Alvin Dive Log (preliminary) | Preliminary log of samples collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 in the Costa Rica margin | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
Alvin dive plans - reports - sample sheets | Alvin dive plans - reports PDF | vent O2 NO3 roles | Dive |
anemone observations log | anemone log | Reef Fish Resilience | dive_table_id |
AT15-40 Porewater Geochemistry | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey | Guaymas Basin Vents, Guaymas Basin Interactions | dive_no |
AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | Guaymas Basin Vents | Alvin_Dive_Number |
AT21-02: Jason dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT21-02: sample log - Barbados | Specimen log from Jason dives, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT26-14 Alvin sample logs | Sample logs for R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dives in 2014. | Lophelia OA | dive |
AT26-15: Alvin dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT26-15: sample log - GoM-FL | Specimen log from Alvin dives, cruise AT26-15, May/June 2014 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT29-04: Alvin dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT29-04, July 2015 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT29-04: sample log - WAM | Specimen log from HOV Alvin dives, cruise AT29-04, July 2015 | SEEPC | dive_id |
AT37-06 Acetate and methanol turnover rates | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Dive_No |
AT37-06 Inhibition experiment | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Dive_No |
AT37-06 Sediment geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Dive_No |
AT37-06 Sediment Geochemistry Summary | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Dive_No |
AT42-05 Sediment geochemistry | Sediment geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | ALVIN_Dive |
AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | SALT | Dive_Number |
AUV Sentry megafaunal presence | Megafaunal presence recorded from AUV Sentry phototransects conducted at sites across the Costa Rica margin from R/V Atlantis cruises AT37-13, AT42-03 in 2017 and 2018. | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Start_Sample_Collection_DiveNo, End_Sample_Collection_DiveNo |
BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN | ROV_dive_ID |
Benthic cover quadrats and photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | DiveNum |
Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
Chemosynthetic biofilm diversity | Samples sequenced from chemosynthetic biofilm communities from deep-sea hydrothermal vents | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | dive |
Chile - Glider - Dive Data | Chile - Glider - Dive Data | MI-LOCO | dive |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ | CLIO_DIVE_ID |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Processed first profiles | Processed first profile sensor data, AUV Clio, AT50-10 cruise | CliOMZ | DIVE_ID |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Tracer summary | Tigerclaw and bushbaby sammary data AUV Clio, AT50-10 cruise | CliOMZ | DIVE_ID |
Colonization experiment Tica Vent AT42-21 and RR2102 | Colonization experiment Tica Vent AT42-21 and RR2102 | Vent Settlement Cues | Dive_deployed, Dive_purse_removal, Dive_recovered |
Community | | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
Coral Biopsy Sample Log | Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts | Response of ETP to ENSO | Dive |
ctenophore sample log | Ctenophore observations collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | DiveNumber |
dive log | dive log | Reef Fish Resilience | dive_num, dive_table_id |
Diver-collected jellies RHB-0603 | Diver-collected jellies from S.W. North Atlantic | CMarZ_2004-2010 | dive_no |
Dorado 2014: Chemical composition of discrete hydrothermal syringe samples | Chemistry from discrete samples of hydrothermal springs | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
Dorado 2014: Discrete temperature and DO from Alvin | Discrete temperature and DO measured with Alvin | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
Dorado 2014: Solid phase chemistry from gravity cores | Solid phase chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
Dorado 2014: Solid phase chemistry from push cores | Solid phase chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | dive_id |
EN658 Sentry Dive Summary | EN658 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | Dive_Number |
event log | scientific sampling event log | Pickled Protists, DHAB Metazoans | dive |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | DiveNum |
FK160407 Biological Samples | | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Dive |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Dive_num |
GOVARS SG502 | GOVARS SG502 | GOVARS | dive_id |
GOVARS SG503 | GOVARS SG503 | GOVARS | dive_id |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Alvin_Dive_Number |
Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Alvin_Dive_Number |
Guaymas Sedimentary Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents sedimentary radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Alivn_Dive_Num |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Alvin_Dive_Number |
HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES | Dive_ID |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | Dive_Drop_No |
HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES | dive |
HADES-K Nereus dives - bottom navigation | HADES-K - Nereus bottom navigation | HADES | Dive |
HADES-K Nereus dives - geo-referenced megafauna counts | HADES-K - georeferenced macrofauna | HADES | dive |
Hard Substrates Isotopes, AT37-13 & AT42-03 | | Costa Rica Seeps | Alvin_Dive_Sample_Number |
Hydrocarbon sample log | Guaymas hydrocarbon pushcore sample log | HOTFUN | Dive |
Hydrothermal vent parasite species reported in published literature | Literature review of deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | DIVE_NUMBER |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - MPI | Guaymas nutrients (MPI) | HOTFUN | Dive |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - TN TC DOC DIC DON | Guaymas pushcore nutrients: TN, TC, DOC, DIC, DON | HOTFUN | Dive |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - WHOI | Guaymas pushcore nutrients (WHOI) | HOTFUN | Dive |
Hydrothermal vent porewater sulfate and sulfide - UNC | Guaymas sulfate & sulfide (UNC Chapel Hill) | HOTFUN | Dive |
Illumina Sequences | | SedimentaryIronCycle | Dive_number |
In-situ temperature profiles | Temperature Profiles | HOTFUN | Dive_Number |
Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Alvin_Dive |
Jason Dive Log - Loihi | Log of Jason Dives from cruise TN293 at the Loihi Seamount in March 2013 | Ecology of Vent Mats | dive |
Jason-II sample log AT26-10 | sample log from Jason-II dives for Sievert | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | dive |
Methane seep 16S rRNA sequences | 16S rRNA gene sequences of cells in marine methane seep sediments | Cell-sorting and enrichment | dive_id |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Mid-Cayman Rise SRA dataset | 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing of microbial eukaryotes | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | DiveID |
MIS_Benthic_Transect | MIS Benthic Transect | SCINI | dive |
Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | SALT | Dive_Collected |
Mussel dataset | | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
Niskin bottle sample inventory | Niskin bottle sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive_or_CTD |
Penguin glider | Glider data from southern Ross Sea, 2012 | Penguin Glider | dive |
Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Alvin_Dive |
Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Rock macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Alvin_Dive |
ROV CTD profiles | CTD profiles collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | RovDive |
ROV Dive Log (Wood Fall project) | Provides information for all dives with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | rov_dive |
Sample log for Alvin dive A4703 from AT26-14 | Sample log for R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dive A4703 in 2014. | Lophelia OA | dive |
Seaglider observations at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | | Glider Ocean Metabolism | divenum |
Seaglider Profiles | CTD, oxygen, and optic profile measurements from glider dives | NAB 2008 | dive_id |
Sediment cores (Wood Fall project) | Dataset provides information for macrofaunal cores taken with a remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | rov_dive |
Sediment delta-13C methane and methane concentrations | sediment methane | HOTFUN | Alvin_Dive |
Sediment push core inventory | Sediment push cores inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Methanosphere | Dive |
seep isotopes | C14 and N15 isotopes in rocks and animals from methane seep hard substrate ecosystems | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | dive_id |
SEEPC larval collections: SyPRID | AUV Sentry collections of invertebrate larvae close to the bottom near methane seep sites at the Western Atlantic Margin, 2015 (SEEPC Project) | SEEPC | dive |
Siphonophore sample log | Siphonophore sample log | SiphWeb | DiveNumber |
SiphWeb ROV CTD | SiphWeb ROV CTD | SiphWeb | RovDive |
Southern California Seeps Stable Isotopes | | Methanosphere | Dive_No |
Stable carbon isotopes of seafloor basalts | Stable carbon isotopic composition of organic matter from seafloor basalts incubated with labeled bicarbonate | Basalt carbon fixation | dive |
Temperature Profiles AT15-40 and AT15-56 | Hydrothermal sediment temperature profiles near Beggiatoa mats | Guaymas Basin Vents | dive_id |
TN391 Jason Dive Summary | TN391 Jason Dive Summary | SALT | Lowering_Id |
TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | Dive_Number |
Tubeworms | | Costa Rica Seeps | Dive |
V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | SALT | Dive_Collected |
Vent Parasite Dissection Data | Species dissection rom the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | DIVE_NUMBER |
Vent_CSP_SAG | Single amplified genomes (SAGs) of microbial cells isolated from Crab Spa, East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | deployment |
Video transects (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for all video transects taken with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | rov_dive |
Virus production at a hydrothermal vent site | | Vent Underworld | dive |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | diveNumber |
Woodfalls (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for individual wood falls including size and deployment information. | Wood Fall | rov_dive |
[DEPRECATED] AT37-13 Colonization Experiment Isotopes | [DEPRECATED] Averages and standard deviation of stable isotopes (d13C and d15N) across species for all macrofauna found on each substrate (carbonate rocks, woods, and bones) of the colonization experiment held in Mound 12 | Costa Rica Seeps | alvin_dive |