Environmental observations and infected host and dinospore counts in Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA from 2018 through 2019 | tide level at sampling (low=1;slack=2;high=3)
| Tide |
Environmental observations and infected host and dinospore counts in Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA from 2018 through 2019 | Textual representation of tide level
| Tide_text |
Benthic macroalgal and water column carbon uptake rates in an experimental chamber, Maunalua, O’ahu, Hawai’i, 2015-2016 | Tidal height at MLLW (mean lower low water). MLLW is defined as the average of the lower low water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. For stations with shorter series - comparison of simultaneous observations with a control tide station is made in order to derive the equivalent datum of the National Tidal Datum Epoch.
| tidal_height |
Hydroacoustic tracking data from blue crabs released in receiver arrays along the Atlantic coast from May 2019 to Feb 2020 | Sea height change from last position
| Tidal_Height |
Coastal phytoplankton and mercury dynamics in watersheds along the U.S. East Coast from New Jersey to Maine assessed using particulate and dissolved samples collected in 2015 and 2016 | Tidal state during the sampling
| Tide |
T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii during 2006 - 2007 (MiCoDe project) | tide height
| tide |
Eelgrass disease metrics from ecological field surveys along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021. | Single letter indicating the tidal height at which samples were collected. U = upper tidal height; L = lower tidal height
| Tidal_Height |
Eelgrass shoot density measurements taken during ecological field surveys along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021. | Single letter indicating the tidal height at which samples were collected. U = upper tidal height; L = lower tidal height
| Tidal_Height |
Eelgrass shoot metrics from ecological field surveys in six regions along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021. | Single letter indicating the tidal height at which samples were collected. U = upper tidal height; L = lower tidal height
| Tidal_Height |
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) physiological and morphological traits measured between March of 2013 and August of 2014 using eelgrass collected in Bodega Bay, CA in May of 2012 | Tidal height (HI = high intertidal, LI = low intertidal, S = subtidal)
| Height |
Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during an eco-evolutionary field experiment | Plot tidal height relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW).
| Plot_Tidal_Height |
Field measurements of periostracum cover of mussels (Mytilus californianus) from focal population at Marshall Gulch Beach, CA in July and August 2022 | Microhabitat: tidal height: tidal height characterized as ‘high’ (HT) or low’ (LT) based on measured sea level height (-0.3 – +0 m sea level height (SLH) and +0.3 - +1 m SLH)
| height |
Water quality data and Olympia oyster abundance counts from depth-specific sampling collected by boat in Fidalgo Bay, WA, during July 2017 | Tidal direction based on NOAA tidal predictions
| tide_category |
Fragment analysis files from microsatellite analysis of samples of the basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) from multiple sites in Washington State between Mar of 2019 and Jan of 2020 | Tidal height at time of collection
| Tidal_Height |
CTD/ADCP transect log from multiple day trips in the coastal waters, Gulf of Maine from 2015-2016 (GOMEPRO project) | whether tide is in flood or ebb
| Tide |
In situ temperature measurements from eelgrass meadow field sites along the west coast of North America recorded from July 2019 to July 2021 | Single letter indicating the tidal height at which samples were collected. U = upper tidal height; L = lower tidal height
| Tidal_Height |
Experimental and in situ seawater nutrient data collected as part of a study of pCO2 variability on the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis conducted at Heron Island Research Station, Heron Island, southern Great Barrier Reef in 2021 | Tidal height
| Tidal_height |
A long-term series of species occupying fixed points on the middle intertidal (mussel-dominated) zone of a rocky intertidal shoreline, for use in studying species replacement patterns through time | Tide height
| Tide_Height |
A long-term series of species occupying fixed points on the middle intertidal (mussel-dominated) zone of a rocky intertidal shoreline, for use in studying species replacement patterns through time | Tide height
| Tide_Height |
Intertidal community diversity surveys at 23 sites in California, USA and Baja California, Mexico across tidal elevations from 2022-2023 | Tide height (in meters above mean lower low water) at the top of a given vertical transect.
| TH_Transect_Top |
Chlorophyll-a fluorescence from rocky intertidal zone moorings along the Oregon and California coasts, 2007-2015 (ACIDIC project) | tidal height: feet above MLLW (predicted)
| tide |
Temperature from intertidal moorings along Oregon and California coasts, 2009-2015 (ACIDIC Project) | tidal height: feet above MLLW (predicted)
| tide |
Measured and calculated geochemistry values and uncertainty for water samples taken from the water column of Celestun Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico in May of 2015 | Tide position based on the nearest tide gauge in Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico.
| tide |
Abundance of Gracilaria and Diopatra along a tidal mudflat in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 2013 (Gracilaria effects project) | tidal height in feet
| height_ft |
Abundance of Gracilaria and Diopatra along a tidal mudflat in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 2013 (Gracilaria effects project) | tidal height in meters
| height_m |
Relative growth rate of Gracilaria in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 2013 (Gracilaria effects project) | tidal height in feet
| height_ft |
Relative growth rate of Gracilaria in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 2013 (Gracilaria effects project) | tidal height in meters
| height_m |
Mussel growth rates monitored at multiple locations along Washington coast from 2008-2010 (Regenerated Nitrogen project) | Effective Shore Level: the tide height when a point on the shore is first splashed by waves during an incoming tide (Harley and Helmuth 2003)
| shore_level |
Mussel growth rates monitored at multiple locations along Washington coast from 2008-2010 (Regenerated Nitrogen project) | tide height
| tide |
Physical data (sal, temp, wind, wave height) collected from January-March of 2014, 2015, and 2016 at the OIMB pier located in the Coos Bay entrance of the Oregon Coast | Height of high tide sampled (from Mr Tides, url: http://www.mrtides.com/; site: Coos Bay entrance, Oregon)
| tidal_ht |
Results of a study examining how foundation species loss alters multiple ecosystem functions based on community surveys and biogeochemical sampling of tidepools in the Otter Rock Marine Reserve (ORMR) and Marine Garden, Oregon USA from June to August 2019 | tide height of tide pools
| TideHeight |
Olympia oyster larvae length measurements from depth-specific sampling collected by boat in Fidalgo Bay, WA, during July 2017 | Tidal direction based on NOAA tidal predictions: ebb; flood; and low
| tide |
Effect of predation threat on repeatability of individual crab behavior revealed by mark-recapture in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | tidal height at first trial
| tide_1 |
Effect of predation threat on repeatability of individual crab behavior revealed by mark-recapture in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | tidal height at recapture
| tide_2 |
Mud crabs refuge use and activity level - initial measurements collected from North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | tidal height
| tide |
Phytoplankton abudance and physical environmental data from niskin bottles off the coast of Juneau, Alaska from 2015-2016 (SEAK-AHAB project) | Observed tide conditions
| tide |
Phytoplankton abudance and physical environmental data from off the coast of Juneau, Alaska from 2015-2016 (SEAK-AHAB project) | Observed tide conditions
| tide |
| U = upper intertidal, L = lower intertidal.
| TidalHeight |
Seasonal data on productivity, characteristics, and community composition of tidepools on the California coast from 2017 to 2018 | Height of pool
| Tide_Height |
Temperature and light time series in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, fall 2009 (Regenerated Nitrogen project) | tide height above mean lower low water (MLLW)
| tide |
Flow cytometry and nutrient analyses data from a tidal study over 48 hours of mangrove, seagrass, and seawater from the US Virgin Islands in July of 2017 | Qualitative description of the tide level during the sample timepoint
| Tide |
Characteristics of tidepools from seasonal surveys conducted at tidepools along the California coast from 2017 to 2018 | Height of pool in m above MLLW meaured on 10/11/2017
| Tide_Height |