13C incubation cell counts |
Counts of Prochlorococcus from on-deck incubations with 13C-bicarbonate as part of DNA-SIP experiments |
515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions |
515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions, Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: 5 daytrips |
Acartia tonsa mortality from net tows and associated CTD data |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp |
Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data |
active surface bacteria |
Microbial abundance, activity, and nutrient concentrations in Delaware Bay |
AE1620 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data |
bottle data AE1620 |
AE1703 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data |
bottle data AE1703 |
AE1812 Redox data |
AE1812 redox |
AE1812 Water column phosphate data |
AE1812 water column phosphates |
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. |
AR16 Water column nutrients |
AE1812 water column phosphates |
ARK27-3: Bulk FLA hydrolysis rates |
ARK27-3: Bulk FLA |
ARK27-3: Bulk MCA hydrolysis rates |
ARK27-3: Bulk MCA |
ARK27-3: GF FLA hydrolysis rates |
ARK27-3: gravity filtered fluorescence (GF FLA) |
ARK27-3: GF MCA hydrolysis rates |
ARK27-3: gravity filtered fluorescence (GF MCA) |
ARK27-3: Sediment MCA hydrolysis rates |
ARK27-3: sediment MCA |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 1 - Asteroid species - Presence 1 and absence 0 of Asteroid species by station |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 1 - Asteroid species - Presence (1) and absence (0) of Asteroid species by station |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 2 - Holothurian species - Number of individuals by station |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 2 - Holothurian species - Number of individuals by station |
AT37-12: CTD locations and bottle depths |
Baltic GasEx 1 SF6 and Helium |
Baltic GasEx SF6 and He from tracer release experiment |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_diversity_rDNA_BLAST |
BLAST results from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) site in Feb. and Aug. 2012 |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_rDNA_sample_log |
sample log for 16S and 18S rDNA amplicons sequenced with 454 technology, BATS site, 2012 |
Bottle chemistry data from AT37-12 |
Bottle data |
bottle nutrients data |
Bottle RB1904 |
Bottle dataset May 2019 |
bottle_data_2002 |
Rosette Bottle Data |
broadscale_summary |
Broadscale physical and nutrient kriged data, five year summary. |
Carbonate Chemistry and CTD |
Carbonate chemistry and CTD data along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska |
Carbonate data from water samples |
Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. |
ccs_proc_CTD |
CTD data from CCS Process/Mesoscale Cruises |
ccs_proc_CTD |
CTD data from CCS Process/Mesoscale Cruises |
Cell counts - water |
Cell counts from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 |
Cellular element quotas: Si in Synechococcus cells |
element quotas of individual Synechococcus cells |
Chemistry - July 2008 |
Chemistry - July 2008 |
Chemistry - May 2007 |
Chemistry - May 2007 |
Chemistry - October 2007 |
Chemistry - October 2007 |
Chemistry and cell counts |
Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond |
Chloro HPLC |
Chloro HPLC |
chlorophyll |
Chlorophyll data from EN321 and EN325, Georges Bank, 1999 |
CTD - AT37-12 |
AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific |
CTD - Downcasts |
CTD - Downcasts |
CTD - R/V Gaia cruises |
CTD data collected during R/V Gaia cruises |
CTD Binned Downcasts - CH0508 |
CTD Binned Downcasts - CH0508 |
CTD Bottle Files - CH0508 |
CTD Bottle Files - CH0508 |
CTD Bottle Files - Means - CH0508 |
CTD Bottle Files - Means - CH0508 |
CTD Log |
CTD Log |
CTD Manganese Speciation |
CTD Profiles - BATS226 |
CTD Profiles - BATS226 |
CTD Profiles - CH0508 |
CTD Profiles - CH0508 |
CTD sensor |
CTD sensor data from two cruises |
CTD station log |
CTD station log of RV/Pelagia-280 in the (sub)tropical Atlantic, 2007-8 |
CTD TM_Rosette Nutrients Chl |
CTD, TM Rosette CTD, nutrients and chlorophyll data |
CTD_ak_ltop |
AK-LTOP CTD cast data |
CTD_cg |
CTD data from R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus, Gulf of Maine, 1997-1999. |
CTD_cgoa process cruises |
CTD data from process cruises |
CTD_cruise |
CTD data from the Cruise CD-ROMS |
CTD_dg |
CTD data from EN321 and EN325, Georges Bank, 1999. |
CTD_Klink_one_meter |
Processed one meter(decibar) CTD data |
CTD_Klink_std_depth |
Processed standard depth (pressure) CTD data from SOGLOBEC survey cruises |
CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls |
CTD data collected during MOCNESS-1 deployments, Southern Ocean, 2006 |
CTD data collected during MOCNESS-10 deployments, Southern Ocean, 2006 |
CTD data collected during MOCNESS tows with both 1m2 and 10m2 mouth openings |
CTD_pmel FOCI cruises |
CTD files (netcdf format originally) from NOAA/PMEL FOCI cruises |
CTD_ps |
BIO CTD Data from Eastern Gulf of Maine/Scotian Shelf, 1993-1999. |
CTD_rl |
Process Study CTD data, Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, 1994-1995. |
Digitized Nutrient profiles from the Warm Core Ring Program |
Dissolved O2 and Potential Density |
Dissolved Oxygen potential density measurements from 3 cruises. |
Doliolid diet: lab chlorophyll, carbon, nitrogen |
Nutrients and chlorophyll-a from CTD casts 2015-2017 |
DON concentration and DON d15N |
Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and d15N |
Duquette et al. 2018: Mg/Ca ratios |
Mg/Ca ratios |
ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes |
ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes |
Experimental pCO2 manipulation experiments 2010-2012 |
bubbled pCO2 perturbation experiments |
FlowCam Particle Carbon Content |
FlowCam Particle Carbon Content |
FlowCam Particle Sizes |
FlowCam Particle Sizes |
Fukushima Radionuclide Iodine 129 levels |
129I of total dissolved inorganic iodine |
GA02 Leg 3 - Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd |
Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd |
GeoMICS Viromes |
Absorption spectra and DOC concentrations |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Profiles |
CTD profiles |
Groves Creek: temperature, depth, salinity (Seabird MicroCat CTD) |
CTD-MicroC |
GT10-11 - Trace Element Profiles |
Trace element profiles from GT-10 and GT-11 |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 |
This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 |
This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard ammonium uptake |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard nitrate uptake |
Gulf of Mexico diel ammonium uptake |
Gulf of Mexico diel nitrate uptake |
Gulf of Mexico in situ nitrate uptake |
Gulf of Mexico net primary production |
Hotmix 2014 Retinoids |
Retinoid data from Mediterranean cruise, Hotmix 2014. |
HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results |
HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results |
Hydrographic and nutrient data |
hydrography |
Nutrient data from the western Gulf of Maine (bottles) |
IEP February and May 2017 |
Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 |
In situ pCO2 manipulation experiments 2010-2011 |
array data 2010 and 2011 |
IO Phytoplankton |
Phytoplankton diversity along with carbon and nitrogen uptake rates along the GO-SHIP IO9 repeat hydrography section of the Indian Ocean |
Isolates |
Isolates from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 |
LB_2012_Ship_Chl |
Chlorophyll and pheopigments from filtered water samples |
LB_2012_Ship_CTD-Optics-O2 |
Long Bay vertical CTD profiles, bin-averaged, downcast |
LB_2012_Ship_Nutrients |
Long Bay ship macronutrient concentrations: nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, silicate |
LMG1801 Sample Log |
LMG1801 Sample Log |
Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data |
Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data |
MCTD Lake Michigan 2017, 2018 & 2019 |
MCTD Lake Michigan 2017/2018/2019 |
MesoZoo Grazing BLOOFINZ-GoM |
Mesozooplankton grazing rates in oceanic Gulf of Mexico |
Metaproteomics of Bering Strait Ship-board 10 day bacterial Incubations. |
Microbial Counts - Eukaryote |
Microbial counts - Eukaryote |
Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton |
Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids |
16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes |
16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms |
mixed_layer |
Mixed layer depths |
MO - sugars |
Sugar concentrations from BATS site, 2001-2004 |
MO - virioplankton abund-FISH probe |
Virioplankton abundance at BATS site using FISH probe, 2003-2011 |
MO - virioplankton abundance |
Virioplankton abundance at BATS site, 2000-2011 |
Multi-core Arctic sediment data |
Sediment geochemical and microbial activity data collected by multi-corer. |
MV1405 CTD seawater samples and locations |
Physical and chemical properties of surface seawater obtained by CTD |
MVCO CARD-FISH hybridization count results |
MVCO CARD-FISH hybridization count results |
MVCO Syndiniales amplicon ASV counts |
MVCO Syndiniales amplicon ASV counts |
NAB08 C-14 PP |
nep CTD |
CTD data from CCS LTOP Cruises |
net flow meter calibration |
Plankton net flow meter calibration data, July 2015 |
NH1417 NEMO Bottles |
Niskin bottle data |
CTD profile downcasts |
Niskin bottle sample inventory |
Niskin bottle sample inventory |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data |
Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information |
nitrate plus nitrite |
Nitrate + nitrite concentration and d15N from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010-2011 |
nitrogen fixation rates |
15N2-based N2 fixation rates from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010-2011 |
nutrients |
Nutrient pump observations |
nutrients_LMG |
Southern Ocean nutrients from CTD bottles from 4 LMGould cruises, 2001-2002 |
nutrients_NBP |
Nutrient data for the NB Palmer 2001-2002 cruises |
ODV and CTD |
ODV and CTD |
optics |
Vertical profiles of PAR, upwelled irradiance w/CTD data |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific |
Particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates |
Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates |
Particulate Th |
Particulate Th |
Particulate trace elements |
A16N Particulate trace element concentrations |
Pennate growth rate |
Pennate growth rate |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FCM IN2019_V03 |
Phytoplankton growth and grazing from flow cytometry in the eastern Indian Ocean |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FlChla GoM |
Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from fluorometric chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico |
Phyto Growth and Grazing HPLC GoM |
Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from HPLC pigments in the Gulf of Mexico |
Phyto HPLC Pigments |
Phyto HPLC Pigments |
Phytoflux_BATS - Clone Library 2008-1010 |
Phytoplankton clone library matches from BATS cruises 2008-2010 |
pigments_CN |
POC, PON and Pigments from LMG0414 and LMG0602 |
ProteOMZ nitrous oxide data |
Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016 |
Protist Carbon |
Protist Carbon |
Pseudo-nitzschia diversity and viral titers |
PULSE CTD data |
CTD data from the PULSE project, 2003-2008, Gulf of Maine |
Pump mesozooplankton samples |
Analysis of mesozooplankton from pump samples |
PUPCYCLE 2019 upwelling transects |
PUPCYCLE 2019 upwelling transects |
Radiocarbon in methane at ocean margins |
Radium Summary |
Radium isotope data summaries |
Radon isotopes in groundwater |
Radon isotope results from groundwater wells around Little Lagoon, Alabama |
REACH_ctd |
CTD data from the western Gulf of Maine |
reconstructed genomes |
Reconstructed genomes from North Pond |
Red Sea CTD |
CTD of a cast on 13 Jan. 2014 in the Red Sea |
Rosette Samples - HRS1314 |
CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples in 2013 |
RV Falkor 160115 CTD Log |
R/V Falkor 160115 CTD log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. |
RV Falkor 160115 Event Log |
R/V Falkor 160115 event log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. |
salmon_hauldata |
haul data and salmon numbers caught and processed; 2001-2004 |
salp_swarms |
Abundance, size, fecundity of Salpa aspera in the Slope Waters off northeastern USA |
sampling log - internal wave events |
Log of plankton sampling during internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. |
sampling log - non-internal wave events |
Log of plankton sampling during non-internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. |
sampling log - swell events |
Log of plankton sampling during swell events from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. |
sampling log - thermocline study |
Log of plankton sampling during thermocline study from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. |
ScanFish OPC |
Multi year ScanFish OPC data |
Shotgun Metaproteomics of Bering Strait surface water and Chukchi Sea bottom water. |
Shotgun Proteomics of Bering Sea algal incubations. |
simulated in situ primary production |
Simulated in Situ production data from NBP cruises |
SMILE counts |
SMILE counts |
SO248: Bulk FLA hydrolysis rates |
SO248: Bulk FLA |
SO248: Bulk MCAMUF hydrolysis rates |
SO248: Bulk MCAMUF |
SO248: GF FLA hydrolysis rates |
SO248: GF FLA |
SO248: GF MCAMUF hydrolysis rates |
Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips |
Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips |
Summary CTD data |
CTD summary data from phytoplankton monitoring sites in Juneau, AK. |
Thorium Summary |
Thorium isotope data summaries |
TI725 eventlog |
Event log for TI725, January 2014 |
TI729 eventlog |
Event log for TI729, January 2014 |
Tidal study of seawater microbial communities |
TN327 Axial 2015 CTD Bottle Data |
TONGA nitrate plus nitrite isotopes |
TONGA NO3 d15N |
Total Th |
Total Th |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data |
Trench CFUs |
CFUs from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC469 |
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC469, 2010 |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC471 |
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC471, 2011 |
Vitacopss: cell counts and chla |
Picoplankton growth with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 |
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon |
Eukaryote plankton abundance and composition with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 |
Vitacopss: nutrients and microbial cell counts |
Nutrients and picoplankton cell counts with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 |
vitamin B dissolved - Hotmix 2014 |
Dissolved B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 |
vitamin B particulate - Hotmix 2014 |
Particulate B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 |
vitamin B particulate - Vitacopss 2015 |
Particulate B vitamins from Vitacopss, San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 |
Water Column Be-7 |
Be-7 from water samples from the Arctic collected on RV Polarstern ARK-XXVI/3. |
Water Column Data - CTD |
CTD water column data from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. |
Water column Th-234 activities |
Winter to spring transition in a fjord in the Gulf of Alaska - chlorophyll a and flow cytometry data |
Winter to spring transition in a fjord in the Gulf of Alaska - microscopy data |