Abalone Recruitment Modules | | Abalone Safe Places | divers |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp | Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Initials_of_counter |
acoustic backscatter curtain_plot | Acoustic data 3D perspective curtain plot, Georges Bank, 1994. | GB | contributor |
anemone observations log | anemone log | Reef Fish Resilience | anem_collector, anem_corr_editor |
artificial and transplant reef census | 2010 census data at artificial and transplant reefs at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. | Lionfish Invasion | person1, person2 |
AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | SALT | Port_observer, Stbd_observer, Pilot |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Contact_Person |
Benthic cover quadrats and photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | Observer |
Biomass | | Harvey Seagrass | Weighed_By, QC |
Blade morphometrics | | Harvey Seagrass | Processed_By, QC |
Braun-Blanquet Seagrass Surveys for PN clusters | | Reef Production Drivers | obs |
Breviolum antillogorgium microsatellite loci | Microsatellite loci for B. antillogorgium cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Isolated_by |
Brownetal_2014 Paired Quadrats | Examing the abundance of alive and recently consumed vermetids in the presence and absence of muricid, Mancinella armigera | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
BrownOsenberg_2018- Fluorescein dye | Concentration of Fluorescein dye 2 seconds after release over corals in the presence and absence of vermetids, and corals in contact with algae in the presence and absence of vermetids. | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
Brown_et_al_2016 QuadratSurvey | Data collected on the die off of vermetids in French Polynesia. | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
clownfish log | clownfish log | Reef Fish Resilience | fish_corr_editor, fish_collector |
Clownfish Photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | file_analyzer, imageJ_collector |
Coral Biopsy Sample Log | Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts | Response of ETP to ENSO | Diver |
Coral histology | Histological analysis of Caribbean acroporid corals before and after exposure to thermal stress. | Coral Hybridization | Collector |
CoralLesion_Surveys | Photoquadrat Surveys of Coral Lesions | Vermetids_Corals | Tech |
Cultures isolated from A. bipinnata 2008-2016 | Symbiodinium cultures isolated from adult colonies of the octocoral Antillogorgia bipinnata in 2008, 2013 and 2016, grown at either 26 or 30 degrees C | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Isolated_by |
dataset1_Krug_et_al_2015: Suppl. Table 3: Accessions | Table 3: accessions: COI, 16S, 28S. H3 for ~200 spp. | PLDvFST | collector |
dataset3_Supp1_Krug_et_al_2011: Elysia sequences | Accessions for COI, 16S, H3 for 18 Elysia species | PLDvFST | collector |
dataset4_Krug_et_al_2012: Philine sequences | Accessions for 16S for Philine species | PLDvFST | collector |
dataset6_Krug_et_al_2013: Sequences | Accessions for COI, H3 for three species complexes | PLDvFST | collector |
dataset8- Oxynoe sequence data | Species names, sample codes, and collection details for sequenced taxa used in phylogenetic analyses. | PLDvFST | collector |
Delaware Bay Oyster Samples | Delaware Bay oyster archived tissues | SEGO | collector |
dive log | dive log | Reef Fish Resilience | divers, dive_corr_editor |
drifter_images | Drifter movie data (WHOI and other sources) | GB | contributor |
drifter_images | Drifter movie data | SOGLOBEC | contributor |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Algae | | Abalone Safe Places | DIVER |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Fish | | Abalone Safe Places | DIVER |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates | | Abalone Safe Places | DIVER |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: UPC | | Abalone Safe Places | DIVER |
Event Logs | Cruise Event Logs | NP | person |
Event Logs | Cruise Event Logs | ATP3 | SIC |
Eventlog AE1319 | Event log for AE1319, Aug-Sept. 2013 | Biological C:N:P ratios | person |
eventlog_Endeavor | Event logs from Krill Gulf of Maine cruises EN484 and EN487 | Krill GoME | PI_name |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | Observer |
Fish Data | | Reef Production Drivers | Observer |
Fish observations | Fish observations corresponding to one observation of a fish or group of conspecific fish. | Goby size-selection | observer |
Fish Surveys | | Reef Production Drivers | Observer |
Fish surveys 1999-2015 | Fish surveys, 1999-2015 | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | observer |
Fish surveys: 2015-2016 | Fish surveys before and after artificial reef construction | Fish and biogeochem hot spots | surveyor |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Charismatic Microfauna Functional Response | This dataset is part of a manipulative experiment to investigate how nudibranchs and sea hares alter cyanobaterica production through a trophic cascade. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBS |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Charismatic Microfauna Sea Hare Size | This dataset is part of a manipulative experiment to investigate how nudibranchs and sea hares alter cyanobaterica production through a trophic cascade. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBS |
Geange_and_Stier_2010 Charismatic Microfauna Trophic Cascade | This dataset is part of a manipulative experiment to investigate how nudibranchs and sea hares alter cyanobaterica production through a trophic cascade. | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBS |
GMx_CDOM | Absorption spectra and DOC concentrations | GoMX - NACP-OCB | PI_name |
GT11 - CTD - Bottle Sampling Comments | CTD - Bottle Sampling Comments (GTC and ODF/SIOR) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | who |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | PI |
Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation | Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation - BioProject PRJNA377729 | P-ExpEv | collected_by |
Infauna | | Harvey Seagrass | Processed_By |
Invertebrate Data | | Reef Production Drivers | Observer |
Island benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | island benthic survey of urchin size and biomass-2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | observer |
Island benthic survey urchin size biomass - 2014 | island benthic survey of urchin size and biomass-2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | observer |
Island benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | island benthic survey of benthic vegetation -2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | observer |
JeDI | Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years | Trophic BATS | owner_dataset |
Line Intercept Substrate Surveys | Substrate classification | Reef Resilience in Guam | data_recorder |
lionfish collections Cayman 2011 | Record of lionfish collected near Little Cayman Island during 2011. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish collections Eleuthera | Record of lionfish collected near Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2012. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish collections LSI 09-11 | Record of lionfish handled/collected near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, 2009-2011. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish density effect on behavior | Lionfish behavior observed during study of effect of density on lionfish behavior. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish density effects on native fish | Experiment testing for the effects of lionfish density on native fishes. | Lionfish Invasion | person1, person2 |
lionfish sightings Cayman 2010 | Record of lionfish sighted and/or collected near Little Cayman Island, 2010. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish sightings Cayman 2011 | Record of lionfish sighted near Little Cayman Island, 2011 | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish sightings Eleuthera | Record of lionfish sighted near Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2012. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
lionfish sightings LSI 09-11 | Record of lionfish sighted near Lee Stocking Isalnd, Bahamas from 2009-2011. | Lionfish Invasion | person |
log | Cruise event log | VERTIGO | person |
log_SFX | SOFeX multi-ship sampling event log | SOFeX | person |
log_SFX_MV | SOFeX Melville cruise sampling event log | SOFeX | person |
log_SFX_PS | SOFeX Polar Star Cruise sampling event log | SOFeX | person |
LTR - Percent Cover Point Contact | Point Contact Surveys on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBSERV |
LTR - Percent Visual Cover | Percent Visual Cover on Long Term Reefs | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBSERV |
LTR - Physical Characteristics | Long Term Reef Physical Characteristics | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBSERV |
LTR - Pomacentrids | Long Term Reefs Pomacentrid Surveys | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | Observer |
LTR - Thalassoma Surveys | Long Term Reefs Thalassoma Surveys | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | Observer |
LTR - Vermetid Counts | Long Term Reefs Vermetid Counts | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | OBSERV |
LTVR - Percent Cover Point Contact | Reef composition surveys on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | OBSERV |
LTVR - Percent Visual Cover | Percent Visual Cover on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | OBSERV |
LTVR - Physical Characteristics | Physical Characteristics on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | OBSERV |
LTVR - Pomacentrids | Pomacentrids on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
LTVR - Thalasssoma | Thalassoma Surveys on Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
LTVR - Vermetid Counts | Vermetid Counts on Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | OBSERV |
LTVR - Vermetid Removal | Counts of Vermetids Removed from the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | Observer |
LTVR - Vermetid Sizes in Quadrats | Sizes of Vermetids on Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | OBSERV |
MBRS coral survey 2014 | MBRS coral survey | Thermal History and Coral Growth | diver |
Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for RNASeq of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | collector |
Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | Metadata for targeted genotyping of green crabs in the northeast Pacific | West Coast Carcinus | collector |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | counter_id |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | initials_of_counter |
nmfs_CTDsb | Seabird 911 CTD | GB | pi |
Operations Log - ETNP - NH1315 | Operations Log - ETNP - NH1315 | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Initials |
PAM fluorescence | Underwater fluorescence, Guam reefs 2014 | Reef Resilience in Guam | data_recorder |
PaPaPro benthic biodiversity | Point intercept transect surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates and macrophytes in marine lakes, Palau | PaPaPro | Person |
Peak GSI | Peak GSI data from fish surveys. | Goby size-selection | Investigator |
Pre-experiment Urchin Barren Characterization | Urchin barren characterization before installment of experimental Pycnopodia cages in Sitka Sound, February 2023 | High latitude kelp dynamics | Diver |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | Fluorometer_used_by, Nutrients_collected_by |
Quadrat data | | PoGOMO | Person |
Raw patterns | Raw pattern data collected by S. Brander. | Goby size-selection | Investigator |
RNA sequence accessions at NCBI | | Kleptoplasty | collected_by, identified_by |
RR2311 Event Log | RR2311 Event Log | NO2Ox_OMZs | Log_Taker |
RV Falkor 160115 Event Log | R/V Falkor 160115 event log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | contact |
SAR11_DOM_GIO15: AE1516 sample log | Experimental and Survey of Biogeochemical and Microbial Data; SAR11 DOM Oxidation | Bacterial DOC cycling | person |
Seagrass Blade Height | | Reef Production Drivers | obs |
Seagrass Braun-Blanquet Surveys | Seagrass BB Surveys | Reef Production Drivers | Observer |
Seagrass surveys of blade height | | Reef Production Drivers | Observer |
Station Log | Station Log | SIRENA | PI |
Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | observer |
TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Morphometrics Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | recorder |
TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | recorder |
TI777 eventlog | Event log for TI777, August 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | PI |
Urchin and Abalone Density Responses | Urchin and abalone density responses to caged Pycnopodia field experiment in Sitka Sound urchin barrens, February 2023 | High latitude kelp dynamics | Diver |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | identifiedBy, collectedBy |
Zooplankton Acidification Lab Results | | Zooplankton Swimming | Collector |
zooplankton biomass | Zooplankton biomass and species composition and abundance from CARIACO time series stations | CARIACO | Analyst |
Zooplankton Hypoxia Lab Results | | Zooplankton Swimming | Collector |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | sample_scan_operator, acq_author |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | sample_scan_operator, acq_author |