14C 32Si Experimental - from RR1813 | 32Si and 14C production data (experimental) | Diatoms and carbon export | Rosette_Bottle |
15N Rate Summary | LMG1801 15N Rate Summary | Oxidation of Urea N | Niskin_Bottle_Number |
234Th - AN10 | 234Th (dpm/L) | ANACONDAS | Bottle |
32Si Profiles - from RR1813 | 32Si data from EXPORTS cruise | Diatoms and carbon export | Rosette_Bottle |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp | Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Bottle_num |
AE1620 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1620 | Bacterial DOC cycling | Niskin |
AE1703 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1703 | Bacterial DOC cycling | Niskin |
AE1910 CTD Bottles | | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | Bottle |
AE2207 Unprocessed CTD | AE2207 CTD | InVirT | bpos |
All Bottle | All Bottle | ECOHAB-PNW | bottle |
AR16 Experiment Chl a | Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed on AR16 | North Atlantic Diatoms | bottle_number |
AR16_Bottle | Standard bottle data. | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | Bottle |
Arabian Gulf Carbonate System Chemistry | | Arabian Gulf CO2 | Bottle_Number |
AT37-12: CTD locations and bottle depths | | vent O2 NO3 roles | Niskin |
ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2018 | ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2018 | Carbon in the Deep Sea | Flask |
ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2019 | ATP and cell numbers T. weissflogii 2019 | Carbon in the Deep Sea | Flask |
Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements | Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Disaggregation | ID |
Bacterial cell counts and DOC | bacterial abundance and DOC | DOM_SeasonalDynamics | Bottle |
Barium-isotopic profile IrnBru | Barium concentration and isotopic data collected along the California Coastline in 2014 | GEOTRACES PMT Barium | bottle_rosette |
BATS discrete bottle data | BATS discrete bottle data | BATS | Bottle_num |
BCO-DMO EPZT Master Events File | BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
Biogeochemical survey 2015-2018 | Biogeochemical data from cruises AT32, AT34, AT38, AT39-06 | DOM_SeasonalDynamics | Niskin |
Biogeochemistry | Biogeochemistry Data | NP | Niskin |
Biogeochemistry | Biogeochemistry Data | ATP3 | Niskin |
Biology | Biology | NP | Niskin |
BLOOFINZ-IO net primary productivity (14C) | BLOOFINZ-IO net primary productivity (14C) | BLOOFINZ-IO | Cycle_Bottle, Niskin_bottle |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | bottle |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | bottle |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from RV/Pelagia-325 | Basin-scale Protists | bottle |
Bottle | Bottle data from SR1805 cruise | N2O in ETNP | Bottle |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | bottle_nuts, bottle_toi, bottle_alk, bottle_chl |
bottle data - NBP1201 | Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples taken in the Ross Sea | PRISM-RS | bottle, bottle_nuts, bottle_tmctd |
bottle data 2000 | Salinity, nutrients, and extracted pigment | NEP | bottle_posn |
bottle oxygen | Oxygen sampled from Niskin bottles | EDDIES | Nis |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | bottle_nuts, bottle_toi, bottle_chl, bottle_alk |
bottle salinity | Niskin bottle salinity measurements | EDDIES | Nis |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | bottle_alk, bottle_nh4HR, bottle_toi, bottle_nuts, bottle_chl |
bottle_data | Bottle data from CTD Rosettes from 2 cruises to the Gulf of Mexico during 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | bottle |
bottle_data_2002 | Rosette Bottle Data | NEP | bottle |
bottle_KN207-01 | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | bottle |
BVAL bottle data (BATS Validation cruises) | BATS Validation cruise bottle data | BATS | Bottle_num |
Carbon chemistry from CTD - Bottle | Carbon chemistry (TCO2, TALK, POC, PON, dC13_POM, dN15_POM) from CTD bottles | TRACERS | BOTTLE |
Carbonate chemistry | P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system (silicate, total alkalinity, total dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, oxygen) and hydrography samples | OAPS | bottle |
Carbonate Chemistry and CTD | Carbonate chemistry and CTD data along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska | CDISK_4, CaCO3 dissolution | Bottle |
Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Rock_num |
Cell counts in dilution experiment | Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus cell counts in dilution experiment treatments. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | Bottle |
Cellular element quotas: Si in Synechococcus cells | element quotas of individual Synechococcus cells | Si_in_Syn | BATS_bottle_ID |
Chemistry - July 2008 | Chemistry - July 2008 | Anammox Black Sea | Bottle |
Chemistry - May 2007 | Chemistry - May 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | Bottle |
Chemistry - October 2007 | Chemistry - October 2007 | Anammox Black Sea | Bottle |
Chlorophyll a | Discrete fluorometric chlorophyll a data | ASPIRE | Bottle_Number |
chloro_bottle | 1995 and 1996 fairly raw chlorophyll data, Georges Bank, 1995-1996 | GB | bottle |
chloro_bottle_ctd | 1995 and 1996 temperature, salinity and fluorescence data, GLOBEC Georges Bank Broadscale cruises, 1995-1996. | GB | bottle |
chloro_Vernet | Chlorophyll data from bottles, buckets and ice | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS | Bottle_Number |
CICLOPS Dissolved Metals | Dissolved metal concentrations measured during the CICLOPS | CICLOPS | Bottle |
CICLOPS Dissolved Nutrients | | CICLOPS | Bottle_Number |
CICLOPS Total Zn and Cd uptake rates | Total Zn and Cd uptake rates of natural assemblages measured during the CICLOPS expedition | CICLOPS | Bottle |
CLASS custom instrument EXAMPLE (draft) | | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen, GOMP | Bottle |
CTD - AT37-12 | AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | vent O2 NO3 roles | bottles_fired |
CTD - Bottle | CTD - Bottle | GoMX - NGOMEX | bottle_position |
CTD - Bottle | CTD - Bottle | OA - Western Arctic | BTLNBR |
CTD - Bottle - AN10 | CTD Averaged Bottle Data | ANACONDAS | Bottle |
CTD - Bottle - TOM and Nutrients | CTD - Bottle - TOM and Nutrients | North Pacific RDOC, DORC PhotoChem | BTLNBR |
CTD - Bottle Nutrients | Bottle Nutrients | COPAS08 | BTLNBR |
CTD - Bottle Summary | CTD - Bottle Summary | GATEKEEPERS | Bottle_Position |
CTD - Bottle Trip | CTD at Bottle Trip Data | SOIREE | trip |
CTD - Bottles | CTD - Bottles | Assessing Roseobacter activities | bottle |
CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | SIRENA | bottle_position |
CTD - Discrete Samples | Discrete Samples from CTD Casts | COPAS08 | BTLNBR |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | SeapHOx | Bottle |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | Great Calcite Belt | Niskin_No |
CTD - Salinity | CTD salinity calibrations | SO_GasEx | Niskin_Bottle, sample_bottle |
CTD - SAM Data Files | CTD SAM Data Files | COPAS08 | botlnum, position |
CTD bottle data | CTD bottle data | Diatom Group Si Prod | Bottle |
CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | Bottle_Position |
CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | Great Calcite Belt | Bottle_Position |
CTD NPP and nutrients | | DANCE | Bottle |
CTD Profiles - BATS226 | CTD Profiles - BATS226 | ON DEQUE | Bottle |
Data Set 3A: Utilization of dissolved organic carbon by a natural bacterial community as a function of pCO2 | Data Set #3A: Utilization of dissolved organic carbon by a natural bacterial community as a function of pCO2 | OA - Effects of High CO2 | bottle_number |
delta_O_18 | Oxygen Isotope data, GLOBEC and Canadian Cruises, 1994-1998. | GB | bottle |
Diatom silica productivity rates | Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO | Diatom Group Si Prod | Bottle_num |
Diazo Distribution | Abundance and distribution of diazotrophs determined via qPCR | DIAZOTROPHS | Bottle |
DIC - CTD | DIC CTD Data | SOIREE | trip |
DIC and TA sediment fluxes 2017-2018 | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle_number |
DIC_TA | Final DIC and TA data | SO_GasEx | Samp |
Dilution Experiments | Dilution Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Bottle_No |
Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S | Hydrostation S bottle data | Hydrostation S | Bottle_num |
Discrete O2 Ar | Discrete O2 Ar | SO_GasEx | niskin |
Discrete O2 Ar - Sampling Log | Discrete O2 Ar - Sampling Log | SO_GasEx | Bottle_Number |
Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle |
Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle |
Dissolved Fe conc and isotopes - UK_GA10 | Dissolved (0.2 micron filtered (<75 m depth) or 0.4 micron (>75 m depth) Fe stable isotope ratios and concentrations | TMI_GEOTRACES-UK | bottle |
Dissolved phenols | Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and phenols from for Polarstern cruise PS 94-ARK-XXIX/3 | Lignin phenol method development | Bottle |
Dissolved Th/Pa - IC1/IC2 | Seawater dissolved 232Thorium, 230Thorium and 231Protactinium in the subtropical North Pacific | GEOTRACES IC | bottle |
DOC TDN Nutrients | TRACERS: DOC, TDN, Nutrients | TRACERS | BOTTLE |
DOPv2021 | DOP concentration observations in the global ocean between 1990 and 2021. | DOP N2 fixation and export production | BottleID |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | Bottle |
Emiliania huxleyi SEM | SEM based morphology of Emiliania huxleyi in 2011 and 2012 | E Hux Response to pCO2 | bottle |
EN556 and EN584 Niskin bottle cast notes | Niskin bottle cast notes, EN556 and EN584 | Patterns of activities | Bottle_1, Bottle_12, Bottle_2, Bottle_3, Bottle_4, Bottle_5, Bottle_6, Bottle_7, Bottle_8, Bottle_9, Bottle_10, Bottle_11 |
EN596 discrete samples | Discrete samples and rate measurements collected aboard the RV Endeavor cruise EN596 | EAGER NitFix | Nisken |
EN614 Nutrients | EN614 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | BottleID, Bottle |
EN640 Bottle Data | EN640 Bottle Data | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | BottleID, Bottle |
EN640 Nutrients | EN640 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | BottleID, Bottle |
EN669 Bottle Data | EN669 Bottle Data | GoM Temperature Trends | Niskin, DIC_Bottle |
ETNP Dissolved and Particulate Ni Cd Fe Zn Cu | ETNP Dissolved and Particulate d60Ni, d114Cd, d56Fe, d66Zn and d65Cu | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Bottle |
ETNP dissolved Cd, Ni, Mn, and light rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) | Concentrations of dissolved cadmium, nickel, manganese, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean on R/V Revelle cruise RR1804-1805 | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Bottle |
ETNP Iodine Speciation | Iodine Speciation | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Bottle |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | bottle |
FlavoPH Experiment: HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | Coral DOM2 | Bottle |
Fukushima Radionuclide Iodine 129 levels | 129I of total dissolved inorganic iodine | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | Bottle |
GA01 - Dissolved Pb | Dissolved lead data collected for GEOVIDE, section GA01. | GEOVIDE_Pb | BTLNBR, SAMPNO, PI_SAMPNO |
GA01 - Pb Isotopes | Lead isotope data collected for GEOVIDE, section GA01. | GEOVIDE_Pb | BTLNBR, SAMPNO, PI_SAMPNO |
GA02 Leg 3 - Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Nd Paleocirculation Proxy | BODC_Bottle, bottle |
Global Noble Gases | Noble gas and N2/Ar (with associated CTD) data from 93 different cruises spanning the globe | Weddell Sea Tracers, Measuring Diapycnal Mixing, NAT He and Tritium, Tracers of Bio Prod and Gas Exchange, OP3, C Pump in Subtropical N Pacific, Net Bio O2 Prod JGOFS, Gas Tracers O2 Prod Subtropical Pacific, N2:Ar Deep Tracer, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, CarboMODE | niskin |
GN01 Arctic GEOTRACES Bottle Particles | Trace element concentrations in particles collected with GO-Flo bottles and analyzed with ICP-MS. Concentrations of labile and total metal fractions are reported. | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles | BTLNBR |
GN01 CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GT-Arctic Tracer Circulation | BTLNBR |
GN01 CTD - GTC Bottle | CTD-GTC bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | BTLNBR |
GN01 CTD - ODF Bottle | CTD-ODF bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | BTLNBR |
GN01 d13C-DIC | The ratio of 13C to 12C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) measured during the GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY 1502, ARC01) during Fall 2015 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic del13C | BTLNBR |
GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GEOTRACES Arctic Methane V Ba Ga, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Rosette_Position |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - MIT | Concentration of Pb passing through a 0.2µm Acropak capsule filter | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Pb | BTLNBR |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - UAF | Dissolved Pb concentration data from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Expedition (GN01, HLY1502) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Pb | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Bottle_ID |
GO-SHIP A16N 2023 d13C DIC | GO-SHIP A16N 2023 d13C DIC | South Atlantic Ocean δ13CDIC | NISKIN |
GP09 dissolved trace elements | GP09 dissolved trace elements | Trace elements in NW Pacific | Rosette_Position |
GP15 Bottle Leg 1 | Bottle file from US GEOTRACES PMT (GP15) Leg 1 (RR1814) | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | BTLNBR |
GP15 Bottle Leg 2 | Bottle file from US GEOTRACES PMT (GP15) Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | BTLNBR |
GP15 CFCs and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, and SF6 concentrations for GP15 cruise | PMT CFC SF6, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Rosette_Position |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Rosette_Position |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | PMT Thorium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Bottle_ID |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Thorium Isotopes | Bottle_ID |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Niskin |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Niskin |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 1 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Niskin_Bottle |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 2 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Niskin_Bottle |
GP16 Barium Dissolved | Dissolved Barium (Ba) in US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, GP16. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Bidigare Pigments | Bidigare Pigments | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements | BTLNBR |
GP16 CFC and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, CFC-113, and SF6 concentration from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR, bottle_num |
GP16 Cobalt Total and Labile Dissolved | Total dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Fe Cu Co | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Copper Speciation | Copper speciation results for dissolved organic copper binding ligand concentrations, stability constants, and free copper for the U.S. GEOTRACES Equatorial Pacific cruise | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Core Top Major Elements | Core-top (0-1cm) sediment data from GEOTRACES EPZT (GP16) cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | SAMPNO |
GP16 CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 d13C-DIC | The 13C/12C stable carbon isotopic ratio of the dissolved inorganic carbon from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT d13C-DIC | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 d15N NO3 | Nitrate isotope data from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon in silicic acid from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | GEOTRACES EPZT Silicon Isotope, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR, SAMPNO |
GP16 Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn | Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn from bottle samples | FeMnCdCuZn, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Seawater Inorganic Carbon Data (DIC) from the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, TN303 | EPZT Carbon, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Dissolved Iron - ODU | Water-column dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations for major stations occupied during U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise; post-cruise analyses conducted at Old Dominion University | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Dissolved Manganese | Concentrations of dissolved manganese (Mn) in water-column samples from major stations that were occupied during the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations | Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Iron Zinc and Cadmium isotopes dissolved | Dissolved (0.4 micron filtered) Fe, Zn and Cd isotope ratios and concentrations across GEOTRACES-EPZT | EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Lead dissolved | Dissolved Pb data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Mercury speciation dissolved | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Particulate Elements Geo-FISH | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from the GeoFISH | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | BTLNBR, SAMPNO |
GP16 Particulate Elements Go-Flo Bottle | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from GO-Flo bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Particulate Iron Speciation | X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for particulate iron | EPZT Particle Geochemistry, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO |
GP16 Polonium-210 and Lead-210 dissolved | Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect-2013 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Radiocarbon DelC14 | Radiocarbon DelC14 from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Radium | Radium isotopes collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | EPZT TEI Rates, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SAMPNO |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species from Super GeoFish | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Super-GeoFish | EPZT_Redox_Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species profiles from bottle samples | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Go-FLO bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | BTLNBR |
GP16 Thorium and Protactinium dissolved | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Th_Pa | BTLNBR |
GP16 Trace Metals Dissolved | Dissolved trace metals from eastern part of the transect from GO-FLO rosette | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT trace metals | BTLNBR |
GP16 Tritium | Tritium Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | SAMPNO, BTLNBR |
GP16 Water Mass Percentages | Results from Optimum Multiparameter Water Mass Analysis (OMPA) for GP16 obtained using temperature, salinity, nutrient, and oxygen data | EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | BTLNBR, SAMPNO |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE | Rosette_Position |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Seawater Barium Concentrations | GP17-OCE Dissolved seawater barium concentrations | GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE | Rosette_Position |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Cobalt and Protein Biomarkers, GP17-OCE | Rosette_Position |
GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE | BTLNBR |
GT10 - CDOM | Absorption coefficients of Colored Dissolved Organic matter (CDOM) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | BTLNBR |
GT10 - Cysteine Glutathione | Dissolved cysteine and glutathione across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - delta-O18 and Deuterium | Depth profiles of seawater d18O and dD from 8 stations of the KN199-04 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GEOTRACES: Intercal Phosphate Oxygen | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - DOC | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - FIA-AlFe | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al and Fe. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - HeNe_dups | Helium and Neon duplicates from station 1 of KN199-04 (GT10) cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Nitrogen (PON) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10 - SPM | Suspended Particulate Matter data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater - GT11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GT NAT CFC and SF6 | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Cu Speciation | Total dissolved copper and estimates of free Cu2+, ligand concentrations, and conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - delta 15N-NO3 | delta 15N of nitrate from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - dFe and dFe-II | Concentrations of dissolved iron and dissolved iron(II), U.S. GEOTRACES transects | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - DIC_TA | Inorganic Carbon data from GT10 and GT11 North Atlantic cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved and Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved and small and large particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Fe Zn Cd conc and isotopes | Dissolved Fe, Zn and Cd concentrations and isotope ratios | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle, bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Po Pb | Dissolved 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Fe Speciation | Profiles of concentrations of dissolved iron-binding ligands and their respective conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - HeNe | Helium, Neon, and Helium-isotope concentrations from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Hg Particulate | Particulate total mercury and monomethylmercury - US GEOTRACES NATZ | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Hg Speciation | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Nitrate isotopes | Nitrogen and Oxygen isotope ratios of dissolved nitrate | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate composition | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | sample_bottle_GEOTRC, bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate Fe Isotopes | Particulate Fe isotopes (d56Fe, labile d56Fe, labile[Fe], [Cd], [Ba], and [P]) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate Po Pb | Particulate 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Particulate trace elements | Trace element concentrations in particles | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Ra Th | Radium and Thorium isotopes sampled by in situ pump on GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - REEs | Dissolved Rare Earth Element (REE) Concentrations in NAZT Section GA03 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, NAT_Continue | BODC_Bottle |
GT10-11 - Th234 Particulate | Particulate Thorium-234 from in situ pumps. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Th234_Total_and_U238 | Water-column total Thorium-234 and Uranium-238. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC, bottle |
GT10-11 - Trace Element Profiles | Trace element profiles from GT-10 and GT-11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC, bottle |
GT10-11 - Tritium | Tritium concentration from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT11 - As Sb AP - Profiles | Depth profiles for arsenic and antimony speciation and alkaline phosphatase activity | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | BTLNBR |
GT11 - FIA-AlFeMn | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | bottle_GEOTRC |
HPLC Pigments | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on KN207-03 cruise (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | amb_bot, niskin_sampled |
HPLC Pigments | HPLC pigment data from samples collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | CTD_bottle |
HPLC Pigments - CTD | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Niskin |
HRR cruise bottle data | HRR bottle data | HRR | Salinity_Bottle_id, Oxygen_Bottle_id, Year, Month, Day, Time, Niskin_Bottle_id, Nutrient_Bottle_id |
Hydrographic data from Sermilik 2015 | | Greenland Melt Noble Gases | bottle |
In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | CaCO3 dissolution | Niskin |
Inorganic Carbon Data | Inorganic Carbon Data from The Great Belt Cruises | Great Calcite Belt | Niskin |
IrnBru MV1405 - Silicon biogeochemical data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical data from MV1405 cruise. | Diatom Silicification | bottle_rosette, bottle_carboy |
Isotopes | Isotopes | OA - Canada Basin | Bottle_ID |
Kinetics of Silicon uptake | Total silicic acid, gross silica production, and biomass-normalized measurements | Diatom Group Si Prod | Bottle_num |
LabSea_Hamme et al 2017 | Noble gas and N2/Ar | N2:Ar Deep Tracer | niskin |
Light stress grazing: photosynthetic efficiency | | Protist signaling | Bottle_Type |
Light stress grazing: prey and predator exposure | | Protist signaling | Phytoplankton_Bottle_Type, Micrograzer_Bottle_Type |
Light stress grazing: prey-only exposure | | Protist signaling | Bottle_Type |
Line W nutrients | Nutrient data containing NH4, SiO4, PO4, NO2+NO3 | Carbon Export | bottle |
LMG1801 Sample Log | LMG1801 Sample Log | Oxidation of Urea N | Niskin_Bottle_Number |
Methane concentrations at Station ALOHA | Methane concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA (2008-2016) | HOT | Bottle |
Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Chief Sci KM1910 | Niskin |
MUSiCC OC1504A - CTD Data | CTD data from the OC1504A cruise | Diatom Silicification | bottle |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Nutrients, CTD, and silicon biogeochemical data | Molecular Underpinnings of SIlicification in the California Current - OC1504A | Diatom Silicification | bottle_rosette, bottle_pooled |
MV1015 Prochlorococcus FCM QPCR | | C-MORE | Bottle |
N2 Gas Excess | N2 gas concentration in excess of saturation determined by N2:Ar ratiometry | US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Niskin |
NBP1608 INC PIGMENTS | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations from incubation experiments performed with amended Southern Drake Passage waters on cruise NBP 16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients | NBP16-08 incubation dissolved macronutrient concentrations | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 Station Nutrients | Dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 depth profiles | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 STN PIGMENTS | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations from near-surface profiles collected using the conventional CTD in the Southern Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsular region on cruise NBP 16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 1 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 2 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 3 | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
NBP1608 TMs: stations | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | BTLNBR |
New Production - N15 | New Production - N15 | SO_GasEx | Niskin_bottle_number |
NH1417 NEMO Bottles | Niskin bottle data | PhytoNsubResponse | BTLNBR |
NH1418: CTD profiles | NH1418 ctd | Biological C:N:P ratios | DNA_Niskin_Bottle |
NH4 - Upper water column Ammonium measurements | Upper water column Ammonium measurements | ANACONDAS | Niskin |
NH4_NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | Nis |
Niskin bottle sample inventory | Niskin bottle sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Niskin_num |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle and CTD data; nutrients, oxygen, DIC, POC, PON | EDDIES | Nis |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle samples | Chief Sci KM1910 | bottle |
Nitrification Rates | Rates of water column nitrification determined from bottle incubations with 15N tracers (15NH4Cl). | MetZyme, AmoA Archaea | bottle |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | bottle_isoN, bottle_nut, bottle_dickson, bottle_niskin |
Nitrous oxide concentrations at Station ALOHA | Nitrous oxide concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA (2008-2016) | HOT | Bottle |
Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | GOMP | BottleID, Bottle |
Nutrient Summary - CH0212 | Nutrient Summary - CH0212 | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Bottle_No |
Nutrients and pigments | Nutrients and pigments | FADCO | Niskin |
nutrients_LMG | Southern Ocean nutrients from CTD bottles from 4 LMGould cruises, 2001-2002 | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
nutrients_NBP | Nutrient data for the NB Palmer 2001-2002 cruises | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
nutrients_WB | Nutrients; silicate, nitrate plus nitrite, and phosphate | EDDIES | Nis |
O2 Rosette | Oxygen Data from Niskin Rosette samples | SO_GasEx | Niskin |
OSNAP Noble Gases 2016 | OSNAP Noble Gases 2016 | Greenland Melt Noble Gases | bottle |
OUTPACE - flow cytometry cell counts | Flow cytometry cell counts obtained during the OUTPACE cruise | Photoheterotrophy in unicellular cyanobacteria | bottle |
Particulate and dissolved Lake Superior geochemistry | Particulate multi-element geochemical concentrations - Lake Superior | Early Career Great Lakes research, Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy | Rosette_Position |
Particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates | Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates | Si_in_Syn | bottle_num |
Particulate Trace Metals | Particulate Trace Metals | CLIVAR AEROSOL | Bottle_Number |
PE21-18 Nutrients | PE21-18 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Bottle |
PE22-03 Nutrients | PE22-03 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Bottle |
Phosphorus uptake - bulk | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | bottle |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | bottle |
Picoeukaryote 14C primary production | Size fractionated and group-specific rates of 14C-primary production by Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and photosynthetic picoeukaryotes | PhytoNsubResponse | Bottle |
Pigments | HPLC analyses of algal pigment concentrations. | CoFeMUG | Niskin |
Pigments and Nutrients | Pigments and Nutrients | BWZ | Rosette_Bottle_ID |
pigments_HPLC | Algal pigment concentrations in the Ross Sea as measured by HPLC | CORSACS | bottle |
POC | POC | SO_GasEx | Niskin_bottle_number |
POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (POC/N) | GATEKEEPERS | Niskin_Bottle_Number |
production vs. irradiance | Production vs Irradiance data from NBP0103 | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
REU-OTO | Hydrographic, nutrient and oxygen data from CTD bottles during R/V Pelican cruises. | REU-OTO | Niskin_Bottle, Nutrient_Bottle_no, Salinity_Bottle_no, Oxygen_Bottle_no |
Rosette Samples - HRS1314 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples in 2013 | Soluble ManganeseIII | Bottle_Num |
Rosette Samples - HRS1415 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples collected on HRS1415 | Soluble ManganeseIII | Bottle_Num |
RR1804/1805 hydrographic and nutrient data | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | CTD_btl |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Niskin |
RR2311 Bottle Data | RR2311 Bottle Data | NO2Ox_OMZs | Bottle |
RR2311 NH4 and NO2 | RR2311 NH4 and NO2 | NO2Ox_OMZs | Niskin_Bottle |
SBDOM11 mini-remineralization expt. | bacterial abundance, growth rates, and DOC from SBDOM11 cruise | SBDOM | bottle |
SECM_zoop | Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring | NEP | bottle |
SedimentTraps - 13C DIC | Sediment Traps - 13C DIC | SOIREE | Sample_Bottle |
SF6 Discrete - Station/Niskin Sort | SF6 Discrete - Station/Niskin Sort | SO_GasEx | niskin, smpl_btl_num |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | BTLNBR_INC |
simulated in situ primary production | Simulated in Situ production data from NBP cruises | SOGLOBEC | bottle |
Spring 2012 - Master Data Sheet | 2012 Arctic Sediment/Permafrost Master | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | bottle_no_a, bottle_no_b |
Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) | Time-series data synthesis pilot product | METS RCN, EuroSea | BTLNBR |
Thorium Summary | Thorium isotope data summaries | Ant2006, BWZ | bottle |
Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | WAP Carbon export | Niskin |
tidepool ammonium and mussels | Ammonium in tidepools with and without mussels | Regenerated Nitrogen | bottle_nut, bottle_iso |
tidepool incubation ammonium | Ammonium levels in incubated bottles in tidepools | Regenerated Nitrogen | bottle |
TN327 Axial 2015 CTD Bottle Data | | NeMO2015 | Bottle_position, Niskin_number |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Bottle |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | PLUME RAIDERS | Bottle_Position, Nisken_number |
Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction | Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction | Chile Triple Junction | Bottle |
Water column production and respiration 2017 | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle_Number |
Water column Th-234 activities | | Are Traps Equal | bottle |
Water Mass Fractions - 160 yrs | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region in a time less than or equal to 160 years ago | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Sample_Bottle |
Water Mass Fractions - 39 yrs | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region in a time less than or equal to 39 years ago | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Sample_Bottle |
Water Mass Fractions - Ages | Mean ventilation age reported for 7 regions of the Atlantic | GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6 | Sample_Bottle |
Water Mass Fractions - All Years | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region regardless of the time elapsed since ventilation (in practice, younger than 4000 years). | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Sample_Bottle |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Dissolved Mercury Species | | GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | BTLNBR |