3OEC-instrument Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen | 3OEC-instrument Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen | Robust optode-based eddy correlation systems | Dissolved_Oxygen_Saturation_1, Dissolved_Oxygen_Saturation_2 |
Aanderaa - Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by Aanderaa at Isla Natividad, Mexico | CNH-Baja Pacific | DissolvedOxygen_Saturation |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Acartia tonsa mortality from net tows and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | sbeox0Mg_L |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp | Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Sbeox0PS |
AE2207 Processed CTD with Thermodynamic Calculations | AE2207 Processed CTD with Thermodynamic Calculations | InVirT | oxy_sat |
AT42-05 and FK190211 hydrography | water column geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | oxsolMg_L, oxsatMg_L |
Barnacle Respiration Model | Barnacle Respiration Model | Intertidal Temp Effects | Oxygen_saturation |
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Bermuda | Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Bermuda | Nearshore CO2 | DO_sat |
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Hawaii | Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Hawaii | Nearshore CO2 | DO_sat |
Biofloat_48 Optode dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen concentration and oxygen saturation from Aanderaa 3835 Optode oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | O2sat |
Biofloat_48 Seabird dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen profile from Seabird SBE43 Oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | O2sat |
bottle | Niskin Bottle Data | VERTIGO | O2_satP |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | O2_sat |
Bottle AR29 - Transect 24 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | OxsolMm_Kg_avg |
Bottle Data | CTD Bottle Data | DIAZOTROPHS | O2_satP |
Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Calcite Saturometer | CTDOXY_SAT |
bottle_summ | Niskin bottle summary product; basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients | VERTIGO | O2_satP |
Carbonate Chemistry and Light Data | | BEACON | DO_percent |
Cariaco Meta-Omics Cruises CTD data | CTD profiles collected in support of molecular samples. | CariacoMetaOmics | O2sat_ml_L, O2sat_mg_L |
ccs_proc_CTD | CTD data from CCS Process/Mesoscale Cruises | NEP | O2S |
CLASS custom instrument EXAMPLE (draft) | | GOMP, Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | OxsatMm_Kg |
CTD | SOFeX project CTD profile data | SOFeX | O2_sat |
CTD | CTD profile basic hydrographic data | NASB 2005 | Ox_Sat |
CTD | continuous downcast profile data in 1m bins | CORSACS | O2sat |
CTD | CTD | Filter Feeders Physics and Phosphorus | DOSat_pcnt |
CTD | CTD data collected on three RAPID Plankton cruises | RAPID Plankton | Oxygen_pcnt_sat1, Oxygen_pcnt_sat2 |
CTD - Bottle - AN10 | CTD Averaged Bottle Data | ANACONDAS | OxygenSat, Avg_OxygenSat |
CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | SIRENA | OxsatML_L |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN496 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN496 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | OxsatML_per_L |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN509 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | OxsatML_per_L |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | COPAS08 | oxysat, sbeoxysat |
CTD - Profiles | CTD - Profiles | GoMX - NGOMEX | sbeox0_PS, sbeox1_PS |
CTD - Profiles - AN10 | CTD Profile Data | ANACONDAS | O2_PS |
CTD - Profiles - ISL0109 | CTD - Profiles - ISL0109 | SIRENA | oxsatML_L |
CTD - Profiles - OC449-03 | CTD Profile Data for OC449-03 | SIRENA | oxsatML_L |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | SIRENA | Oxygen_Sat |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | SIRENA | Oxygen_Sat |
CTD - SAM Data Files | CTD SAM Data Files | COPAS08 | sbeoxysat, oxysat |
CTD 2017 | CTD 2017 | HADFBA | Mean_Oxygen |
CTD bottle data from RR2201 | | BLOOFINZ-IO | oxygenSaturation |
CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | GoMX - N2 Fixation | Oxygen_Saturation |
CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | oxsolML_L, oxsatML_L |
CTD downcast from RR2201 | | BLOOFINZ-IO | oxygenSaturation |
CTD Hydrography | | CICLOPS | Oxygen_Saturation |
CTD Hydrography | Basic CTD data collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | Oxygen_pcnt |
CTD Individual Profiles | CARIACO time series individual CTD profiles | CARIACO | oxsatML_L, oxsatMg_L, oxsatMm_Kg, sbeox0PS |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles | DIAZOTROPHS | O2_satP |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles - Down/Up Casts - Binned | Lake Superior Radiocarbon | Sbeox0PS |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profile Data | Foram Dispersal | O2sat |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles - Binned Downcasts | MuLTI | OxsatMg_L |
CTD profiles - Hood Canal | CTD hydrodata from Hood Canal Washington | PelagicHypoxia | O2sat_GG, O2sat_Weiss |
CTD_cg | CTD data from R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus, Gulf of Maine, 1997-1999. | GB | O2_sat |
CTD_cruise | CTD data from the Cruise CD-ROMS | SOGLOBEC | O2sat |
CTD_Profiles | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | O2sat |
CTD_Profiles_KN207-01 | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | O2sat |
Diatom contribution to benthic GPP | | CLASiC | O2_start, O2_end_jars, O2_end_chambers |
Diel Carbonate and Nutrient Chemistry | Diel carbonate and nutrient chemistry | Nearshore CO2 | DO_sat |
dissolved O2 | Depth profiles of dissolved O2 saturation and isotopologues | CDISK_4, O2 isotopologues in the N. Pacific | O2_O2sat |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: TTO data | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: TTO data | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | O2_sat |
EN614 Nutrients | EN614 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Oxsat |
EN640 Nutrients | EN640 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Oxsat |
EN669 Bottle Data | EN669 Bottle Data | GoM Temperature Trends | OxsolMm_Kg |
ETSP 2013 NO3 NO2 N2O | Nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide isotope measurements from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific ocean (NBP13-05) | N2O Cycling | O2_SAT_umol_kg, O2_SAT_mL_L |
ETSP CTD processed | | Microbial Nitrification | oxsat |
FHLOO | Data from a local sensor array that measures pH, pCO2, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity, and current velocity | FHLOO | OxSat |
Field Sampling: Hydrologic data | | VBLAM | YSI_Dosat |
Hood Canal CTD | Hood Canal CTD profiles of temperature, oxygen, salinity, density, fluorescence, PAR, and pH collected in 2017-2018 | Zooplankton Swimming | Oxygen_saturation_Garcia_Gordon, Oxygen_saturation_Weiss |
Hurricane Matthew Geochemical Data | Water geochemistry from surface samples collected along the Neuse River, Neuse River Estuary, and Pamlico Sound in North Carolina between October and December 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew | HMATT | DO_Sat |
KM1314 bottle | Bottle data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | O2sat, O2sat_2 |
KM1314 CTD | CTD data from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | O2sat, O2sat_2 |
KM1919-KM1920 hydrography and nutrients | KM1919-KM1920 hydrographic and nutrient data | ETNP_ParticleOmics, ETNP OMZ Denitrification | O2sat |
LB_2012_Glider_DO_L2 | Time series of dissolved oxygen measured on an undulating glider, Jan-Apr 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | O2_sat |
McMurdo Sound CTDs | CTD casts in McMurdo Sound | McMurdo Predator Prey | O2_sat |
Microsensor profiles - O2Sat | Microsensor profiles - O2Sat | Anoxic Sediment Bacteria Interactions | value_O2Sat |
MiniDOT - El Rosario and Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by MiniDOT | CNH-Baja Pacific, CA Current MS Abpop | DissolvedOxygen_Saturation |
Mixed Layer | Mixed Layer | BLOOFINZ-IO | O2_pcnt_sat |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Oxygen_Saturation, Average_Oxygen_Saturation |
Nerissa CTD Data | Nerissa CTD | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | DO_sat |
Neuse River Estuary YSI Profile | YSI data from the Neuse River. | climate_phyto_estuaries | DOsat |
Niskin bottle hydrography | hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples | CORSACS | O2sat |
Niskin CTD hydrography - IC1 | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from first GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES IC | o2_sat |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Sbeox0PS |
Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | GOMP | Oxsat |
O2 Rosette | Oxygen Data from Niskin Rosette samples | SO_GasEx | O2_sat |
O2 Underway | Oxygen Data from underway system | SO_GasEx | O2_sat |
OA Microbe Adaptation | Environmental and physical data associated with ocean acidification microbe adaptation. | OA microbe adaptation, PICO | OxygenSaturationA, OxygenSaturationB |
OOI Argentine Basin CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Oxygen_Saturation |
OOI Irminger Sea CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Irminger Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data from R/V Neil Armstrong in the Irminger Sea | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Oxygen_Saturation |
OOI Southern Ocean Array CTD and Water Sampling Data | | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Oxygen_Saturation |
OOI Station Papa CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Station Papa Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Oxygen_Saturation |
Rockfish hypoxia experiments | Data from experiments testing the effects of hypoxia on behavior and physiology of two species of rockfish | OA Hypoxia Rockfish | Pcrit_pcnt_air_saturation |
Rosette Samples - HRS1314 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples in 2013 | Soluble ManganeseIII | percent_O2_sat, OneHundredPercentO2_sat |
Rosette Samples - HRS1415 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples collected on HRS1415 | Soluble ManganeseIII | O2_sat_100pcnt |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Oxsol_mL_per_L |
RR2004 CTD Data | RR2004 CTD Data | Conditioning_SAMW | oxsolML_L |
San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | Nearshore CO2 | DO_pcnt |
Sediment pore water geochemical compositional data | Sediment pore water geochemical compositional data | Pacific Porewater Nd | Oxygen_Optode_pcnt_as |
SEEPC CTD | CTD data from SEEPC moorings | SEEPC | O2sat |
September Pelican Samples | Sample Log PE11-07 - September Pelican Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Oxygen_Saturation |
SERC 2019 viral dilution incubations | Gene copy number counts and 16S analyses of July 2019 Rhode River surface water incubated with or without viral dilution | identify cyano infections | DO_pcnt |
SF6 Discrete - Station/Niskin Sort | SF6 Discrete - Station/Niskin Sort | SO_GasEx | O2_satur |
SINC CTD Profiles | CTD Profile Data from the Great Lakes | SINC | O2_sat |
Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | CopesPopDynHypoZone | sbeox0Mg_L |
SPOT environmental data | Environmental measurements from ARISA samples, San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | OxygenSaturation |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Oxsol, Oxsol2 |
Underway Data | Underway Data | OA - Canada Basin | OxySat |
Underway Data | | organic alkalinity | SBE43_oxygen_percent_sat |
Underway pCO2 and dissolved oxygen concentrations and fluxes | Underway pCO2 and dissolved oxygen concentrations and fluxes | ASPIRE | DO_sat |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Manganese3 | O2_100_pcnt_sat_at_T, pcnt_O2_sat |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Manganese3 | O2_100_pcnt_sat_at_T, pcnt_O2_sat |
YellowFin CTD Data | YellowFin CTD Data | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Oxygen_Saturation_umol, Oxygen_SaturationA_ml, Oxygen_SaturationA_umol, Oxygen_Saturation_ml |
York River Flow Averages - Interpolated | Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary, 2018, 2019 | LYRE | DO_1 |
York River Flow Distance Weighted Averages | Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019 | LYRE | DO_1 |
[DEPRECATED] Dissolved Oxygen | | FHLOO | OxSat |