4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | turbidity
| Turbidity_NTU |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | turbidity; calculated from the raw count value
| turb |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | raw turbidity reading
| turb_counts |
4Hz data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | turbidity
| Turbidity_NTU |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | turbidity; calculated from the raw count value
| turb |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | raw turbidity reading
| turb_counts |
Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin bottles and associated CTD data from R/V Hugh Sharp HRS1316, HRS1317 in mid-Chesapeake Bay, Aug-Sept. 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project) | Turbidity recorded by CTD sensors for each bottle
| Upoly0 |
Concentration of anchovies from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay collected by R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS100524JP, HRS100819JP, HRS100920JP, HRS110525JP, HRS110719JP, HRS110922JP) from 2010-2011 (DeZoZoo project) | turbidity measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Unites (NTU) from Wetlabs FLNTU
| turbidity |
Bottle profile data from the R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the Western North Atlantic Ocean from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | turbidity
| TurbWETntu0 |
CTD profile data from the R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the Western North Atlantic Ocean from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | Turbidity WET Labs ECO
| turbWETntu0 |
Phytoplankton and nutrients from R/V Sagar Kanya, R/V Sagar Sampada SK256, SS263, SS273, SS286 in the N. Arabian Sea from 2009-2011 (Arabian Sea Noctiluca project) | turbidity
| turbidity |
CTD data from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in Nov-Dec 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | Turbidity measured by WET Labs ECO. Originally named 'turbWetntu0'.
| turbidity |
CTD data collected in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California from R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in 2018 and R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | Turbidity, WET Labs ECO
| turbWETntu0 |
Bag Seine Catch Data in Bays along the Texas Coast from 1982 to 2016 | Turbidity
| Turbidity |
Survey biogeochemical data from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Turbidity; 1st sensor
| Turbidity |
Niskin bottle data, including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, etc, from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | Average turbidity. Column originally named 'Upoly0'.
| turbidity_avg |
Niskin bottle data, including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, etc, from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | Maximum turbidity.
| turbidity_max |
Niskin bottle data, including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, etc, from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | Minimum turbidity.
| turbidity_min |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | turbWETntu0: Turbidity, WET Labs ECO
| turb |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Average Turbidity WET Labs ECO
| TurbWETntu0_avg |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Maximum Turbidity WET Labs ECO
| TurbWETntu0_max |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Minimum Turbidity WET Labs ECO
| TurbWETntu0_min |
Bottle sample data from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Standard Deviation of Turbidity WET Labs ECO
| TurbWETntu0_sdev |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | turbWETntu0: Turbidity, WET Labs ECO
| turb |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | turbWETntu0: Turbidity, WET Labs ECO
| turb |
Bottle data (including temperature, salinity, density, O2) from CTD rosettes from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project) | Turbidity measured by TurbWETntu0
| turbidity |
Niskin bottle data (including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, turbidity) from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | Average turbidity. Column originally named 'Upoly0'.
| turbidity_avg |
Niskin bottle data (including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, turbidity) from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | Maximum turbidity.
| turbidity_max |
Niskin bottle data (including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, turbidity) from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | Minimum turbidity.
| turbidity_min |
SeaGlider dive data from the Oxygen Minimum Zone off Concepcion Chile; 2009-2011 (MI-LOCO project) | turbidity
| turb |
Processed first profiles of sensor data from AUV Clio taken on R/V Atlantis (CliOMZ AT50-10 expedition) from Golfito Costa Rica to San Diego USA in May-June 2023. | turbidity as measured by the fluorometer
| FluoTurb |
Summaries of tigerclaw and bushbaby tracers from AUV Clio taken on R/V Atlantis (CliOMZ AT50-10 expedition) from Golfito Costa Rica to San Diego USA in May-June 2023. | mean turbidity measured during sample
| MeanTurb |
Summaries of tigerclaw and bushbaby tracers from AUV Clio taken on R/V Atlantis (CliOMZ AT50-10 expedition) from Golfito Costa Rica to San Diego USA in May-June 2023. | standard deviation of the turbidity measured during sample
| StdTurb |
Vessel CTD profiles in the outer reaches of the Damariscotta River Estuary in the mid-coast region of Maine from June 2017 to July 2018 | In situ turbidity
| Turbidity |
T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii during 2006 - 2007 (MiCoDe project) | turbidity
| turbidity |
CTD from R/V Oceanus cruises OC399-03, OC408-01, OC408-02 from the Northwestern Sargasso Sea roughly 35-28N and 58-68W, water depths always exceeded 4200m; 2004-2005 (NP project) | Turbidity from CTD
| Turbidity |
Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on the rosette from R/V Knorr cruise KN210-04 in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Uruguay and Barbados in 2013 (Deep Atlantic DOM project) | Turbidity from WET Labs ECO. (Originally called 'tubWETntu0'.)
| turbidity |
CTD with oxygen and fluorescence to 600 meters from R/V BIP XII and Shana Rae cruises in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Santa Cruz, CA in 2013 (Jumbo Squid El Nino Response project) | Turbidity, Seapoint.
| turbidity |
CTD data from 9 casts at the oxygen-deficient zone of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP), RV/Atlantis cruise AT37-12, April-May 2017 | Turbidity measured by WET Labs ECO. Originally named 'turbWetntu0'.
| turbidity |
CTD measurements from three mesocosms located near Hawaii and surrounding Pacific waters from Dec 6-11, 2011CTD - BAG 1 from R/V Ka'imikai-O-Kanaloa KOK1115 in the Near Kona, Hawaii from December 2011 (C-MORE project) | turbidity
| turbidity |
CTD Averaged Bottle Data from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | Turbidity averaged from all bottles tripped at the same nominal pressure
| Avg_Turbidity |
CTD Averaged Bottle Data from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | Turbidity at bottle trip
| Turbidity |
CTD bottle data summary from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | Upoly 0 UVP Average
| Upoly0_avg |
Averaged bottle measurements from CTD casts on R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast in 2008 (SIRENA project) | Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity average
| Upoly0_avg |
Averaged bottle measurements from CTD casts on R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast in 2008 (SIRENA project) | Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity maximum
| Upoly0_max |
Averaged bottle measurements from CTD casts on R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast in 2008 (SIRENA project) | Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity minimum
| Upoly0_min |
Averaged bottle measurements from CTD casts on R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast in 2008 (SIRENA project) | Upoly 0 WetLabs Turbidity standard of deviation
| Upoly0_sdev |
CTD data from ring nets used to collect copepods on the RV/Ira, June-Oct 2017 and May 2019 | Turbidity
| Turbidity |
CTD profile data from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | Upoly 0 UVP
| upoly0 |
CTD Profile Data from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | Turbidity
| Turbidity |