The Sea-Bird SBE 911 plus is a type of CTD instrument package for continuous measurement of conductivity, temperature and pressure. The SBE 911 plus includes the SBE 9plus Underwater Unit and the SBE 11plus Deck Unit (for real-time readout using conductive wire) for deployment from a vessel. The combination of the SBE 9 plus and SBE 11 plus is called a SBE 911 plus. The SBE 9 plus uses Sea-Bird's standard modular temperature and conductivity sensors (SBE 3 plus and SBE 4). The SBE 9 plus CTD can be configured with up to eight auxiliary sensors to measure other parameters including dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, fluorescence, light (PAR), light transmission, etc.). more information from Sea-Bird Electronics
Dataset Name | PI-Supplied Description | PI-Supplied Name |
15N uptake rates from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project) | CTD System: SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD, Rosette is a 12-bottle General Oceanic Model 1015, outfitted with an array of 10 liter bottles. | CTD SBE 911plus |
NCBI accession metadata for 18S rRNA gene tag sequences from DNA and RNA from samples collected in coastal California in 2013 and 2014 | ||
Seawater properties and biogeochemical parameters of bottom boundary layer samples collected aboard the R/V Oceanus during ten cruises from 2017-2019 from the Oregon shelf and slope. | ||
Absorption coefficients and fluorescence measurements from CTD bottle samples collected during the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1427 in the North Pacific Ocean in December of 2014 | SBE 911plus / 917plus CTD | |
Depth profile data from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1319 in the NW Atlantic from Aug-Sept. 2013 | Sea-Bird SBE-911+ | |
Bottle data from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1910 during May 2019 | Sea-Bird SBE 9 11+ V 5.2 | |
CTD profiles from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1910 during May 2019 | Sea-Bird SBE 9 11+ V 5.2 | |
CTD profiles from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 in the Sargasso Sea in June of 2019 | SeaBird SBE-911+ | |
Amended Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log (ELOG) taken on the R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 in the Sargasso Sea in June of 2019 | ||
Composition and concentration of individual biomarkers in particulate organic carbon collected during two cruises to the Amazon River plume during R/V Knorr cruise KN197-08 in 2010 and R/V Melville cruise MV1110 in 2011 | 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors for collection | |
Ammonia oxidation rate profiles from R/V Kilo Moana KM1314 in the North Pacific Ocean (Seattle to Honolulu, Line P, Station ALOHA), Aug-Sept 2013 (Nitrification and Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Ammonia-nitrite-nitrate assays from R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruises CB921, CB924, CB928, CB933, CB944 from the East Sound, Hood Canal; 2008-2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycle project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profile data from the R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the Western North Atlantic Ocean from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | SeaBird 911+ CTD | Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Two decibar averaged CTD profiles collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site from October 1988 through July 2024 | SeaBird 9/11+ CTD equipped with dual SBE-03f temperature sensors, SBE-04 conductivity sensors, and SBE45 dissolved oxygen sensors | CTD Sea-Bird 911+ |
Processed CTD data from BH15-11 from R/V Blue Heron cruise BH15-11 in the western arm of Lake Superior in August 2015 | Sea-Bird SBE 9 and SBE 11plus V 5.0 | |
Temperature and salinity data from binned CTD data collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS1414 in the Mid and South-Atlantic Bight from July to August of 2014 (DANCE project) | ||
Biogeochemical measurements from R/V Blue Heron BH10-01, BH10-06, BH10-13, BH10-22, BH09-SINC1 in the Lake Superior from 2009 to 2010 (SINC project) | Sea-Bird SBE 9 Detailed Acquisition and Processing Metadata for All Parameters Metadata generated from original file "2010 Great Lakes Biogeochem Data.xlsx, Sheet: Metadata" contributed by Bob Sterner See Individual Deployments/Data Info for cruise specific sampling notes. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Experimental and biogeochemical surveys from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Knorr, and R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa cruises in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Hawaiian Islands: stations Kahe, ALOHA, Kena and WHOTS Mooring from 2008 to 2009 | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
BioGeoChemistry from R/V Blue Heron BH07-09, BH07-17, BH07-19, BH08-01, BH08-11, BH08-19 in Lake Superior from 2007-2008 (CARGO project) | Sea-Bird SBE 9 Detailed Acquisition and Processing Metadata for All Parameters Metadata generated from original file "2007 Great Lakes Biogeochem Data.xlsx, Sheet: Metadata" contributed by Bob Sterner See Individual Deployments/Data Info for cruise specific sampling notes | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
BIOS-SCOPE survey biogeochemical data as collected on Atlantic Explorer cruises (AE1614, AE1712, AE1819, AE1916) from 2016 through 2019 | CTD SeaBird 911+ was deployed to measure temperature, conductivity, salinity, pressure, oxygen, and fluorescence. | CTD SeaBird 911+ |
Water column inorganic nutrient concentration and nitrate+nitrite d15N and d18O measurements from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo Basin in the Indian Ocean from February to March of 2022 | ||
Station locations from fishing vessels in the Southern California Bight off Huntington Beach in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project) | Data collected from an instrumented rosette using a SeaBird 9/11+ | CTD SBE 911plus |
Bottle Data from multiple cruises in the Gulf of Maine, NA4, 43 30N, 69 00W, Gulf of Maine, Mass Bay to Bay of Fundy, Cape Cod Bay, 2003-2010 (ALEX-GoME project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Bottle data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN665 in the Gulf of Maine, conducted April 7-12, 2021 | SeaBird SBE-911+ | |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | Dataset-specific Description SeaBird 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors At each station, CTD casts measured temperature, salinity and PAR. Water samples collected at depths of 500, 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 10 m, and the surface were filtered, processed or preserved for further analysis. | |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03) | SeaBird 911plus CTD | |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen profiles from yearly turn-around cruises for the Ocean Observations Initiative (OOI) Irminger Sea Array 2014 – 2022 | CTD casts were performed using a ship-provided SeaBird 911plus CTD and deck unit ( configured to measure pressure, temperature, conductivity, oxygen current, and other variables. | SeaBird 911plus CTD |
Discrete bottle samples collected during BATS Validation (BVAL) cruises from April 1991 through July 2024 | Samples were collected using a Seabird 911+ | Seabird 911+ |
Two decibar averaged CTD profiles collected during BATS Validation (BVAL) cruises from April 1991 through July 2024 | SeaBird 9/11+ CTD equipped with dual SBE-03f temperature sensors, SBE-04 conductivity sensors, and SBE45 dissolved oxygen sensors | CTD Sea-Bird 911+ |
HPLC and fluorometric derived phytoplankton pigment concentrations from seawater collected on BATS Validation cruises from June 1996 to July 2024 | Seabird CTD 9/11+ | |
Depth profile data from Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Validation cruise 46 (BVAL46) in the Sargasso Sea from Sept-Oct. 2011 | Sea-Bird SBE-911+ | |
Carbon chemistry (TCO2, TALK, POC, PON, dC13_POM, dN15_POM) from CTD bottles from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1302 in the Ross Sea, Antarctica from February to March 2013 (TRACERS project) | ||
CarBoy experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | ||
CTD profiles from Lake Superior collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2007-2008 (CARGO project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Chlorophyll a and pheopigment concentrations from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Discrete fluorometric chlorophyll-a data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, Southern Ocean 73 S 115 W from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Chlorophyll-a concentrations in seawater collected near the BATS station during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE2113 (July 2021) and AE2303 (January 2023) | Seawater samples were collected from casts using CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911+. | CTD rosette equipped with Sea-Bird Electronic sensors |
Chlorophyll-a concentrations from CTD cast deployments and underway seawater inflow from Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 cruises in 2013 and 2014 | ||
Dissolved nutrient data from RVIB Nathaniel B Palmer cruise (NBP18-01) in the Amundsen and Ross Seas from December 2017 to March 2018 | ||
Event log from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1801 in the Southern Ocean for the CICLOPS project | ||
Hydrography sensor data from trace metal rosette (TMR) casts at 26 stations near coastal Antarctica during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP18-01 from Dec 2017 to Feb 2018 | ||
One meter binned CTD data collected aboard the R/V Pelican during PE17-04 and PE17-20 along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically the Louisiana Shelf region dominated by the discharge of the Mississippi River plume. | ||
Data from custom instrument (CLASS) measured on R/V Endeavor cruise (EN614) in May 2018 | R/V Endeavor is equipped with an SBE 911+ CTD: High quality ducted/pumped system with digiquartz pressure sensor and dual temperature and conductivity sensors. 6800-meter capability and data rate of 24 scans per second. | CTD 911plus |
CN - CN Fixation Rates from R/V Knorr, R/V Melville, R/V Atlantis KN197-08, MV1110, AT21-04 in the Amazon River plume from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CO2-system and auxiliary data from the Northern Gulf of Mexico from samples collected during R/V Pelican cruise PE18-09 in September of 2017 | Discrete seawater samples and depth, temperature and salinity data were acquired using a SeaBird Electronics rosette, equipped with a CTD (Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 911 plus). | |
Combined CTD profiles for two CTD sensor packages on R/V Knorr KN192-05 from November to December 2007 | the Knorr's Seabird 911+ CTD package was deployed to 800m for upper water casts | Seabird 911+ CTD |
Processed hydrography data collected using the ship's CTD package during the Metzyme cruise (R/V Kilo Moana KM1128) in the tropical North Pacific in October 2011 | Sea-Bird SBE911+ | |
Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on the rosette from R/V Knorr cruise KN210-04 in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Uruguay and Barbados in 2013 (Deep Atlantic DOM project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD data collected on three NSF RAPID Plankton cruises on R/V Point Sur and R/V Pelican in the Gulf of Mexico during 2017-2018 | Seabird 9-11 Plus CTD rosette | |
CTD measurements from three mesocosms located near Hawaii and surrounding Pacific waters from Dec 6-11, 2011CTD - BAG 1 from R/V Ka'imikai-O-Kanaloa KOK1115 in the Near Kona, Hawaii from December 2011 (C-MORE project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Sample bottle measurements from CTD casts from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Instrument Configuration File for SO-GasEx: PSA file: C:GasExacqSeasave.psa Date: 02/23/2008 Instrument configuration file: C:GasExconssec_24_1.con Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Scans to average : 1 Surface PAR voltage added : No NMEA position data added : No Scan time added : Yes 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4211 Calibrated on : 08-Nov-07 G : 4.38706278e-003 H : 6.46536683e-004 I : 2.23272060e-005 J : 1.77872902e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 2887 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.00439325e+001 H : 1.36330343e+000 I : -2.56289727e-003 J : 2.54823008e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 209 Calibrated on : 09-Jul-07 C1 : -3.920451e+004 C2 : 6.234560e-001 C3 : 1.350570e-002 D1 : 3.894300e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.046303e+001 T2 : -9.018862e-005 T3 : 4.528890e-006 T4 : 3.309590e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99985000 Offset : 1.00090 AD590M : 1.144000e-002 AD590B : -8.805040e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 1455 Calibrated on : 13-Nov-07 G : 4.84617647e-003 H : 6.77841857e-004 I : 2.60561588e-005 J : 2.02936086e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2882 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.02006582e+001 H : 1.39961765e+000 I : 7.01158866e-004 J : 2.20787100e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 315 Calibrated on : 16-Oct-07p Equation : Owens-Millard Coefficients for Owens-Millard: Soc : 3.6150e-001 Boc : 0.0000 Offset : -0.5838 Tcor : -0.0001 Pcor : 1.35e-004 Tau : 0.0 Coefficients for Murphy-Larson: Soc : 0.00000e+000 Offset : 0.00000e+000 A : 0.00000e+000 B : 0.00000e+000 C : 0.00000e+000 E : 0.00000e+000 Tau : 2.00000e+000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, Free 9) A/D voltage 3, User Polynomial Serial number : 8756 Calibrated on : Sensor name : Metrox A0 : 12.00000000 A1 : 445.60000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 10) A/D voltage 4, Free 11) A/D voltage 5, Free 12) A/D voltage 6, Free 13) A/D voltage 7, Free --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:P18_07data h21731.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 20 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM1 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM2 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information prompt 0 = Cruise: CLIVAR P18 2007 prompt 1 = Ship: NOAA RONALD H. BROWN prompt 2 = Station/Cast Number: prompt 3 = Nominal Latitude: prompt 4 = Nominal Longitude: --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth and Average Sound Velocity Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: Variables: Digits Variable Name [units] ------ --------------------- 0 Scan Count 4 Pressure, Digiquartz [db] 5 Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] 5 Salinity [PSU] 4 Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg] 5 Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO | CTD Seabird 911plus |
CTD measurements and Niskin bottle samples at sample depths from USCGC Healy HLY1003, HLY1103, HLY1203 in the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi seas from 2010 to 2012 (OA - Western Arctic project) | Sea Bird 911 CTD | CTD SBE 911plus |
Preliminary bottle data from the R/V Atlantic Explorer AE0922 cruise in the North Atlantic, Bermuda BATS region during 2009 (TZEX project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD Averaged Bottle Data from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | SBE9+ s/n 785 Pressure calibration 08 Aug 2008 Channel 1: SBE4c s/n 04 3089 Conductivity calibration 16 Mar 2010 SBE3T s/n 03P 4502 Temperature calibration 24 Mar 2010 SBE43 s/n 43 1642 Dissolved Oxygen calibration 12 June 2009 Channel 2: SBE4c s/n 04 3042 Conductivity calibration 24 Mar 2010 SBE3T s/n 03P 4507 Temperature calibration 12 Mar 2010 | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD and bottle data: TOM and nutrients from R/V Melville cruise MV1310 in the North Pacific Gulf of Alaska; 48N to 59N and 129W to 153W in 2013 (North Pacific RDOC project) | A single SBE9plus CTD (S/N 831) was used for all casts and was deployed with all sensors and pumps as recommended by SBE. In situ salinity and dissolved oxygen check samples were collected to calibrate conductivity and dissolved oxygen sensors (see MV1310 Preliminary Cruise Report). | CTD SBE 911plus |
CTD bottle data summary from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | * Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File: * FileName = C:CTDCheckley | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD - Bottles from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS070714AB in the Chesapeake Bay from July 2007 (Assessing Roseobacter activities project) | CTD System: SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD, Rosette is a 12-bottle General Oceanic Model 1015, outfitted with an array of 10 liter bottles. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Averaged bottle measurements from CTD casts on R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast in 2008 (SIRENA project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD - Discrete Samples from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD Sea-Bird 911 | |
CTD hydrographic and nutrients data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN496 in July 2011 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN509 in May-June 2012 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC468-02 in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD - Metals Profiles | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
CTD nutrient profile data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Instrument Configuration File for SO-GasEx: PSA file: C:GasExacqSeasave.psa Date: 02/23/2008 Instrument configuration file: C:GasExconssec_24_1.con Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Scans to average : 1 Surface PAR voltage added : No NMEA position data added : No Scan time added : Yes 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4211 Calibrated on : 08-Nov-07 G : 4.38706278e-003 H : 6.46536683e-004 I : 2.23272060e-005 J : 1.77872902e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 2887 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.00439325e+001 H : 1.36330343e+000 I : -2.56289727e-003 J : 2.54823008e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 209 Calibrated on : 09-Jul-07 C1 : -3.920451e+004 C2 : 6.234560e-001 C3 : 1.350570e-002 D1 : 3.894300e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.046303e+001 T2 : -9.018862e-005 T3 : 4.528890e-006 T4 : 3.309590e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99985000 Offset : 1.00090 AD590M : 1.144000e-002 AD590B : -8.805040e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 1455 Calibrated on : 13-Nov-07 G : 4.84617647e-003 H : 6.77841857e-004 I : 2.60561588e-005 J : 2.02936086e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2882 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.02006582e+001 H : 1.39961765e+000 I : 7.01158866e-004 J : 2.20787100e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 315 Calibrated on : 16-Oct-07p Equation : Owens-Millard Coefficients for Owens-Millard: Soc : 3.6150e-001 Boc : 0.0000 Offset : -0.5838 Tcor : -0.0001 Pcor : 1.35e-004 Tau : 0.0 Coefficients for Murphy-Larson: Soc : 0.00000e+000 Offset : 0.00000e+000 A : 0.00000e+000 B : 0.00000e+000 C : 0.00000e+000 E : 0.00000e+000 Tau : 2.00000e+000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, Free 9) A/D voltage 3, User Polynomial Serial number : 8756 Calibrated on : Sensor name : Metrox A0 : 12.00000000 A1 : 445.60000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 10) A/D voltage 4, Free 11) A/D voltage 5, Free 12) A/D voltage 6, Free 13) A/D voltage 7, Free --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:P18_07data h21731.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 20 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM1 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM2 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information prompt 0 = Cruise: CLIVAR P18 2007 prompt 1 = Ship: NOAA RONALD H. BROWN prompt 2 = Station/Cast Number: prompt 3 = Nominal Latitude: prompt 4 = Nominal Longitude: --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth and Average Sound Velocity Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: Variables: Digits Variable Name [units] ------ --------------------- 0 Scan Count 4 Pressure, Digiquartz [db] 5 Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] 5 Salinity [PSU] 4 Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg] 5 Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO | CTD Seabird 911plus |
CTD - Profiles from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS070714AB in the Chesapeake Bay from July 2007 (Assessing Roseobacter activities project) | CTD System: SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD, Rosette is a 12-bottle General Oceanic Model 1015, outfitted with an array of 10 liter bottles. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD profile data from R/V Melville cruise MV1310 in the North Pacific Gulf of Alaska; 48N to 59N and 129W to 153W in 2013 (North Pacific RDOC project) | A single SBE9plus CTD (S/N 831) was used for all casts and was deployed with all sensors and pumps as recommended by SBE. In situ salinity and dissolved oxygen check samples were collected to calibrate conductivity and dissolved oxygen sensors (see MV1310 Preliminary Cruise Report). | CTD SBE 911plus |
CTD profile data from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | * Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File: * FileName = C:/CTD/Checkley/045.hex * Software Version Seasave V 7.20b * Temperature SN = 4308 * Conductivity SN = 2319 * Number of Bytes Per Scan = 44 * Number of Voltage Words = 5 * Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1 * Append System Time to Every Scan * System UpLoad Time = Jul 23 2010 06:25:50 * NMEA Latitude = 36 27.22 N * NMEA Longitude = 123 21.12 W * NMEA UTC (Time) = Jul 23 2010 06:26:01 * Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan ** R/V New Horizon ** NH1008 # nquan = 22 # nvalues = 200 # units = specified # name 0 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 2 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C] # name 3 = c0mS/cm: Conductivity [mS/cm] # name 4 = c1mS/cm: Conductivity, 2 [mS/cm] # name 5 = bat: Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech/WET Labs CStar [1/m] # name 6 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l] # name 7 = flSP: Fluorescence, Seapoint # name 8 = par: PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor # name 9 = spar: SPAR/Surface Irradiance # name 10 = upoly0: Upoly 0, UVP # name 11 = altM: Altimeter [m] # name 12 = latitude: Latitude [deg] # name 13 = longitude: Longitude [deg] # name 14 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m], lat = 36.4537 # name 15 = sigma-é00: Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] # name 16 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU] # name 17 = sal11: Salinity, Practical, 2 [PSU] # name 18 = svCM: Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero, m/s] # name 19 = accM: Acceleration [m/s^2], WS = 2 # name 20 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 21 = flag: flag # span 0 = 5.000, 204.000 # span 1 = 7.2372, 13.9303 # span 2 = 7.2381, 13.9305 # span 3 = 34.625168, 40.216492 # span 4 = 34.633576, 40.223021 # span 5 = 0.5044, 0.7080 # span 6 = 1.79033, 6.01384 # span 7 = 3.7136e-02, 8.3820e-01 # span 8 = 1.0000e-12, 1.0000e-12 # span 9 = -2.301e+00, 2.8170e+01 # span 10 = 0.0000000, 0.0000000 # span 11 = 38.40, 100.77 # span 12 = 36.45350, 36.45374 # span 13 = -123.35206, -123.35194 # span 14 = 4.963, 202.401 # span 15 = 25.0105, 26.5530 # span 16 = 33.1967, 34.0267 # span 17 = 33.1989, 34.0350 # span 18 = 1481.60, 1501.52 # span 19 = -0.80, 0.49 # span 20 = 5, 108 # span 21 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00 # interval = decibars: 1 # start_time = Jul 23 2010 06:26:01 # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # Sensors count="15" # sensor Channel="1" # !-- Frequency 0, Temperature -- # TemperatureSensor SensorID="55" # SerialNumber 4308/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 26-Apr-2010 /CalibrationDate # UseG_J 1/UseG_J # A 4.36407076e-003/A # B 6.45448128e-004/B # C 2.27855611e-005/C # D 1.92340747e-006/D # F0_Old 1000.000/F0_Old # G 4.36387038e-003/G # H 6.45235808e-004/H # I 2.27528596e-005/I # J 1.92187718e-006/J # F0 1000.000/F0 # Slope 1.00000000/Slope # Offset 0.0000/Offset # /TemperatureSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="2" # !-- Frequency 1, Conductivity -- # ConductivitySensor SensorID="3" # SerialNumber 2319/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 12-Jun-09 /CalibrationDate # UseG_J 1/UseG_J # !-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. -- # SeriesR 0.0000/SeriesR # CellConst 2000.0000/CellConst # ConductivityType 0/ConductivityType # Coefficients equation="0" # A 0.00000000e+000/A # B 0.00000000e+000/B # C 0.00000000e+000/C # D 0.00000000e+000/D # M 0.0/M # CPcor -9.57000000e-008/CPcor # /Coefficients # Coefficients equation="1" # G -1.03211898e+001/G # H 1.50018726e+000/H # I -3.82697724e-004/I # J 1.04707946e-004/J # CPcor -9.57000000e-008/CPcor # CTcor 3.2500e-006/CTcor # !-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. -- # WBOTC 0.00000000e+000/WBOTC # /Coefficients # Slope 1.00000000/Slope # Offset 0.00000/Offset # /ConductivitySensor # sensor # sensor Channel="3" # !-- Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC -- # PressureSensor SensorID="45" # SerialNumber 0569/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 09-OCT-08/CalibrationDate # C1 -4.261906e+004/C1 # C2 -3.648911e-001/C2 # C3 1.474535e-002/C3 # D1 3.768543e-002/D1 # D2 0.000000e+000/D2 # T1 3.044473e+001/T1 # T2 -4.107907e-004/T2 # T3 3.624599e-006/T3 # T4 1.375951e-008/T4 # Slope 1.00000000/Slope # Offset 0.00000/Offset # T5 0.000000e+000/T5 # AD590M 1.286170e-002/AD590M # AD590B -8.288260e+000/AD590B # /PressureSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="4" # !-- Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 -- # TemperatureSensor SensorID="55" # SerialNumber 4476/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 26-Apr-2010 /CalibrationDate # UseG_J 1/UseG_J # A 4.33254179e-003/A # B 6.34742502e-004/B # C 2.08458165e-005/C # D 1.83956740e-006/D # F0_Old 1000.000/F0_Old # G 4.33235170e-003/G # H 6.34536082e-004/H # I 2.08144943e-005/I # J 1.83816873e-006/J # F0 1000.000/F0 # Slope 1.00000000/Slope # Offset 0.0000/Offset # /TemperatureSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="5" # !-- Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 -- # ConductivitySensor SensorID="3" # SerialNumber 1880/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 11-Mar-10 /CalibrationDate # UseG_J 1/UseG_J # !-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. -- # SeriesR 0.0000/SeriesR # CellConst 2000.0000/CellConst # ConductivityType 0/ConductivityType # Coefficients equation="0" # A 0.00000000e+000/A # B 0.00000000e+000/B # C 0.00000000e+000/C # D 0.00000000e+000/D # M 0.0/M # CPcor -9.57000000e-008/CPcor # /Coefficients # Coefficients equation="1" # G -4.13035335e+000/G # H 5.04469106e-001/H # I -6.68952597e-004/I # J 5.84538832e-005/J # CPcor -9.57000000e-008/CPcor # CTcor 3.2500e-006/CTcor # !-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. -- # WBOTC 0.00000000e+000/WBOTC # /Coefficients # Slope 1.00000000/Slope # Offset 0.00000/Offset # /ConductivitySensor # sensor # sensor Channel="6" # !-- A/D voltage 0, Transmissometer, Chelsea/Seatech/WET Lab CStar -- # TransChelseaSeatechWetlabCStarSensor SensorID="59" # SerialNumber CTS492DR/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 1 MARCH 2010/CalibrationDate # M 19.3810/M # B -1.1630/B # PathLength 0.250/PathLength # /TransChelseaSeatechWetlabCStarSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="7" # !-- A/D voltage 1, Oxygen, SBE 43 -- # OxygenSensor SensorID="38" # SerialNumber 0255/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 12 May, 2010/CalibrationDate # Use2007Equation 1/Use2007Equation # CalibrationCoefficients equation="0" # !-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. -- # Boc 0.0000/Boc # Soc 0.0000e+000/Soc # offset 0.0000/offset # Pcor 0.00e+000/Pcor # Tcor 0.0000/Tcor # Tau 0.0/Tau # /CalibrationCoefficients # CalibrationCoefficients equation="1" # !-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. -- # Soc 5.7620e-001/Soc # offset -0.5123/offset # A -3.4352e-003/A # B 1.1172e-004/B # C -2.1729e-006/C # D0 2.5826e+000/D0 # D1 1.92634e-004/D1 # D2 -4.64803e-002/D2 # E 3.6000e-002/E # Tau20 2.1100/Tau20 # H1 -3.3000e-002/H1 # H2 5.0000e+003/H2 # H3 1.4500e+003/H3 # /CalibrationCoefficients # /OxygenSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="8" # !-- A/D voltage 2, Fluorometer, Seapoint -- # FluoroSeapointSensor SensorID="11" # SerialNumber SCF 3004/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate n/a/CalibrationDate # !-- The following is an array index, not the actual gain setting. -- # GainSetting 1/GainSetting # Offset 0.000/Offset # /FluoroSeapointSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="9" # !-- A/D voltage 3, PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor -- # PAR_BiosphericalLicorChelseaSensor SensorID="42" # SerialNumber 4506/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 12 Mar. 2009/CalibrationDate # M 1.00000000/M # B 0.00000000/B # CalibrationConstant 4218909300.00000000/CalibrationConstant # Multiplier 1.00000000/Multiplier # Offset -3.83666028/Offset # /PAR_BiosphericalLicorChelseaSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="10" # !-- A/D voltage 4, Altimeter -- # AltimeterSensor SensorID="0" # SerialNumber 1055/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 05/15/2003/CalibrationDate # ScaleFactor 15.000/ScaleFactor # Offset 0.000/Offset # /AltimeterSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="11" # !-- A/D voltage 5, Free -- # sensor # sensor Channel="12" # !-- A/D voltage 6, User Polynomial -- # UserPolynomialSensor SensorID="61" # SerialNumber UVP2/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate /CalibrationDate # SensorName UVPsensorName # A0 0.00000000/A0 # A1 1.00000000/A1 # A2 0.00000000/A2 # A3 0.00000000/A3 # /UserPolynomialSensor # sensor # sensor Channel="13" # !-- A/D voltage 7, Free -- # sensor # sensor Channel="14" # !-- SPAR voltage, Unavailable -- # sensor # sensor Channel="15" # !-- SPAR voltage, SPAR/Surface Irradiance -- # SPAR_Sensor SensorID="51" # SerialNumber 6367/SerialNumber # CalibrationDate 18 Mar. 2009/CalibrationDate # ConversionFactor 16126.48000000/ConversionFactor # RatioMultiplier 1.00000000/RatioMultiplier # /SPAR_Sensor # sensor # sensors # datcnv_date = Nov 02 2010 19:33:05, 7.20g # datcnv_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopCheckley45.hex C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopNH1008-R1_v2_jfb.con # datcnv_skipover = 6793 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes # datcnv_ox_tau_correction = yes # wildedit_date = Nov 02 2010 19:33:20, 7.20g # wildedit_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv # wildedit_pass1_nstd = 2.0 # wildedit_pass2_nstd = 20.0 # wildedit_pass2_mindelta = 0.000e+000 # wildedit_npoint = 100 # wildedit_vars = prDM t090C t190C c0mS/cm c1mS/cm bat sbeox0ML/L flSP par spar upoly0 altM # wildedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # celltm_date = Nov 02 2010 19:33:32, 7.20g # celltm_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv # celltm_alpha = 0.0300, 0.0300 # celltm_tau = 7.0000, 7.0000 # celltm_temp_sensor_use_for_cond = primary, secondary # filter_date = Nov 02 2010 19:33:48, 7.20g # filter_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.030 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.150 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prDM # loopedit_date = Nov 02 2010 19:34:01, 7.20g # loopedit_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.000 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: minDepth = 5.0, maxDepth = 20, useDeckPress = 1 # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # Derive_date = Nov 02 2010 19:34:21, 7.20g # Derive_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopNH1008-R1_v2_jfb.con # derive_time_window_dzdt = seconds: 2 # binavg_date = Nov 02 2010 19:34:33, 7.20g # binavg_in = C:Documents and SettingsjforrestbaldiniDesktopprocessed_2_JFB45.cnv # binavg_bintype = decibars # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = yes, min = 0.000, max = 2.000, value = 0.000 # file_type = ascii *END* | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD Profile Data from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN496 in July 2011 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN509 in May-June 2012 in the Gulf of Mexico (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD profiles for OC449-03 from R/V Oceanus cruise OC449-03 in the Coastal transect between Cape Verde and Mauritanian coast from 2008 to 2008 (SIRENA project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profile data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC468-02 in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 (GoMX - N2 Fixation project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD salinometer calibrations from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Instrument Configuration File for SO-GasEx: PSA file: C:GasExacqSeasave.psa Date: 02/23/2008 Instrument configuration file: C:GasExconssec_24_1.con Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Scans to average : 1 Surface PAR voltage added : No NMEA position data added : No Scan time added : Yes 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4211 Calibrated on : 08-Nov-07 G : 4.38706278e-003 H : 6.46536683e-004 I : 2.23272060e-005 J : 1.77872902e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 2887 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.00439325e+001 H : 1.36330343e+000 I : -2.56289727e-003 J : 2.54823008e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 209 Calibrated on : 09-Jul-07 C1 : -3.920451e+004 C2 : 6.234560e-001 C3 : 1.350570e-002 D1 : 3.894300e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.046303e+001 T2 : -9.018862e-005 T3 : 4.528890e-006 T4 : 3.309590e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99985000 Offset : 1.00090 AD590M : 1.144000e-002 AD590B : -8.805040e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 1455 Calibrated on : 13-Nov-07 G : 4.84617647e-003 H : 6.77841857e-004 I : 2.60561588e-005 J : 2.02936086e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2882 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.02006582e+001 H : 1.39961765e+000 I : 7.01158866e-004 J : 2.20787100e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 315 Calibrated on : 16-Oct-07p Equation : Owens-Millard Coefficients for Owens-Millard: Soc : 3.6150e-001 Boc : 0.0000 Offset : -0.5838 Tcor : -0.0001 Pcor : 1.35e-004 Tau : 0.0 Coefficients for Murphy-Larson: Soc : 0.00000e+000 Offset : 0.00000e+000 A : 0.00000e+000 B : 0.00000e+000 C : 0.00000e+000 E : 0.00000e+000 Tau : 2.00000e+000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, Free 9) A/D voltage 3, User Polynomial Serial number : 8756 Calibrated on : Sensor name : Metrox A0 : 12.00000000 A1 : 445.60000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 10) A/D voltage 4, Free 11) A/D voltage 5, Free 12) A/D voltage 6, Free 13) A/D voltage 7, Free --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:P18_07data h21731.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 20 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM1 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM2 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information prompt 0 = Cruise: CLIVAR P18 2007 prompt 1 = Ship: NOAA RONALD H. BROWN prompt 2 = Station/Cast Number: prompt 3 = Nominal Latitude: prompt 4 = Nominal Longitude: --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth and Average Sound Velocity Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: Variables: Digits Variable Name [units] ------ --------------------- 0 Scan Count 4 Pressure, Digiquartz [db] 5 Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] 5 Salinity [PSU] 4 Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg] 5 Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO | CTD Seabird 911plus |
CTD station locations from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
CTD - Stations from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS070714AB in the Chesapeake Bay from July 2007 (Assessing Roseobacter activities project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD station locations from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Instrument Configuration File for SO-GasEx: PSA file: C:GasExacqSeasave.psa Date: 02/23/2008 Instrument configuration file: C:GasExconssec_24_1.con Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Scans to average : 1 Surface PAR voltage added : No NMEA position data added : No Scan time added : Yes 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4211 Calibrated on : 08-Nov-07 G : 4.38706278e-003 H : 6.46536683e-004 I : 2.23272060e-005 J : 1.77872902e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 2887 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.00439325e+001 H : 1.36330343e+000 I : -2.56289727e-003 J : 2.54823008e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 209 Calibrated on : 09-Jul-07 C1 : -3.920451e+004 C2 : 6.234560e-001 C3 : 1.350570e-002 D1 : 3.894300e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.046303e+001 T2 : -9.018862e-005 T3 : 4.528890e-006 T4 : 3.309590e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99985000 Offset : 1.00090 AD590M : 1.144000e-002 AD590B : -8.805040e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 1455 Calibrated on : 13-Nov-07 G : 4.84617647e-003 H : 6.77841857e-004 I : 2.60561588e-005 J : 2.02936086e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2882 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.02006582e+001 H : 1.39961765e+000 I : 7.01158866e-004 J : 2.20787100e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 315 Calibrated on : 16-Oct-07p Equation : Owens-Millard Coefficients for Owens-Millard: Soc : 3.6150e-001 Boc : 0.0000 Offset : -0.5838 Tcor : -0.0001 Pcor : 1.35e-004 Tau : 0.0 Coefficients for Murphy-Larson: Soc : 0.00000e+000 Offset : 0.00000e+000 A : 0.00000e+000 B : 0.00000e+000 C : 0.00000e+000 E : 0.00000e+000 Tau : 2.00000e+000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, Free 9) A/D voltage 3, User Polynomial Serial number : 8756 Calibrated on : Sensor name : Metrox A0 : 12.00000000 A1 : 445.60000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 10) A/D voltage 4, Free 11) A/D voltage 5, Free 12) A/D voltage 6, Free 13) A/D voltage 7, Free --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:P18_07data h21731.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 20 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM1 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM2 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information prompt 0 = Cruise: CLIVAR P18 2007 prompt 1 = Ship: NOAA RONALD H. BROWN prompt 2 = Station/Cast Number: prompt 3 = Nominal Latitude: prompt 4 = Nominal Longitude: --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth and Average Sound Velocity Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: Variables: Digits Variable Name [units] ------ --------------------- 0 Scan Count 4 Pressure, Digiquartz [db] 5 Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] 5 Salinity [PSU] 4 Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg] 5 Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO | CTD Seabird 911plus |
CTD station locations from R/V New Horizon NH1008 from the Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD station locations from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS110714EN, HRS120711EN) in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay during 2011-2012 (TRANSPORT project) | ||
One meter-averaged CTD profiles from cruises KN193-03, B4-2008, B9-2008, and B10-2008 in the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD casts from the SPIROPA project from R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904 and R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368 to the New England Shelfbreak in 2018 and 2019 | ||
CTD and bottle sample data from R/V Melville cruise MV1101 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S) in 2011 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD and bottle data from R/V Roger Revelle RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S) in 2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD bottle data collected from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo Basin in the Indian Ocean from February to March of 2022 | Overall system was an SBE911+ outfitted with the following sensors: Primary temperature (sn 6140) Primary conductivity (sn2572) Pressure cell (sn 0569) Secondary temperature (sn 4924) Secondary conductivity (sn 3023) PAR Sensor (QCP2300-HP 70444) Fluorometer (SCF-3781) Altimeter (PSA-1055) Transmissometer (Wetlabs 1769) Oxygen Sensor (sn 0848) | |
Depth-binned CTD casts from Pelican PE17-02 on the Louisiana Shelf, Gulf of Mexico in July-August 2016 (Methane cycling in OMZs project) | Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor package from SeaBird Electronics, no specific unit identified. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics. | Seabird CTD |
Time-binned CTD casts from R/V Pelican PE17-02 in the Louisiana Shelf, Gulf of Mexico from July to August 2016 (Methane cycling in OMZs project) | Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor package from SeaBird Electronics, no specific unit identified. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics. | Seabird CTD |
CTD data from AT39-01 (North Pond 2017 expedition) from the R/V Atlantis in the central North Atlantic during October 2017 | Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File | Sea-Bird SBE 9 |
The Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) instrument (SeaBird SBE-911+) equipped with the following sensors (Temperature, Conductivity, Pressure, Fluorometer, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) was initially tested and calibrated. The CTD rosette was mounted on a winch cable and underwent a brief "soak" at the surface for sensor equilibration. The CTD-rosette was then lowered into the water at a typical descent rate of ~ 0.5 meters per second. | CTD SeaBird SBE-911+ | |
The Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) instrument (SeaBird SBE-911+) equipped with the following sensors (Temperature, Conductivity, Pressure, Fluorometer, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) was initially tested and calibrated. The CTD rosette was mounted on a winch cable and underwent a brief "soak" at the surface for sensor equilibration. The CTD-rosette was then lowered into the water at a typical descent rate of ~ 0.5 meters per second. | CTD SeaBird SBE-911+ | |
Two decibar averaged CTD profiles collected at the Hydrostation S site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 (cruise #60643) through July 2024 (cruise #61478) | SeaBird 9/11+ CTD equipped with dual SBE-03f temperature sensors, SBE-04 conductivity sensors, and SBE45 dissolved oxygen sensors | CTD Sea-Bird 911+ |
CTD data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean from November to December 2011 (Salp_Antarctic project) | The Sea-Bird 911+ offers real-time operation via sea cable telemetry, includes a solid state memory module, and has a maximum depth of 6800 m. The CTD is mounted on a 24-bottle General Oceanics rosette. | CTD |
CTD cast data from R/V Melville cruise MV1101 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S) in 2011 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD cast data from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S) in 2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD downcast data collected from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo Basin in the Indian Ocean from February to March of 2022 | Overall system was an SBE911+ outfitted with the following sensors: Primary temperature (sn 6140) Primary conductivity (sn2572) Pressure cell (sn 0569) Secondary temperature (sn 4924) Secondary conductivity (sn 3023) PAR Sensor (QCP2300-HP 70444) Fluorometer (SCF-3781) Altimeter (PSA-1055) Transmissometer (Wetlabs 1769) Oxygen Sensor (sn 0848) | |
CTD full resolution profiles from cruises KN193-03, B4-2008, B9-2008, and B10-2008 in the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Hydrographic data collected by CTD during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from 2017-2018 | ||
CTD data from R/V Knorr cruise KN223 in the North and West Atlantic Ocean in 2014 (AMOC Last Glacial Max project) | CTD Hydrocasts were performed with a Sea-Bird SBE 911/917 plus CTD mounted near the base of a Niskin 24 Bottle Rosette. | |
Net primary production and nutrient data from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS1414 CTD casts in the Mid and South-Atlantic Bight from July to August of 2014 (DANCE project) | ||
Depth, temperature, oxygen, salinity, and fluorescence from 0-4500m depth CTD profiles conducted during the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1427 in the North Pacific Ocean in December of 2014 | SBE 911plus / 917plus CTD | |
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus and R/V Weatherbird II cruises in the Sargasso Sea (EDDIES project) | SBE 911/917 plus CTD Pressure, Digiquartz with TC dual Temperature and Conductivity sensors Fluorometer, Wetlab ECO-AFL/FL PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor Transmissometer, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar ISUS_NO3 Oxygen, SBE 43 SPAR/Surface Irradiance | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
CTD profiles from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine | SeaBird 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors At each station, CTD casts measured temperature, salinity and PAR. Water samples collected at depths of 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 10 m, and the surface were filtered and preserved for nutrient analysis. | SeaBird 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors |
One decibar-averaged CTD profile data from R/V Oceanus cruise OC443 in April 2008 (LipidCycling project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles, down/up casts from R/V Blue Heron cruises BH09-05, BH09-12, BH10-14, BH10-03 on Lake Superior; 2009-2010 (Lake Superior Radiocarbon project) | SeaBird Model 911 plus CTD (deck unit) with D.O. sensor, pH/ORP sensor, fluorometer, CDOM, transmissometer, PAR sensor, and altimeter. Seabird 32 Carousel with 12 8-liter bottle capacity | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
One decibar-averaged CTD profile data from the R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruise CB934 from the western shore of Vancouver Island in 2009 (Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Two decibar-averaged CTD profile data from the R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa KOK1108 (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus OC461, OC455 in the South of Martha's Vineyard, MA, USA to 39 31.7N, 70 33.1W from 2009-2010 (Foram Dispersal project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN524 along the continental shelf of New England in 2013 (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project) | Sea-Bird 911+ CTD w/ 12 OTE 10L water samplers. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1013 from the Central Pacific Ocean in 2010 (Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Upcast CTD profiles from R/V Cape Hatteras cruise CH0212 cruise from the Louisiana Shelf (hypoxic zone) and Gulf of Mexico in 2012 (OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling project) | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus |
Upcast CTD profiles from R/V Pelican cruise PE16-01 from the Louisiana Shelf (hypoxic zone) and Gulf of Mexico from 2013 to 2104 (OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling project) | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus |
Upcast CTD profiles from R/V Pelican cruise PE16-01 from the Louisiana Shelf (hypoxic zone) and Gulf of Mexico in 2015 (OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling project) | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus |
CTD cast temperature, salinity, oxygen, and other measurements from R/V Oceanus cruise OC454-02 in the Mediterranean Sea (Pickled Protists project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles collected from the R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-14 from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in 2011 (Pickled Protists project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles collected during multiple cruises on the R/V Kilo Moana around the ALOHA observatory and South Pacific Gyre from 2014-2015 | ||
CTD Profiles from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Abundance and distribution of diazotrophs determined via qPCR from R/V Kilo Moana KM0703, R/V Seward Johnson SJ0609 in the tropical and subtropical SW Pacific and tropical N Atlantic from 2006-2007 (DIAZOTROPHS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Dilution experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | ||
Discrete O2 Argon (Ar) from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Environmental and biological conditions from R/V Porsild characterizing Disko Bay, Greenland in April-May 2011 | The SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure at 4 scans/sec (4 Hz) and provides high accuracy and resolution. The 19plus V2 supports numerous auxiliary sensors such as dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, fluorescence, oil, PAR, ecc). The SBE 19Plus was integrated with a Carosel water sampler to provide water column characterization during the sampling. Salinity, water temperature, PAR and in situ fluorescence were determined during each sampling deployment. | SBE19plus CTD |
DNA and cDNA (RNA) V4 tag sequence genetic accessions from microbial eukaryotes sampled in the upper euphotic zone of the eastern North Pacific during R/V Yellowfin cruises from 2003-2018 | The CTD is operated per Sea-Birds suggested methods, and is powered up and allowed to stabilize at approximately 0-5 meters prior to profiling. | CTD SBE 911plus |
DOC, TDN, and Nutrients from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project) | Sea-Bird 911+ CTD | Sea-Bird 911+ CTD |
Dissolved Organic Matter, nutrients and CTD data collected during R/V Oceanus cruise OC404-01 and R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB0409 in the Sargasso Sea in June 2004 (EDDIES project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
CTD data from the R/V Endeavor (EN532) cruise in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean during 2013 (DimBio NABE project) | ||
CTD data from the R/V Endeavor (EN538) cruise in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean during 2014 (DimBio NABE project) | ||
Hydrographic data collected during casts with a CTD-rosette system on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 from May to June 2018 | Sea-Bird SBE 9, 11plus V 5.2 | |
Dissolved, inorganic nutrient data integrated with bottle data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 in May 2018 | Hydrographic data and water samples were collected during casts with a CTD-rosette system (SBE11plus equipped with a fluorometer, transmissometer, oxygen sensor, and a PAR sensor). Individual sensor details and calibration info provided in the "EN614_Nutrients_Processing_Notes.pdf" Supplemental File. | |
Hydrography and environmental conditions measured with CTD at nine stations during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018 | SeaBird Electronics; SBE 911plusCTD | SeaBird Electronics SBE 911plus CTD |
Dissolved, inorganic nutrient data integrated with bottle data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN640 in June-July 2019 | Hydrographic data and water samples were collected during casts with a CTD-rosette system (SBE11plus equipped with a fluorometer, transmissometer, oxygen sensor, and a PAR sensor). Individual sensor details and calibration info provided in the "EN614_Nutrients_Processing_Notes.pdf" Supplemental File. | |
Carbonate chemistry analyses (total alkalinity, DIC, and d13C of DIC) from discrete bottle samples and CTD data from 12 stations sampled during R/V Endeavor cruise EN669 in the Gulf of Maine during August 2021 | Water samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the CTD rosette. Equipment included a Seabird Scientific SBE9plus CTD equipped with a transmissometer, oxygen, and fluorescence sensors. | SeaBird SBE-911+ |
5m intervals of CTD profiles from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1315 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) during June 2013 | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus | |
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-14 in the Eastern Mediterranean; 35.3 N 21.7 E (Pickled Protists project, DHAB Metazoans project) | For this cruise aboard R/V Atlantis, the Seabird CTD 9 included dual conductivity and temperature sensors, a SBE 43 oxygen sensor and a Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength). The CTD was deployed in a frame with a 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette system. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Bottle data from the GEOTRACES Clean Carousel sampling system (GTC) on the Arctic Section cruise (HLY1502) from August to October 2015 (U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic project) | The system included a Dynacon winch with 7300 m of Vectran cable with conductors, clean lab, and Seabird carousel/CTD with 24 12L GO-FLO bottles (and 14 spares), GO-FLO bottles. | |
CTD-GTC profiles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 in 2015 (U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic project) | The system included a Dynacon winch with 7300 m of Vectran cable with conductors, clean lab, and Seabird carousel/CTD with 24 12L GO-FLO bottles (and 14 spares), GO-FLO bottles. | |
Bottle data from the CTD-ODF carousel on the GEOTRACES Arctic Section cruise (HLY1502) from August to October 2015 (U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic project) | ||
CTD-ODF profiles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502, August to October 2015 | The system included Seabird carousel/CTD with 12-place 30L Niskin bottles (coded 30-ODF in event log) and a 36-place 10L Niskin bottles (coded Ra/Th/pigments in event log). The PAR calibration sheet is available (pdf) | |
Concentrations of dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes (Th-232, Th-230, Pa-231) in seawater, sea ice, and melt ponds collected during the U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) on USCGC Healy from August to October 2015 | The Scripps Oceanographic Data Facility (ODF) sampling system included a Seabird carousel/CTD with 12-place 30 L Niskin bottles (coded 30-ODF in event log) and 36-place 10 L Niskin bottles (coded GS in event log). The PAR calibration sheet is available ( The GEOTRACES Clean Carousel (GTC) sampling system included a Dynacon winch with 7300 m of Vectran cable with conductors, clean lab, and Seabird carousel/CTD with 24-place 12 L GO-FLO bottles (and 14 spares; coded GT-C in event log). | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Particulate & dissolved Po-210 & Pb-210 in seawater, snow, melt ponds, ice core, ice-rafted sediments, and aerosols from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502) on USCGC Healy from August to October 2015 | ODF Rosette | |
Dissolved Barium (Ba) from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 (GP16) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
HPLC pigments along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
GTC bottle data along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
GTC CTD down casts along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
GTC CTD up casts along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
ODF bottle data along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
ODF CTD down casts along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
ODF CTD up casts along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | ||
Dissolved copper, nickel, manganese, and vanadium from GeoFISH and bottle samples during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 (GP16) from Peru to Tahiti in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | GEOTRACES CTD | |
Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations from bottle samples during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 GEOTRACES EPZT cruise in the Eastern Tropical Pacific from November to December 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT) | GEOTRACES clean CTD rosette system | |
Dissolved molybdenum data from GeoFISH and Bottle samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 (GP16) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (Transect from Peru to Tahiti) from November to December 2013 | GEOTRACES CTD | |
Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 from GEOTRACES-EPZT cruise TN303, 2013 | ||
Particulate Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303, from Peru to Tahiti, October to December 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | Used to verify target depths during deployment. | |
Arsenate, iodide, and selenium concentrations collected from Go-FLO bottles during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from Peru to Tahiti in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | GEOTRACES CTD | |
Results from Optimum Multiparameter Water Mass Analysis (OMPA) obtained using temperature, salinity, nutrient, and oxygen data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific from October to December 2013 | ||
Processed CTD profile data from both rosettes (GTC and ODF) deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023 | ||
Dissolved total (dCo) and labile Co (lCo) measurements from the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) in the South Pacific and Southern Oceans from December 2022 to January 2023 | Seabird 9/11+ carousel/CTD | |
Bottle data from CTD profiles from the GTC rosette deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023 | Seabird 9/11+ carousel/CTD | |
Bottle data from CTD profiles from the ODF rosette deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023 | CTD Model: SBE9+. The CTD data acquisition system consisted of an SBE-11+ (V1) deck unit and a networked generic PC workstation running Windows 10. | SBE9+ and SBE-11+ |
Nutrients and bottle oxygen measured by the Scripps ODF group on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023 in the South Pacific and Southern Oceans | SBE9+ and SBE-11+ (V1) deck unit | |
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations for samples collected from the upper 200 meters during the GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) in the South Pacific and Southern Oceans from December 2022 to January 2023 | ODF CTD Rosette | |
Measurements of the dissolved isotope radium-226 from samples collected on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) in the South Pacific and Southern Oceans from December 2022 to January 2023 | ODF CTD Rosette | |
GTC CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
ODF CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater from R/V Knorr KN199-04 (GT10), KN204-01 (GT11) in the subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD/Hydrographic Measurements Program Two types of rosette/SBE9plus CTD casts (65 SIOR/30L-Niskin and 40 GT-C/15L-GoFlo) were made at 22 station locations during GEOTRACES 2011. 13 shallow and 13 deep McLane pump profiles were done at all Full and Super Stations, with an SBE19plus CTD attached to the end of the wire. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Dissolved 210Po and 210Pb along US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from R/V Knorr KN199-04, KN204-01 cruises in the Subtropical northern Atlantic from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Bottle sampling comments associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN204-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD/Hydrographic Measurements Program Two types of rosette/SBE9plus CTD casts (65 SIOR/30L-Niskin and 40 GT-C/15L-GoFlo) were made at 22 station locations during GEOTRACES 2011. 13 shallow and 13 deep McLane pump profiles were done at all Full and Super Stations, with an SBE19plus CTD attached to the end of the wire. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
GTC one meter-averaged downcast CTD profiles along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN204-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD/Hydrographic Measurements Program Two types of rosette/SBE9plus CTD casts (65 SIOR/30L-Niskin and 40 GT-C/15L-GoFlo) were made at 22 station locations during GEOTRACES 2011. 13 shallow and 13 deep McLane pump profiles were done at all Full and Super Stations, with an SBE19plus CTD attached to the end of the wire | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
ODF one meter-averaged downcast CTD profiles along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic from 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | CTD/Hydrographic Measurements Program Two types of rosette/SBE9plus CTD casts (65 SIOR/30L-Niskin and 40 GT-C/15L-GoFlo) were made at 22 station locations during GEOTRACES 2011. 13 shallow and 13 deep McLane pump profiles were done at all Full and Super Stations, with an SBE19plus CTD attached to the end of the wire. SIOR/30L-Niskin Rosette/CTD casts were performed with a package consisting of a 12-bottle rosette frame (SIO/STS), a 24-place carousel (SBE32) and 12 30L General Oceanics bottles with an absolute volume of 30L each. Underwater electronic components consisted of a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE9plus CTD with dual pumps (SBE5), dual temperature (SBE3plus), reference temperature (SBE35RT) dual conductivity (SBE4C), dissolved oxygen (SBE43), transmissometer (WET Labs C-Star), fluorometer (Seapoint SCF) and altimeter (Tritech LPRA-200 or Simrad 807). A second dissolved oxygen plus oxygen temperature sensor (JFE Advantech RINKO-III) was incorporated into the data stream for future sensor evaluation; it was not processed for this cruise | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M amphipod collection from R/V Falkor cruise FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M fish collection from R/V Falkor cruise FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M other MEGAFAUNA collection from R/V Falkor cruise FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M rock collection from R/V Falkor cruise FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M sediment collection from R/V Falkor cruise FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
HADES-M water collection from R/V Falkor FK141109 from the Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam: approximately 12 45 N and 144 50 E to 11 25 N and 144 25 E; 2014 (HADES project) | Sampling and Analytical Methodology: Animal samples were collected using a variety of baited traps. Sediment samples were collected using megacores on a free vehicle lander. Rock samples were collected using a van veen style grab on a free vehicle lander. Water samples were collected using a conventional CTD rosette. | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Diazotroph abundances (nifH gene) from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Ammonium (NH4) concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Nitrite (NO2) concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises, R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1216, KM1217, KM1218, KM1219, KM1220, at Station ALOHA from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Urea concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises, R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1217, KM1219, at Station ALOHA from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Flow cytometer cell counts from R/V Kilo Moana KM1513 (HOE-LEGACY 2A ) near Hawaii (22.75 N, 158 W) from July to August 2015 (C-MORE project, SCOPE project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911 plus | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911 plus |
Copper data with 10 uM SA lingand from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985, 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Copper data with 5 uM SA lingand from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985, 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Total dissolved copper and copper speciation from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985, 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Fluorescence and oxygen from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985 from 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Nutrient concentrations from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985 from 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Two decibar-averaged CTD profiles from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises from 1988-2016 (HOT project) | HOT CTD data are collected using a SeaBird CTD 9-11 (9-11 Plus with dual sensors as of HOT-54) at the maximum sampling rate of 24 samples per second (24 Hz). | SeaBird CTD 9-11 Plus |
Sample HPLC pigments from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project) | Nathaniel B. Palmer Systems and Specifications | Sea-Bird 911+ CTD |
CTD profile data from R/V Pt. Sur PS 18-09 Legs 01 and 03, Sept. - Oct. 2017 | These sensors were deployed with the CTD: Temperature sensor (Channel 1; S/N: 5134) Conductivity (Channel 2; S/N: 2922) Digiquartz pressure sensor (Channel 2; S/N: 45) Temperature Sensor (Channel 4; S/N: 4488) Conductivity (Channel 5; S/N: 2629) Dissolved oxygen (Channel 6; SBE-43; S/N: 0174) Dissolved oxygen (Channel 7; SBE-43; S/N: 3554) CDOM Fluorometer (Channel 8; WetLABS ECO, S/N:1379) Chlorophyll Fluorometer (Channel 9; WetLABS ECO-AFL, S/N: 1051) Altimeter (Channel 10; S/N 27002) PAR (Channel 12; Biospherical/Licor/Chelsea PAR/Irradiance, S/N: 4530) Transmissometer (Channel 13, WetLabs C-Star, S/N: CST-703DR) SPAR Surface Irradiance (Channel 15, S/N: 20148) | CTD system (11plus V 5.2) |
NEFSC oceanographic profile (hydrography) data from multiple cruises in the the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, Northeast Continental Shelf of the United States from 1977-2009 (Hydrography project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Hydrography, nutrients, and nitrogen uptake rates from SPIROPA cruise TN368 in July 2019 | Vertical conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles were collected concurrently using a Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD. | Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD |
Tracer Injection Sled data profiles from R/V Oceanus cruise OC415-02 in the Sargasso Sea in 2005 (EDDIES project) | mounted on a custom designed injection sled; dual Conductivity and Temperature sensors | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus |
Inorganic carbon data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle MV1101, RR1202 cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | CTD 911 | |
Iron, manganese and nutrient data from four cruises in the eastern tropical North Pacific, 2012 to 2018 | Used to measure temperature, salinity, and depth. | |
CTD profiles from the Lake Superior collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2000-2002 (IRONMAN project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Isotope data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
Bottle data from R/V Kilo Moana KM1314 in the The North Pacific Ocean (Seattle to Honolulu, including Line P, Station ALOHA), Aug - Sept 2013 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana KM1314 in the The North Pacific Ocean (Seattle to Honolulu, including Line P, Station ALOHA), Aug - Sept 2013 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Pacific Ocean Viral Line P metagenomes with depth, temperature and oxygen from CCGS John P. Tully JPT_2009-03, JPT_2009-09, JPT_2009-10 along Line P, eastern N. Pacific off British Columbia from Jan.-Aug.2009 (ENP viral community project) | Mounted in a rosette | CTD SBE 911plus |
Organized and quality-controlled CalCOFI data for CTD casts and bottle measurements from CalCOFI stations between La Jolla, California to Point Conception between 1984-2019 | The Sea-Bird SBE 911plus is a type of CTD instrument package for continuous measurement of conductivity, temperature and pressure. The SBE 911plus includes the SBE 9plus Underwater Unit and the SBE 11plus Deck Unit (for real-time readout using conductive wire) for deployment from a vessel. The combination of the SBE 9plus and SBE 11plus is called a SBE 911plus. The SBE 9plus uses Sea-Bird's standard modular temperature and conductivity sensors (SBE 3plus and SBE 4). The SBE 9plus CTD can be configured with up to eight auxiliary sensors to measure other parameters including dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, fluorescence, light (PAR), light transmission, etc.). more information from Sea-Bird Electronics | |
Maximum depths of the visual luminoxyscape for four species of marine invertebrate larvae from CalCOFI stations between La Jolla, California to Point Conception between 1984-2019 | CalCOFI's primary hydrographic instrument is a Seabird 911+ CTD equipped with dual temperature, conductivity and oxygen sensors mounted on a 24-10L bottle rosette. Additional CTD sensors mounted on the rosette frame include a fluorometer, transmissometer, nitrate sensor, PAR, pH and altimeter. | CalCOFI CTD |
Major inorganic ions from seawater collected near the BATS station during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE2113 (July 2021) and AE2303 (January 2023) | Seawater samples were collected from casts using CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911+. | Sea-Bird Electronic SBE CTD |
Metals from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
Methane concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA collected during Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises between 2008 and 2016 (HOT project) | Sea-Bird SBE 911Plus | |
ASPIRE station data used to develop 1-D and 3-D numerical models from the Nathaniel B. Palmer in the Amundsen Sea from 2010-12-14 through 2011-01-05 | Hydrographic profiles and discrete water samples were collected from each station using a conventional shipboard conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD; Sea-Bird 911+) sensor. | Sea-Bird 911+ |
CTD bottle data matched to dissolved, inorganic nutrient concentrations and to stable isotope measurements of particulate nitrogen and carbon rom R/V Melville cruise MV1110 in the Western Tropical North Atlantic in 2011 | Seabird SBE 11plus v5.2 for CTD bottle data. Individual sensor details and calibration info provided in the Supplemental File seabird_header.txt | Seabird SBE 11plus v5.2 for CTD bottle data. Individual sensor details and calibration info provided in the “notes” sheet of the excel file. |
Nitrogen fixation rates derived from acetylene reduction assays from R/V Knorr, R/V Melville, R/V Atlantis KN197-08, MV1110, AT21-04 in the Amazon River plume, 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD profile casts collected on the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from December 2011 to February 2012 | SeaBird 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors At each station, CTD casts measured temperature, salinity and PAR. Water samples collected at depths of 500, 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 10 m, and the surface were filtered, processed or preserved for further analysis. | CTD Sea-Bird 911 |
CTD casts from R/V Nerissa in the Southern California Bight off Huntington Beach in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project) | Data collected from an instrumented rosette using a SeaBird 9/11+ | CTD SBE 911plus |
Binned CTD data from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1106 in Guaymas in 2011 (Jumbo Squid Physiology project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Depth profile data from R/V New Horizons NH1418 in the tropical Pacific from Sept-Oct. 2014 | Sea-Bird SBE-911+ | |
Upper water column Ammonium measurements from R/V Knorr, R/V Melville, R/V Atlantis KN197-08, MV1110, AT21-04 in the Amazon River plume, 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD profiles from the Lake Superior collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2004-2006 (NILS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Niskin bottle and CTD data; nutrients, oxygen, DIC, POC, PON from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 cruises in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Calibrated CTD salinity and oxygen and Niskin bottle water samples from the R/V Ka'imikai-o-Kanaloa KOK1108 cruise in June 2011 in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Niskin bottle basic hydrography from the CTD rosette from R/V Oceanus OC443 cruise in April 2008 (LipidCycling project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1104 in the Sargasso Sea from 2011-2011 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Nitrous oxide concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA collected during Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises between 2008 and 2016 (HOT project) | Sea-Bird SBE 911Plus | |
Hydrographic data from Niskin bottles collected by CTD profiling on two R/V Endeavor cruises, EN620 and EN642, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in 2018 and 2019 | R/V Endeavor is equipped with an SBE 911+ CTD: High quality ducted/pumped system with digiquartz pressure sensor and dual temperature and conductivity sensors. 6800-meter capability and data rate of 24 scans per second. | Seabird SBE 11plus v5.2 |
Hydrographic data from CTD profiles conducted on two R/V Endeavor cruises, EN620 and EN642, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in 2018 and 2019 | R/V Endeavor is equipped with an SBE 911+ CTD: High quality ducted/pumped system with digiquartz pressure sensor and dual temperature and conductivity sensors. 6800-meter capability and data rate of 24 scans per second. | Seabird SBE 11plus v5.2 |
NOx - Low level Nitrate and Nitrite samples from R/V Knorr, R/V Melville, R/V Atlantis KN197-08, MV1110, AT21-04 in the Amazon River plume from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Nutrient Data from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project) | CTD System: SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD, Rosette is a 12-bottle General Oceanic Model 1015, outfitted with an array of 10 liter bottles. | CTD SBE 911plus |
Nutrient summary from R/V Cape Hatteras cruise CH0212 from the Louisiana Shelf (hypoxic zone) and Gulf of Mexico, east-west transect through the hypoxic zone in 2012 (OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling project) | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus | CTD unit, SBE 911 plus |
Nutrient concentration data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Discrete samples from vertical profile casts were collected at 4 locations. A 24-bottle Niskin rosette (12-L bottle volume) with an electronic trigger was fitted with a Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD and altimeter. | CTD SBE 911plus |
Nutrient Analysis: Nitrate, Nitrite, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonium from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Nutrients: OPA NH4+ Analysis from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Nutrients and pigments from HPLC analysis for fire ash deposition to coastal ocean study, southern California, December 2017 | ||
Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations from ctd cast deployments and underway seawater inflow from Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 | ||
Noble gas concentrations from water samples collected in August and September 2016 during R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR7-02 as part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Project (O-SNAP) | At each station, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts were made with a SeaBird 911Plus equipped with additional sensors measuring oxygen, beam transmission, fluorescence, and turbidity. Sensors were calibrated by the manufacturer before and after the cruise. The conductivity sensors were further calibrated using water sample salinity measurements. A rosette with twelve 10-liter Niskin bottles was deployed with the CTD to collect water samples. | SeaBird 911Plus |
Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) table for 18S rRNA gene tag sequences from DNA and RNA from samples collected in coastal California in 2013 and 2014 | ||
Profiles of dissolved trace elements collected using a trace-metal clean rosette from surface to 1000m depth from two CLIVAR P16 cruises in 2005 and 2006 | Samples were collected using a rosette system, described in Measures et al. (2008), comprised of a Seabird SBE 911+ CTD, SBE 443 dissolved oxygen sensor, Wet Labs FL 1 fluorometer, and 12-L Teflon coated GO-FLO bottles. See Measures et al. (2008) for sampling procedures/protocols. | |
Fluorescence from PAM fluorometer from fishing vessels in the Southern California Bight off Huntington Beach in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project) | Water samples were collected from an instrumented rosette | CTD SBE 911plus |
Particulate nitrogen concentrations, N isotopic composition, and nitrate isotopic composition from EN532 | ||
Particulate Trace Metals from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB-03-04B, RB-03-04C in the Reykjavik, Iceland to Natal Brazil from June to August 2003 (CLIVAR AEROSOL project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Processed CTD data (binned) and station information for the PE21-18 Microbial DO respir cruise (15 total casts) aboard the R/V Pelican during April and May 2021 | The data was collected using a SeaBird 911 plus system with 12-12 liter Niskin bottles. The instruments included in the 911 plus suite are dual Temperature (SBE 3), dual Conductivity (SBE 4), and dual Oxygen (SBE 43) sensors. Additionally, the suite included an SBE 27 pH/Oxidation, Chelsea Aquatracka 3 Chl_a, and a Wetlabs CDOM. | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data (unbinned) and station information for the PE21-18 Microbial DO respir cruise (15 total casts) aboard the R/V Pelican during April and May 2021 | The data was collected using a SeaBird 911 plus system with 12-12 liter Niskin bottles. The instruments included in the 911 plus suite are dual Temperature (SBE 3), dual Conductivity (SBE 4), and dual Oxygen (SBE 43) sensors. Additionally, the suite included an SBE 27 pH/Oxidation, Chelsea Aquatracka 3 Chl_a, and a Wetlabs CDOM. | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data (binned) from 24 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE22-03 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in August 2021 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data from 24 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE22-03 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in August 2021 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data (binned) from 20 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE23-20 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in May 2023 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data from 20 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE23-20 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in May 2023 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data (averaged into 1-meter depth bins) from 26 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE24-03 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in August 2023 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Processed CTD data from 26 casts conducted on R/V Pelican cruise PE24-03 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in August 2023 | SeaBird 911 plus system with twelve 12-liter Niskin bottles | SeaBird 911 plus system |
Vertical distribution and density of N2 fixing cyanobacteria from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Phytoplankton: Microphytoplankton Station Counts from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Phytoplankton: Synechococcus Station Counts from R/V Atlantis, R/V Knorr, R/V Melville AT21-04, KN197-08, MV1110 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Pico- and Nanoplankton concentrations from CTD cast deployments collected from the R/V Endeavor (EN532, EN538) cruises in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean from 2013-2014 | ||
HPLC analyses of algal pigment concentrations from the CoFeMUG cruise (KN192-05) in the South Atlantic subtropical gyre during 2007 | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
PO4 - Low level Phosphate samples from R/V Knorr, R/V Melville, R/V Atlantis KN197-08, MV1110, AT21-04 in the Amazon River plume from 2010-2012 (ANACONDAS project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (POC/N) from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Polyphosphate and associated measurements from water and particulate samples collected from 13 locations in the Great Lakes in July-Aug 2018 on R/V Blue Heron cruise BH18-09 | Water samples were collected using Rosette Niskin bottles attached to a Seabird 911plus conductivity-temperature-depth probe (CTD) | Seabird 911plus conductivity-temperature-depth probe |
Prokaryote and eukaryote abundance in phytodetrital aggregates (PA), fecal aggregates (FA), and the ambient seawater from samples collected during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1718 and AE1809 in 2017 and 2018 at BATS in Bermuda | CTD Rosette with 12L Niskin bottles used to collect seawater samples: 12L Niskin bottles affixed to a SBE9/11+ CTD Rosette, Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. | |
qPCR data for archaeal amoA ecotypes; samples collected on METZYME cruise. | ||
Hydrographic, nutrient and oxygen data from CTD bottles during R/V Pelican cruises from 2016-06-29 to 2018-06-24 | Sea-Bird SBE-911+: | Sea-Bird SBE-911+ |
CTD rosette and Bottle data from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS1314 in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal Atlantic Ocean in August 2013 | CTD System: SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD, Rosette is a 12-bottle General Oceanic Model 1015, outfitted with an array of 10 liter bottles. | SeaBird Electronics 911 plus CTD |
Compilation of primary productivity measurements collected from 1983-2006 from the Ross Sea | All CTDs were SeaBird 911+ systems that had their sensors calibrated before each cruise. | SeaBird 911+ |
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC/Freon chemistry variables from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2004 along the 150W meridian from 30S to 60S | CTD Sea-Bird SBE911plus | |
1-decibar binned CTD data from 103 stations collected during R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2004 along the 150W meridian from 30S to 60S | CTD Sea-Bird SBE911plus | |
Ammonium (NH4) and Nitrite (NO2) concentrations from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023 | Water samples were collected using a 24 x 10-liter Niskin bottle rosette sampler equipped with a conductivity, temperature, and pressure instrument package (SBE9, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.A.), a sensor for dissolved oxygen (SBE43, Sea-Bird), and a sensor for chlorophyll fluorescence (FluoroSeatechWetlabsFLF_Sensor). | SBE9 Sea-Bird Electronics |
Hydrocarbon concentrations, DIC isotopes, nutrients, and cyanobacteria counts from samples collected on R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the western north Atlantic during May 2017 | Sea-Bird SBE-911+ | |
Marine sediment trap metagenomes from R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1219 in the Station ALOHA, an oligotrophic station 100 miles north of Oahu, Hawaii, July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | ||
Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) from Station/Niskin bottle sort from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Instrument Configuration File for SO-GasEx: PSA file: C:GasExacqSeasave.psa Date: 02/23/2008 Instrument configuration file: C:GasExconssec_24_1.con Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Scans to average : 1 Surface PAR voltage added : No NMEA position data added : No Scan time added : Yes 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4211 Calibrated on : 08-Nov-07 G : 4.38706278e-003 H : 6.46536683e-004 I : 2.23272060e-005 J : 1.77872902e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 2887 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.00439325e+001 H : 1.36330343e+000 I : -2.56289727e-003 J : 2.54823008e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 209 Calibrated on : 09-Jul-07 C1 : -3.920451e+004 C2 : 6.234560e-001 C3 : 1.350570e-002 D1 : 3.894300e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.046303e+001 T2 : -9.018862e-005 T3 : 4.528890e-006 T4 : 3.309590e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99985000 Offset : 1.00090 AD590M : 1.144000e-002 AD590B : -8.805040e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 1455 Calibrated on : 13-Nov-07 G : 4.84617647e-003 H : 6.77841857e-004 I : 2.60561588e-005 J : 2.02936086e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2882 Calibrated on : 18-Oct-07 G : -1.02006582e+001 H : 1.39961765e+000 I : 7.01158866e-004 J : 2.20787100e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 315 Calibrated on : 16-Oct-07p Equation : Owens-Millard Coefficients for Owens-Millard: Soc : 3.6150e-001 Boc : 0.0000 Offset : -0.5838 Tcor : -0.0001 Pcor : 1.35e-004 Tau : 0.0 Coefficients for Murphy-Larson: Soc : 0.00000e+000 Offset : 0.00000e+000 A : 0.00000e+000 B : 0.00000e+000 C : 0.00000e+000 E : 0.00000e+000 Tau : 2.00000e+000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, Free 9) A/D voltage 3, User Polynomial Serial number : 8756 Calibrated on : Sensor name : Metrox A0 : 12.00000000 A1 : 445.60000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 10) A/D voltage 4, Free 11) A/D voltage 5, Free 12) A/D voltage 6, Free 13) A/D voltage 7, Free --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:P18_07data h21731.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 20 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM1 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM2 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information prompt 0 = Cruise: CLIVAR P18 2007 prompt 1 = Ship: NOAA RONALD H. BROWN prompt 2 = Station/Cast Number: prompt 3 = Nominal Latitude: prompt 4 = Nominal Longitude: --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth and Average Sound Velocity Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: Variables: Digits Variable Name [units] ------ --------------------- 0 Scan Count 4 Pressure, Digiquartz [db] 5 Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] 5 Salinity [PSU] 4 Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/Kg] 5 Density [sigma-theta, Kg/m^3] --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO | CTD Seabird 911plus |
CTD profiles from the Great Lakes, North America collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2009-2012 (SINC project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Sample information for 16S and 18S V4 amplicon sequencing of microbial communities in sinking particles and water column samples collected during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1718 and AE1809 in 2017 and 2018 at BATS in Bermuda | CTD Rosette with 12L Niskin bottles used to collect seawater samples: 12L Niskin bottles affixed to a SBE9/11+ CTD Rosette, Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. | |
SOLARIS superoxide and standard CTD profiles from the EMB276 cruise on R/V Elisabeth Mann Borgese in the Baltic Sea from September 20-27, 2021 | CTD package and associated rosette mounted sensors (Seabird 9/11+). | |
Event log from R/V Tioga TI746 in the Gulf of Maine from April 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Event log from R/V Tioga TI777 in the Provincetown to Gulf of Maine from August 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Event log from the R/V Tioga (TI787) in the Gulf of Maine during November 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
CTD cast logs from R/V Tioga TI668, TI700, TI715, TI725, TI729, TI746, TI777, TI787, Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine from 2013-2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Total organic carbon (TOC) measurements from CTD bottle samples collected during the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1427 in the North Pacific Ocean in December of 2014 | SBE 911plus / 917plus CTD | |
Trace Metals from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, South Pacific Sector of Antarctica, Southern Ocean 73 S 115 W from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project) | CTD SBE 911plus | |
Trace Metals from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG0402 in the Antarctica, Drake Passage, Scotia Sea, Bransfield Strait from February to March 2004 (BWZ project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Trace Metals from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0606 in the Antarctica, Drake Passage, Scotia Sea, Bransfield Strait from July to August 2006 (BWZ project) | CTD Sea-Bird SBE 911plus | |
Water column analytical data from the Chile Triple Junction collected on two cruises aboard the R/V Melville during February-March 2010 and April 2012 | Seabird 911+ CTD | |
YellowFin CTD Data from fishing vessels in the Southern California Bight off Huntington Beach in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project) | Data collected from an instrumented rosette using a SeaBird 9/11+ | CTD SBE 911plus |