Acer Fecundity Oocyte Size | | Resilient Acerv | Oocyte_Volume_micron, Oocyte_Vol_corrected, Oocyte_Volume_mm3 |
AE1812 in situ Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | vol_extracted |
AE1812 incubation Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | vol_extracted |
AE1910 Organismal Physiology | Organismal physiological metrics from time series experiments | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | mL |
BAIT Aerosol Fe data | BAIT Aerosol Fe data | BAIT, THMAO | Air_volume |
Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Bleached Octocoral Symbiont Cell Counts | Octocoral symbiont diversity | vol |
brooded coral larvae 1 - size_protein_symbionts_photosynth | Brooded coral larval size, protein content, symbiont (Symbiodinium) densities, maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Cumbo, 2012) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | vol, vol_grid |
brooded coral larvae 3 - protein | Protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | vol |
brooded coral larvae 3 - respiration raw data | Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | vol_chamber |
brooded coral larvae 3 - symbiont density | Symbiont Symbiodinium density in brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | vol_chamber, vol_grid |
Carbonate chemistry | | LTPE | volume_dye |
Copepod grazing | Copepod grazing at low-high pCO2 levels | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | volume_settled |
ETNP ODZ Metagenomes April 2012 | Assembled metagenomes collected in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone in April 2012 on TN278 | EAGER Deep Prochlorococcus | Water_Volume |
FK190211 Radium Isotopes | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Sample_Volume |
GN01 Aerosol Be-7 | Beryllium-7 Aerosol Concentration | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric TE, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | AIR_VOL |
GN01 Aerosol Mercury | Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in aerosols | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Air_Volume |
GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Volume_Total |
GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 210Po and 210Pb Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Volume_Total |
GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 DI Water Soluble Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | GP15 SMLH2O Aerosol Ions Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 1 | GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 1 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 2 | GP15 Total Aerosols Leg 2 | PMT Aerosol Collection, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Air_Vol_Total |
GP16 Acetic Acid Leachable Trace Metals from Aerosols | Acetic acid leachable trace metals from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | air_vol_total |
GP16 Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 aerosol concentration from GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti section | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Be-7 | air_vol |
GP16 Lead-210 Aerosols | Aerosols collected during EPZT cruise, analyzed for Pb-210 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | air_volume |
GP16 Total Particulate Aerosols | Total particulate trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | air_vol_total |
GT10-11 - DI Water Soluble Aerosol Trace Elements | DI water soluble aerosol trace elements for the North Atlantic GEOTRACES cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | air_vol_tot, air_vol_per_filt |
GT10-11 - Hg Aerosol | Concentration of atmospheric aerosol total mercury (Hg) from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | vol_tot |
GT10-11 - Trace Metals Aerosol | Total aerosol trace metal concentrations. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | air_vol_tot, air_vol_per_filt |
GT11 - Be-7 Aerosol | Beryllium-7 in aerosol | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | air_vol |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Sample_Volume |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Sample_Volume |
HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | volume |
HPLC Photopigment Data for Bioassays | Results of HPLC – derived photopigment concentrations for bioassays. | Photomixotrophy | Sample_Volume |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Bongo | Ichthyoplankton density and Plankton Displacement Volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Bongo Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | EV_WP, EV_WOP |
Ichthyoplankton Density - MOCNESS | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using MOCNESS plankton nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | EV_WP, EV_WOP |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Neuston | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Neuston Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | EV_WP, EV_WOP |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Ring | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using SEA-GEAR plankton ring nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | EV_WP, EV_WOP |
MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 | MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 | MOSAiC | AIR_VOL |
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_VOLUME |
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_VOLUME |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle samples | Chief Sci KM1910 | samplesizePCPN_L |
North Pacific Atmospheric Particulates | North Pacific Atmospheric Particulates | North Pacific Atmos | Total_air_volume |
pteropod respiration | Respiration rates of thecosome pteropod exposed to various O2 and CO2 concentrations | OAPS | sample_volume |
Pyrosomes - MOCNESS | | MEZCAL | Subsample_vol, Total_pyrosome_vol |
Radiocarbon in Methane | 14C-CH4 in waters from Coal Oil Point seep field | Coastal Methane Emissions | Licor |
SAR11_DOM_GIO15: AE1516 sample log | Experimental and Survey of Biogeochemical and Microbial Data; SAR11 DOM Oxidation | Bacterial DOC cycling | sample_volume |
Shipboard aerosol and rain sample nutrients and iron | | DANCE | Air_Volume |
Suspended particles underway | Suspended particles from ship’s surface intake | Chief Sci KM1910 | samplesize_L, subsamplesize_L |
TMs and Nuts from EXPORTS NA Incubations | | Diatoms and carbon export | INCVOL |
Vanadium seawater isotopes | V isotope composition of previously collected seawater samples | Vanadium Isotopes | Volume |
Water Column Be-7 | Be-7 from water samples from the Arctic collected on RV Polarstern ARK-XXVI/3. | Be-7 Tracer Method | sample_vol_meltpond, sample_vol_snow, sample_vol_ice, sample_vol_water |
Western Pacific Aerosol Data | Western Pacifi Aerosol Data | North Pacific Atmos | TotalAirVolume_m3 |
Western Pacific Cruise Data | Western Pacifi Cruise Data | North Pacific Atmos | Total_Air_Volume_L, TotalAirVolume_m3 |
Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | Western Pacific Hawaii Aerosol Data | North Pacific Atmos | TotalAirVolume_m3 |
Winter to spring transition in a fjord in the Gulf of Alaska - microscopy data | | Zooplankton recruitment | sample_volume |
Zooplankton from hypoxic waters of Chesapeake Bay | Zooplankton - esp. copepods - from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | subsample_size |