5 generation increasing temperature experiment data | Offspring growth rate from 5 generation increasing temperature experiment | ThermalTGP | GR_8WK |
Adult black sea bass winter survival and lipid dynamics: Laboratory-mesocosm experiment | | GenomAdapt | GR_mm, SGR |
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema thermal growth | Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema thermal growth | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Growth |
ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2018 | ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2018 | Carbon in the Deep Sea | Inst_growth_rate |
Bacterivory | Bacterivory | AESOPS | Microzoo_graz, Bact_growth |
Basslet growth | Growth rates of two basslet species from an experiment conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | Growth_Rate |
Belize core data | MBRS coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | extension_cm, extension_SE |
Bermuda annual coral growth rates | Annual linear extension, skeletal density, and calcification rates from Bermuda corals | Coral Calc | ext, dens |
Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | MixoEvo | Growth_Rate |
Chemical Defenses-5: Park and Dam 2021 | Chemical Defenses-5: Park and Dam 2021 | Chemical Defenses | Growth_Rate |
CO2 x temperature effects on Menidia menidia offspring | CO2 x temperature specific early life survival and growth assessed by 5 factorial experiments | HYPOA | growth_rate |
Comparison of abundance-based growth rate predictions | Comparison of abundance-based growth rate predictions | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Estimated_Growth_rate |
Coral calcification histories | Annual calcification histories for corals from ten reef sites representing lagoon and barrier reef environments | Thermal Thresholds and Projections | extension |
Coral clipping experiment - growth | Coral clipping experiment - growth | Caribbean Gorgonian Recruitment, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Growth_cm |
coral community structure fig 2 mortality and growth | Coral mortality and growth in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2006-2016 | RUI-LTREB | East_Tektite_Growth, West_Tektite_Growth, White_Point_Growth, Cabritte_Growth, Donkey_Bite_Growth |
Coral consumer and nutrients | Data from Shaver et al. 2017 (Ecology) on the effects of nutrient enrichment and predation on coral health and microbiomes. | small grazers facilitating fungal disease | growth |
Coral extension rates meta-analysis | | Coral Reef Adjustment | max, Annual_Extension, min |
Coral growth | Coral growth | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Horizontal_growth, Vertical_growth |
Coral growth data | Coral growth data | Killer Seaweeds | Mass_Change_pcent |
Coral species Information meta-analysis | coral species info | Coral Reef Adjustment | morphologies |
coral-light expt.- growth | Growth measurements from coral-light experiments (Dufault, 2013, JEB) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | growth_avg_protein, daily_growth |
Coralline algae growth | Linear extension measurements of species from two common morphotypes of coralline algae found in Sitka Sound, AK. | High latitude kelp dynamics | downward_growth |
Coralliophila_GrowthMorphology | Coral growth and morphology based on snail presence | Vermetids_Corals | Growth |
Crocosphaera iron/warming experiments | warming experiments | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | Growth_Rate |
Crustose coralline algae calcification experiment data | | CorallineAlgaePaleo-pH | Vertical_Extension_cm |
Diatom growth rates | Cell growth rates from samples obtained on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | relative_u, propogation_error_u |
Diatom growth rates | Diatom growth rates | Phytoplankton Community Responses | growth_rate_mean, growth_rate_StDev |
Disko Bay Environmental and Biological Observations | Environmental and biological conditions characterizing Disko Bay, Greenland in April-May 2011 | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | In_Situ_Growth_rates, plus3C_Growth_rates, plus6C_Growth_rates |
Disko Bay Growth Rates | Growth rates of dominant plankton across 3 temperature treatments | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | In_Situ_Growth_rates, plus3C_Growth_rates, plus6C_Growth_rates |
Doo et al. 2018, Coral Reefs - Mesocosm buoyant weight data | Calcification of coral from the start and end of experiments under elevated concentrations of temperature and carbon dioxide | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | Growth |
Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora | Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora growth and survival | Vermetids_Corals | growth |
Ehux growth rates for thermal response curve | Ehux growth rates across thermal range | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | Growth_Rate |
Ehux growth rates under thermal variation | Ehux growth rates under thermal variation | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | Growth_Rate |
Emiliania huxleyi dilution calculations | Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | growth_rate, time_double |
Emiliania huxleyi growth rates | Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels | E Hux Response to pCO2 | day9, day10, day11, day12, day13, day14, average, day5, std_dev, day6, min, day7, day8 |
FL Multispecies Otolith Data | Multispecies larval otolith increment data from the Straits of Florida, 2007-08. | FK Population Connectivity | avg_recent_growth |
FL Stegastes Partitus Otolith Summary Data | Summary of otolith microstructure data from Florida Keys Stegastes partitus, 2003-08. | FK Fish Recruitment, FK Population Connectivity | larval_growth_avg, juv_growth_avg, juv_growth_1_2_d_avg |
Florida Keys coral growth | FKRT coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | linext |
Grandparental effects | Offspring growth rate from grandparantal experiment. | ThermalTGP | gr |
grazing and growth rates | Protist rates based on epifluorescence counts; cyanobacteria rates based on flow cytometry data (Lomas group); bulk rates based on extracted chlorophyll-a. | Trophic BATS | u |
Growth - pCO2 x DO effects on Menidia menidia | Growth data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia | HYPOA | Mean_growth_rate, Mean_growth_rate_SE |
Growth and mortality | Growth and mortality | RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | years_2007_2008, years_2013_2014, years_1997_1998, years_2002_2003, years_2008_2009, years_2003_2003, years_2014_2015, years_1998_1999, years_2009_2010, years_2004_2005, years_1999_2000, years_2010_2011, years_2005_2006, years_2000_2001, years_2011_2012, years_2006_2007, years_2001_2002, years_2012_2013, years_1996_1997 |
Growth over time | Growth measurements | RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Growth_subsequent_year, Growth_2y_later, Growth_first, Outcome_1y, Outcome_2y, Growth_Initial_Year |
Growth rate of Pleurochrysis carterae | Experimental data on growth rates of Pleurochrysis carterae | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | mean_growthRate, growth_cycle, linest_slope, growthRate |
Growth rates - evolution expt | Growth rates - evolution expt | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Growth_rate |
Growth rates and bulk isotope values | Growth rates, bulk isotope values, elemental composition | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | Growth_rate |
Growth Rates of Dinoflagellates fed Microplastics | Effect of microplastic ingestion on heterotrophic dinoflagellate growth rates | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Growth_Rate |
Growth rates of Line P diatoms in added Zn and Co incubation studies | | PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, MM Saito | log_Co2plus, Growth_rate_replicate_A, Growth_rate_replicate_B, Growth_rate_average |
Growth rates of the polar diatom Chaetoceros RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studies | Growth rates of the Ross Sea diatom isolate Chaetoceros sp. RS19 under various Zinc and Cobalt additions. | MM Saito | Growth_rate_replicate_A, Growth_rate_replicate_B, Growth_rate_average_base_value |
Heatwave Experiment: Growth Rates | Heatwave Experiment: Growth Rates | Holobiont Integration | Growth_Rate |
Island grazing history | | OA Kelp Forest Function | growth_increment_um |
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 | HYPOA | GR, SGR, GE |
Kaneohe Bay microzooplankton growth and mortality | Metadata for field dilution experiments to measure community microzooplankton grazing rates | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | growth_nuts, growth_init |
L. pertusa calcification records from pH experiments | Calcification rates from pH experiments on L. pertusa. | Lophelia OA | net_calcification |
LesionDistance_Alizarin | Effect of distance between coral lesions on coral linear extension | Vermetids_Corals | Growth |
LesionDistance_GrowthHealing | Effect of distance between coral lesions on tissue regeneration and skeletal growth | Vermetids_Corals | Growth_Final, Growth_Midpoint |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2b | Growth rate of Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts in August 2019 and January 2020 | Octocoral Community Dynamics, RUI-LTREB | GrowthRate |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 3 | Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC at St.John, VI | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | GrowthRate |
Lophelia pertusa experiments: calcification and pH | Net calcification of L. pertusa exposed to different pH treatments. | Lophelia OA | net_calcification |
Macroalgal biodiversity experiment: coral growth and tissue mortality data | | Coral Biodiversity | Growth_percent |
MEPS_2016: Fig.2B - Gracilaria growth rate | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 2B: Relative growth rate of Gracilaria in Charleston Harbor SC along a tidal gradient across three seasons | Gracilaria effects | RGR |
MEPS_2016: Fig.3 - growth rate and depth | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 3: Relative growth rate of Gracilaria with depth below the water surface in Charleston Harbor, SC | Gracilaria effects | RGR |
MEPS_2016: Fig.5B - field expt 2013 | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 5B: Response of Diopatra final size to Gracilaria abundance after four weeks in 2013 | Gracilaria effects | growth |
Mesocosm warming experiment seagrass metrics | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | growth_rate |
Metal quotas (ratios of Metal:P) of Chaetoceros sp. RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studies | Metal quotas of the Ross Sea diatom isolate Chaetoceros RS19 measured via ICP-MS after growth in +Zn+Co media amendments. | MM Saito | Growth_rate_average |
Metal uptake rates of the polar diatom Chaetoceros RS19 in +Zn and +Co incubation studies | Metal uptake rates of the Ross Sea diatom isolate Chaetoceros RS19 measured after growth in +Zn+Co media amendments. Uptake rates are calculated as the specific growth rate (units of d-1) multiplied by the P-normalized metal quota. Datasets of growth rate | MM Saito | Growth_rate_average |
Modeled thermal traits | PFT Thermal Response - Modeled thermal traits | Phytoplankton Community Responses | mu_c_opt_val_list, mu_g_opt_val_list |
Nitrifier C fixation release | Nitrifier C fixation release | CliOMZ | Growth_phase |
Nitrifier CN | Nitrifier CN | CliOMZ | Growth_phase |
North Pacific Bathycoccus Culture Experiment | Response of Bathycoccus sp. to iron-limitation | Small Euks | Growth_Rates |
nutrient utilization traits and citations | Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources | Phytoplankton Traits | mu_amm, qmax_nit, k_amm_m, qmax_nit_c, qmin_amm, mu_inf_p, qmin_amm_c, mu_p, qmax_amm, k_p_m, qmax_amm_c, qmin_p, mu_inf_nit, qmin_p_c, mu_nit, qmax_p, k_nit_m, qmax_p_c, qmin_nit, mu_inf_amm, qmin_nit_c |
OA Lit Review | Literature review of Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on phytoplankton. | P-ExpEv | growth_rate |
Otolith microstructure | Otolith microstructure of young-of-year Atlantic silversides from Mumford Cove 2015 | HYPOA | Growth_rate |
Oyster Carryover Effects - Juvenile Growth: Expt 1 | Juvenile growth (on days 7 and 52 post-settlement) from experimental study of carryover effects of ocean acidification on larval and juvenile Olympia oysters | BOAR | juv_growth_rate, juvenile_growth |
Oyster Carryover Effects - Juvenile Growth: Expt 2 | Juvenile growth (on day 7 post-settlement) under four larval-to-juvenile ocean acidification transitions in the laboratory | BOAR | avg_juv_growth, avg_juv_growth_rate |
Oyster Carryover Effects - Larval Growth: Expt 1 | Oyster larval growth at day 9 post-release under ocean acidification in the laboratory | BOAR | larval_shell_area_day9, larval_growth_rate |
Oyster Cohort Traits | Performance traits (e.g., survival, growth, size) for hatchery-produced oyster cohorts | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Growth |
Oyster Persistent Impacts - Juvenile Growth | Juvenile growth of Olympia oysters outplanted to the field after being reared as larvae in the lab | BOAR | growth_rate |
P. australis physiological data (Cluster experiments) | | Toxic diatoms and heatwaves | Growth_rate |
P. australis physiological data (CO2 experiments) | | Toxic diatoms and heatwaves | Growth_rate |
P. australis physiological data (N:P ratio experiments) | | Toxic diatoms and heatwaves | Growth_rate |
P. australis physiological data (temperature experiments) | | Toxic diatoms and heatwaves | Growth_rate |
Palau Coral Growth | Palau Coral Growth | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | ExtRate |
Parental contribution | Offspring growth rate from the parental contribution experiment | ThermalTGP | GR |
Physiological data | Breviolum Antillogorgia physiological data | Host Symbiont Temp Response | GrowthRate |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FCM IN2019_V03 | Phytoplankton growth and grazing from flow cytometry in the eastern Indian Ocean | BLOOFINZ-IO | Grow_HBact, Grow_Pro, Grow_Syn, Grow_Euk |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FlChla GoM | Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from fluorometric chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Grow_FlChla |
Phyto Growth and Grazing HPLC GoM | Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from HPLC pigments in the Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Grow_TChla, Grow_Fuco, Grow_But, Grow_Hex, Grow_Per |
phyto growth rates | Marine phytoplankton growth rates, temperatures and isolation locations | Phytoplankton Traits | growth_rate |
Phytoplankton Growth Acclimation | Growth rates and ESD of H. akashiwo after temperature transition | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | GrowthRate, BioRate |
Phytoplankton phosphonate utilization | | Euk Phn Utilization | Average_Growth_rate, SD_of_growth_rate |
Phytoplankton_Physiology_Fe_Temperature | Phytoplankton physiology with iron and temperature interactions | Ross_Sea_Microb_Ecophys | growth_rate |
Picocyanobacteria TEP: Growth Rates | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Growth_Rate_rep1, Growth_Rate_rep2 |
Plocamium growth and biomass | Plocamium growth and biomass | Seaweed OA Resilience | adj_growth, growth_biom, growth_dyn |
Population Growth | Population Growth | Host Symbiont Temp Response | r |
Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates | Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates from cell cycle analysis. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | pro_gr_cc |
Realized and potential growth | Realized and potential growth | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB | growth_type, Growth |
recruit_growth_weight | Growth of coral recruits as a measure of weight change from calcification during CO2 experiments | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | growth, growth_polyp, growth_polyp_day |
Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Seaweed OA Resilience | Growth_Day_5, Growth_Day_10, Growth_Day_20 |
Results of risk-addition experiment (adult oyster growth) | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | growth, daily_growth |
Results of risk-addition experiment (juvenile oyster growth) | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | growth |
Sand lance survival | Survival of northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius offspring under factorial CO2 x temperature conditions | OA Stellwagen Sand Lance | growth_rate |
Sargassum mature growth - figure 2 | Growth of mature caged Sargassum polycystum fronds from MPAs and non-MPAs when reciprocally transplanted | Killer Seaweeds | growth |
Sargassum mature growth conspecific - figure 4 | Growth and survival of mature Sargassum polycystum fronds in crowded and isolated habitats | Killer Seaweeds | all_isolated, all_crowded, all_difference, survivors_isolated, survivors_crowded, survivors_difference |
SBDOM11 mini-remineralization expt. | bacterial abundance, growth rates, and DOC from SBDOM11 cruise | SBDOM | mu_growth_A, mu_growth_B, BGE_A, BGE_B |
Series 4: Aggregation of Thalassiosira weissflogii as a function of pCO2, temperature and bacteria: Acclimatization Phase - Carbonate System | Series 4: Aggregation of Thalassiosira weissflogii as a function of pCO2, temperature and bacteria: Acclimatization Phase - Carbonate System | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | growth_rate |
Series 5: pCO2 as one of multiple stressors for Thalassiosira weissflogii - growth rates | Series 5: pCO2 as one of multiple stressors for Thalassiosira weissflogii - growth rates | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | replicate_1, replicate_2, replicate_3, replicate_4, avg, std |
Survival and size | Survival, length, and growth responses of M. menidia offspring from different females exposed to contrasting CO2 environments. | HYPOA | Growth |
Symbiodinium genotype responses to Nitrogen | Symbiodinium genotype responses to nitrogen (Expt 2) | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Growthrate |
Synechococcus Batch Culture Sampling Data | | StoichTraitD | GR |
Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629: NO3-limited and nutrient-replete cultures plus DNA analysis | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | growth_relative, growth_day |
Synechococcus growth rate: silicic acid | Growth rate of Synechococcus cells grown in different silicic acid concentrations | Si_in_Syn | growth_rate |
Synechococcus growth rates | Synechococcus growth rates | Phytoplankton Community Responses | growth_rate_mean, growth_rate_StDev |
T. pseudonana fatty acids per cell | T. pseudonana fatty acids by cell | Phytoplankton Community Responses | gr_rate |
Temperature and nutrient dependent phytoplankton growth and herbivorous protist grazing rates | | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence, Phytoplankton Community Responses | Growth_per_day |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 | HYPOA | GE, GR_TP, GR_wW, GR_dW, GRTL, SGRwW, SGRdW |
Temperature-growth rate curves for Thalassiosira pseudonana | T. pseudonana growth rates at 2 temps | Phytoplankton Community Responses | gr_rate |
Temporal CO2-sensitivity in Menidia menidia | Temporal CO2-sensitivity in Menidia menidia. | OA Fish | growth_rate |
TEN Seagrass Leaf Productivity | Thalassia testudinum leaf productivity measurements from experimental plots in the Western Atlantic | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | absolute_leaf_productivity |
Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Thalassiosira pseudonana: NO3-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | growth_day, growth_relative, growth_stdev_n |
Thalassiosira pseudonana cyclostat | Thalassiosira pseudonana cyclostat experimental results | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | growth |
Thermal growth rates | PFT Thermal Response - Thermal growth rates | Phytoplankton Community Responses | r |
Thermophile growth | NH4Cl effect on growth, yield, production of thermophyles, Table 3 from Topcuoglu et al (2016) | NeMO2015 | growth_rate |
Time and temperature dependent growth | Time and temperature dependent growth rate of three herbivorous protists | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Abundance_based_Growth_rate, Biomass_based_Growth_rate |
TPC Growth rates: 100 generations | growth at 7 temps after 100 generations | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Growth_rate |
TPC Growth rates: 200 generations | TPC growth at 8 temps after 200 generations | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Growth_rate |
Trichodesmium GBR growth rates | Trichodesmium specific growth rates based on in vivo fluorescence | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | growth_rate_each_cycle, avg_growth_rate_each_cycle, std_dev_growth_rate_each_cycle, growth_rate_cold, avg_growth_rate_cold, std_dev_growth_rate_cold, growth_rate_warm, avg_growth_rate_warm, std_dev_growth_rate_warm |
Trichodesmium GBR Thermal Curve | Trichodesmium thermal curve | Enviro variability and phytoplankton growth | specific_growth_rate |
Trichodesmium physiology and cell growth | Trichodesmium growth rate and cell size related to pCO2 and nutrients | HiCO2_AdaptCyano | Growth_rates |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Growth Summary | UCSB Mussel Growth - Growth Summary | OMEGAS-II | Average_of_growth, StdDev_of_growth, StdError_of_growth, Average_of_pctgrowth, StdDev_of_pctgrowth, StdError_of_pctgrowth |
UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | UCSB Mussel Growth - Raw Shuck Data | OMEGAS-II | growth, pct_growth |
Ulva pCO2 - NH4 enrichment | Ulva pCO2 - NH4 enrichment: growth rates, C:N, chlorophylls | Seaweed OA Resilience | Growth_Rate |
Ulva: Growth | Ulva growth rates | Seaweed OA Resilience | RGR_GP1, RGR_GP2, RGR_GP3, RGR_GP1to3_Net |
Vulnerability of coral reefs to bioerosion | This dataset contains calcification rates for Porites coral 751 from Dongsha Atoll from 1954-2012. Calcification rates were collected by analyzing the CT scan of the coral. | Coral climate effects | Growth_rate |
Zill et al 2017 Coral Growth | A manipulative experiment to determine the growth rate of corals in the presence and absence of sediment and vermetids. | Vermetids_Corals | GrowthRate |
[Deprecated] Thalassiosira pseudonanana in nitrate limited culture | Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H: nitrate limited culture data | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | growth_rate |
[Deprecated] Thalassiosira pseudonanana in nitrate replete culture | Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H: nitrate replete culture data | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | growth_rate |