16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | 16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | Quantitative coral microbiomes | BioProject |
18s DNA sequences of potential prey of siphonophores | | SiphWeb | BioProject |
Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Coral Rickettsiales, Resilient Acerv | BioProject |
Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Coral Rickettsiales | bioproject_accession |
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. | | C-AIM, NES LTER, NBPTS | BioProject |
Atlantic silverside RNA-seq reads | | GenomAdapt | BioProject |
Ca. Aquarickettsia rohweri transcriptomes | | Coral Rickettsiales | BioProject |
Controlled laboratory study using model organisms Micromonas commoda RCC 299 and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | BioProject |
Experimental coral treatments | DNA results of Pocillopora cf. meandrina and Acropora hyacinthus | Moorea Virus Project | BioProject |
Gene expression of Eurytemora affinis (saline and freshwater) | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | BioProject |
Gulf of Alaska copepods: annotated transcriptomes | The dataset includes the annotation files of nine high-quality de novo transcriptomes generated from shotgun assemblies of short-sequence reads. | Diapause preparation, Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | BioProject |
IRN-BRU MV1405 Transect 5 BioGeoChem | | DiatomFeMolBio, iron limitation mosaic | BIOPROJECT_ACCESSION |
Juan de Fuca Viruses | Single Amplified Virus Genome sequence accessions at NCBI | Juan de Fuca Viruses | NCBI_BioProject |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Pelagibacteromics | bioproject_accession |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Pelagibacteromics | Metagenome_bioproject_accession, Amplicon_bioproject_accession |
Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | KW connectivity | BioProject |
Long-term diatom microbiome data and analysis package | | LTPE | BioProject |
Metagenome sequencing samples | Metagenome sequencing samples | JdFR Strain level | NCBI_Bioproject_Accession |
Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Cleanerfish microbiomes | BioProject_accession |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids | 16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | bioproject_accession |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | bioproject_accession |
Multiyear RNA-Seq of Neocalanus flemingeri stages CV and Adult Female | Multiyear RNA-Seq of Neocalanus flemingeri stages CV and Adult Female | Diapause preparation, Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | BioProject |
NCBI accession numbers for RNAseq data from five coral species experimentally exposed to SCTLD | NCBI accession numbers for RNAseq data from five coral species experimentally exposed to SCTLD | Multi-Species Coral Disease | BioProject |
NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | Ciliate Omics | NCBI_BioprojectProject_ID |
NCBI accessions for RNAseq data from apparently healthy and SCTLD-affected Montastraea cavernosa | | Multi-Species Coral Disease | NCBI_BioProject_accession |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | bioproject_accession |
OC1703A Sediment 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | BioProject |
OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | Deep Sediment N Fix | BioProject |
OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | BioProject |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | BioProject |
Pooled sequencing data from field-collected Eurytemora affinis | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | BioProject |
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. presence-absence and environmental data | | C-AIM, NES LTER, NBPTS | NCBI_BioProject |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping | | GenomAdapt | bioproject_accession |
Raw low-coverage whole genome sequencing reads | | GenomAdapt | bioproject_accession |
RNAseq data used to identify viral genomes | Alphaflexivirus Genomes in Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease-Affected, Disease-Exposed, and Disease-Unexposed Coral Colonies in the U.S. Virgin Islands | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Accession |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | bioproject_accession |
Seagrass Microbiome Data | | Eelgrass disease | BioProject |
Sequencing Reads | Accession numbers | KeysCoralPopgen | BioProject |
Sinking particle sample information for BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | bioproject_accession |
Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge_Loop | BioProject |
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SPOT | study_accession |
Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria | Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria - metadata for transcriptomic expression data | C-CoMP Model Bacteria | BioProject |
T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | T. rotula Common Garden Experiment | Phytoplankton Community Responses | BioProject |
T. rotula microbiome global sample | T. rotula microbiome global sample | Diatom Gene Flow | Bioproject |
Three-Prime Tag-Sequencing (3' Tag-Seq) Data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | bioproject_ncbi |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | BioProject_accession |
Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Bio_Project |
Whole genome sequence data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | bioproject_ncbi |
Whole Genome Sequencing of Eelgrass Bodega and Tomales Bay | Whole Genome Sequencing of Eelgrass Bodega and Tomales Bay | ZosteraEcoGenomics | bioproject_accession |
Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | ZosteraEcoGenomics | BioProject |