15N Rate Summary |
LMG1801 15N Rate Summary |
A. pisonii: dock-marsh thermal |
A. pisonii dock/marsh thermal readings |
A. pisonii: thermal picture |
Thermal condition of A. pisonii in three habitats |
Acropora cervicornis nursery water temperatures |
Coral nursery water temperature during bleaching events |
Adult black sea bass winter survival and lipid dynamics: Laboratory-mesocosm experiment |
Adult black sea bass winter survival and lipid dynamics: Wild fish |
All taxa colonization counts |
EPR colonizer counts |
Argyle Creek temperatures (HOBO) from inside mussel bed |
Belize Acroporid temperature |
Carrie Bow Caye, Belize temperature data near Acroporid corals |
Benthic macroalgal carbon uptake rates |
Benthic macroalgal carbon uptake rates |
Benthic Temperature and Light |
Carpenter 2018: physical data |
Central Galapagos subtidal temperatures |
Central Galapagos subtidal temperatures |
Change in denitrification - N2 flux |
Change in denitrification (N2 Flux) due to the oyster reef. |
Chemoautotrophy |
LMG1801 Chemoautotrophy |
Colonization sampler log |
EPR colonizer sample log |
Comeau 2014 PRSB: calcification and chemistry |
coral community structure fig S2 |
Mean monthly seawater temperatures in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1989-2016 |
coral cover and environmental |
Long-term variation in growth of Orbicella in association with variation in Symbiodinium genotypes |
Coral histology |
Histological analysis of Caribbean acroporid corals before and after exposure to thermal stress. |
Coral reef seawater microbial communities |
Coral reef seawater microbial communities |
d15NOx Natural Abundance |
Natural abundance of 15N and 18O from LMG1801 |
dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata |
dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata |
Dorado 2014: Continuous temperature at marker K |
Continuous temperature at marker K |
Dorado 2014: Discrete temperature and DO from Alvin |
Discrete temperature and DO measured with Alvin |
Dorado 2014: Temperature and DO from soloDO logger |
DO and temperature from soloDO logger measured with Alvin |
Drill site CTD |
Temperature, depth, and salinity from drill site at Kiritimati Island |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: in situ temperature |
in situ temperature |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: temperature at 10m and 20m |
temp_10m_20m |
Field temperature data |
FRT water temperature 2014-2016 |
water temperature data 2014-2016 |
Gorgonia ventalina growth (for PeerJ) |
Gorgonia ventalina growth, 2013-2019 |
Gorgonia ventalina size and density (for PeerJ) |
Gorgonia ventalina size and density, 2013-2019 |
Intertidal mooring temperature |
Temperature from intertidal moorings along the California coast, 2009-2015 |
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 |
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 |
LB_2012_LB1_tchain |
Moored time-series records for temperature |
Long-term seawater temperature data from USVI |
Temperature data for St. John USVI. |
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Community Structure |
Coral reef community structure on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014 |
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Fig 2 |
Coral reef abundance on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014 |
MEPS Edmunds Lasker Physical Data |
Physical conditions during coral reef surveys of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1989-2014 |
Mote Flats 2015-2016 |
Mussel gene expression |
Mussel gene expression |
NLT time series: 2014-2016 temperature and depth |
NLT temperature time series: 2014-2016 |
Overall Seawater Temperature at Study Sites in the Gulf of Maine |
Overall Seawater Temperature at Study Sites in the Gulf of Maine |
Pteropod respiration experiments |
Pteropod shell quality |
Rainfall and temperature data |
Temperature and rainfall data for St. John USVI. |
Salt Marsh Water Exchange-Water |
Seasonal Productivity |
Seasonal Productivity |
Seasonal Surveys |
Seasonal Surveys |
Seawater temperature (submission to L&O) |
seawater temperature,1996-2018 |
Seawater temperature from Carrie Bow Caye, Belize |
Seawater temperature from Carrie Bow Caye, Belize |
Seawater Temperatures Prior to and During Outplant Experiment |
Seawater Temperatures Prior to and During Outplant Experiment |
Sediment fluxes |
Sediment fluxes of dissolved gasses and nutrients. |
Sparging Chamber Testing: radon activity - experimental |
Sparging Chamber Testing - Bell |
Station AT55 Temperature mooring data |
Temperature mooring data collected at Station AT55 in Lake Michigan from August 1, 2017 to April 20, 2018 at a 55 meters depth site. |
Subtidal Ocean Water Temperature at Van Damme State Park, CA |
Subtidal Ocean Water Temperature at Van Damme State Park, CA |
Summerland Key temperature |
T-Beam Mooring A1 |
T-Beam A1 mooring 2015 |
Temperature and Light |
Temperature and light intensity at 7 locations, Guam, 2014 |
Temperature from thermistor chain |
Temperature from thermistor chain |
Temperature from thermistor chain |
Temperature Loggers |
Temperature loggers |
Temperature logger data |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 |
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 |
Thermal buffering by mussels |
Tide Pool Characteristics |
Tide Pool Characteristics |
Water Chemistry |
Water level |
Water level |
Water Level |
Tidal stage (NAVD88) at pressure transducer stands of stations A, D, and F |
Water temperature at coral colonies |
Water temperature at coral colony locations |
Water temperature data |
Water temperature data from stable isotope labeling experiments. |
Water temperature for Palau corals |
ZEN 2014 Site Survey Data |
Eelgrass 2014 Site Survey Data |
Zostera experiment community biomass |
Diversity and biomass of eelgrass inhabitants |