | transect |
Wrack Composition and Abundance | Wrack composition and abundance on sandy beaches | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Transect |
yawzi point and tektite | Coral community structure at Yawazi Point and Tektite in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017 | RUI-LTREB | Transect_num |