16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011 | | Turner Biosystems spectrophotometer |
Data from two Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) 24-hour feeding experiments under ambient temperature and pCO2, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, and elevated temperature and pCO2. | Used to measure pH in seawater.
| Shimadzu spectrophotometer |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from a 1-month experiment at ambient conditions, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, or elevated temperature and elevated pCO2, Jan-Feb. 2014 | Used to measure pH in seawater.
| Shimadzu spectrophotometer |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from a 1-month experiment at ambient conditions, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, or elevated temperature and elevated pCO2, Jan-Feb. 2015 | Used to measure pH in seawater.
| Shimadzu spectrophotometer |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from an experiment at two temperatures and three pH levels, Feb-Mar. 2015 | Used to measure pH in seawater.
| Shimadzu spectrophotometer |
DIC, TA, pH, DO from nGOM cruises conducted aboard the R/V Pelican throughout 2017, 2018 and July 2019. | | Winkler titration was used for DO_spec analysis. DO_spec samples were measured spectrophotometrically using Genesis 30 (Thomas Scientific) spectrophotometer at 466 nm. |
Estimated feeding rates of adult and nauplius copepod species on three phytoplankton species from the San Francisco estuary in 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Experimental results describing copepod gut evacuation time from species collected in the San Francisco estuary during 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Experimental results describing the minimum time for copepod gut fluorescence by plate reader method analyzed at San Francisco State University during 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Experimental results describing if sonication is needed for chlorophyll extraction by copepods in the San Francisco estuary conducted during 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Experimental results describing Pseudodiaptomus marinus gut minimum fluorescence thresholds that were analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Water column phosphate data from RV/Atlantic Explorer AE1812, May 2018 | Used to measure total particulate phosphate concentrations
| spectrophotometer (Thermo) |
Sub-seafloor metatranscriptomes from anaerobic Peru Margin sediments collected on R/V JOIDES Resolution Leg 201 in 2002 | We followed the manufacturer’s instructions for cDNA amplification, and the resulting quantity of cDNA was checked on a Nanodrop (Thermo Scientific) and Fluorometer (Qubit 2.0, Life Technologies).
| Nanodrop |
AQMET Air quality and meteorological measurements measured measured during DANCE cruise HRS1414 aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp from July to August 2014. | | Aerodyne CAPS |
Phosphorus redox and water column phosphorus data from R/V Neil Armstrong AR16 in the Western North Atlantic from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | As with the SRP samples, the TPP samples were analyzed via the molybdenum blue method using a spectrophotometer (Thermo).
| spectrophotometer (Thermo) |
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016 | | Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer |
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016 | | Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018 | | Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018 | | Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018 | | Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018 | | Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer |
ATP and cell numbers in laboratory experiments with Thalassiosira weissflogii conducted in 2018 | | Shimadzu UV-2401PC |
ATP and cell numbers in laboratory experiments with Thalassiosira weissflogii conducted in 2019 | | Shimadzu UV-2401PC |
Results from laboratory experiments testing autoinduction in marine diatoms, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PhytoplanktonQS project) | Accurate to 4 decimal places
| Cary-100 UV-Visible spectrophotometer |
Iodine speciation and isotope ratio values from iodine radiotracer incubation experiments conducted on the R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1825 with samples collected at BATS and Hydrostation S in September of 2018 | All iodate concentrations were measured via spectrophotometery on a VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC spectrophotometer and accompanying UV-Vis Analyst software via a method outlined by Jickells (1988).
| VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC spectrophotometer |
Iodine speciation and superoxide concentration depth profile value from iodine radiotracer incubation experiments conducted on the R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1825 with samples collected at BATS and Hydrostation S in September of 2018 | All iodate concentrations were measured via spectrophotometery on a VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC spectrophotometer and accompanying UV-Vis Analyst software via a method outlined by Jickells (1988).
| VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC |
Benthic flux data from sediment cores collected in the York River Estuary, VA in 2020 | Extracted chlorophyll-a was analyzed on a Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer.
| Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer |
Proximate biochemistry of sponge species collected in 2017 and 2018 across the Caribbean Basin in Curacao, Belize, Grand Cayman, St. Croix | | Eppendorf Biophotometer |
Biogenic and lithogenic silica concentrations from marine suspended particles collected during the 2011 CLIVAR S04P expedition on RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer from February 19 to April 19, 2011 | | Spectrophotometer |
Biogenic Silica from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022 | Downstream analysis was done using a modified sodium hydroxide digestion method as described in Krause et al. 2009. Micro-molar of silicon was calculated from transmission using a spectrophotometer with a 1 cm cuvette.
| spectrophotometer |
Biogeochemistry and microbiology from the R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 to 2015 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program) | Upon return to the laboratory, the ZnS is dissolved and is analyzed spectrophotometrically by the method of Cline (1969).
| spectrophotometrically |
Bottle chemistry data from hydrothermal vents sampled by CTD rosette during R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-12 in April and May 2017 | | Ocean Optics QEPro |
Bottle chemistry data from hydrothermal vents sampled by CTD rosette during R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-12 in April and May 2017 | | Agilent 8454 |
Bottle data and chemical analysis from Falkor cruise FK180624 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean in 2018 | NO2, PO4: Ocean Optics QEPRO spectrophotometer with 10cm Starna flow through quartz cell
| Ocean Optics QEPRO spectrophotometer |
Bottle data and chemical analysis from Falkor cruise FK180624 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean in 2018 | pH: Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer with custom front end for automated syringe injection
| Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer |
Brooded coral larval respiration (Cumbo, 2012) from Taiwan 2010 (MCR LTER project, Climate_Coral_Larvae project) | USB2000, Ocean Optics
| spectrophotometer |
Respiration rates, photosynthetic efficiency, and mortality of brooded coral larval experiments, March 2011 and 2012, Taiwan (Cumbo, 2013) (MCR LTER project, Climate_Coral_Larvae project) | USB2000, Ocean Optics
| spectrophotometer |
Protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects) | - USB2000, Ocean Optics
- plate reading spectrophotometer (Biotek Synergy H4 Hybrid Reader, USA)
| spectrophotometer |
Respiration and protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects) | - USB2000, Ocean Optics
- plate reading spectrophotometer (Biotek Synergy H4 Hybrid Reader, USA)
| spectrophotometer |
Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects) | USB2000, Ocean Optics
| spectrophotometer |
Porites coral calcification responses to declining Ωar in a CO2 manipulation experiment in Palau versus the calcification responses observed in ten other studies of massive Porites corals | Spectrophotometric pH measurements were made with 2 mM m-Cresol purple indicator dye using a spectrometer with a 100 mm flow cell (Ocean Optics, mean precision = 0.005).
| Ocean Optics pH spectrophotometer |
Calcification rates of Porites corals collected from a naturally high-Ωar reef and a naturally low-Ωar reef in Palau incubated at three experimental Ωar conditions | Spectrophotometric pH measurements were made with 2 mM m-Cresol purple indicator dye using a spectrometer with a 100 mm flow cell (Ocean Optics, mean precision = 0.005).
| Ocean Optics pH spectrophotometer |
P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system and hydrography samples from R/V New Horizon NH1208 from a transect 35-50 degrees North, Pacific Ocean, Aug-Sep 2012 (OAPS project) | Agilent 8453 UV-VIS spectrophotometer: measures the relative absorption of pH-sensitive indicator at different wavelengths.
| |
Carbonate chemistry associated with copepod experiments with varying CO2 (OA-Copepod_PreyQual project) | To measure pH
| |
Carbonate chemistry in Mission Aransas Estuary from May 2014 to Feb 2017 and Dec 2018 to Feb 2020 | | Agilent 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Carbonate chemistry and CTD data collected along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1712 in August 2017 | | Varian Cary 400 spectrophotometer |
Carbonate chemistry effects from Hurricane Harvey in San Antonio Bay and Mission Aransas Estuary from 2017-02-22 to 2018-11-15 | pH - 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Agilent
| 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Elemental and isoptopic composition of sediment and biomass from the Carpinteria Salt March sampled in 2020 and 2021 | Genesys 150 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer to measure iron extracts
| Genesys 150 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from two microcosm incubation experiments conducted under three light treatments using water originating from West Bay of the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina USA in 2021 and 2022 | Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (ThermoFisher): used in scanning mode, fast, at 1 nm intervals to measure the absorbance of the filtrate.
| Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
An investigation into the characteristics of the reactive pools of Mississippi River plume sediments collected August to September of 2016 and May 2017 aboard the R/V Pelican. | | Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. |
In situ porewater data from the Cocos Ridge (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) acquired during cruise SR2113 between November - December 2021 | Optical fibers connected channels to a custom tungsten halogen light source and Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrophotometers. Spectrophotometers were housed in a small refrigerator regulated to 18°C. The spectrophotometers were connected to a portable computer with custom software that monitors and records absorbances and sample information. The encased water bath had a lid with openings for AT sample input, CO2 gas tubing, and two Luer lock ports for pH sample input and output.
| custom tungsten halogen light source and Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrophotometer |
In situ porewater data from the Cocos Ridge (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) acquired during cruise SR2113 between November - December 2021 | Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (G2131-i) with Liaison autosampler.
| |
Solid phase measurements of sediment cores from the Cocos Ridge (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) acquired during cruise SR2113 between November - December 2021. | Elemental Analyzer (EA, Costech) coupled to a Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (G2131-i) was used to measure Total Carbon.
A Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (G2131-i) coupled to a Liaison autosampler was used to measure PIC and delta13C of PIC.
| Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (G2131-i) |
Water column data from the Cocos Ridge (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) acquired during cruise SR2113 between November - December 2021 | The pH of each sample was determined on an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer setup with a custom-made temperature-controlled cell holder. Only the tungsten lamp was turned on. The UV lamp was turned off to prevent photodegradation of organic matter in the samples by UV light. A custom macro program running on Agilent UV-Visible ChemStation Software Rev. B.04.01 was used to guide the measurements and data processing. The macro automated the procedures of sample input information, blank and sample scans, quality control, and data archiving. The quality control steps included checking the baseline shift after dye injection and monitoring the standard deviation of multiple scans. Absorbance blanks were taken for each sample, and 10 μL of purified m-cresol purple (10 mmol kg-1) was added for the analysis. pHT(total scale) was calculated according to Müller and Rehder (2018).
| |
| pH was measured with a spectrophotometer.
| |
Bacterial transcriptional response to picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda | Measurements for ammonium (NH4+) were done separately via the phenate method with spectrophotometric analysis on a Model Spectronic 21D (Spectronic Instrumentation).
| Model Spectronic 21D (Spectronic Instrumentation) |
Coral carbon, oxygen, and boron isotopes; coral Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca, and Ba/Ca; coral chlorophyll-a from samples from reef field sites in Puerto Morelos, Mexico & Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii | Chlorophyll a was determined using a Shimadzu UV-VIS spectrophotometer and the equations of Jeffrey and Humphrey.
| Shimadzu UV-VIS spectrophotometer |
The effects of nutrient enrichment and predation on coral health and microbiomes from June to August 2013 in Key Largo, FL (small grazers facilitating fungal disease project) | To ensure nutrient diffusion tubes were effective in releasing nutrients, we analyzed inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus spectrophotometrically from water samples taken within ~3 cm of 5 control corals and ~1 cm from 5 nutrient diffusion tubes once during the experiment a few days after fertilizer pellets were placed in diffusion tubes (UV-2450, Shimadzu; Southeast Environmental Research Center, Miami, FL).
| spectrophotometrically |
Experimental coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements in October 2012 at Reef Systems Coral Farm, Ohio. | A Thermo Scientific Genesys spectrophotometer was used to measure the intensity of light transmission at specific wavelengths for chlorophyll a, protein and carbohydrate samples of both species.
| Thermo Scientific Genesys |
Montipora capitata and Porites compressa Physiological Measurements for Experimental Corals and Parent Colonies from 2014-2015 (RAPID Hawaii project) | A Thermo Scientific Genesys spectrophotometer was used to measure the intensity of light transmission at specific wavelengths for chlorophyll a.
| Thermo Scientific Genesys |
Protein measurements from coral-light experiments (Dufault, 2013, JEB), Taiwan 2010 (MCR LTER project, Climate_Coral_Larvae project) | 96-well plate spectrophotometer: Synergy H4 Hybrid Reader, Biotek, Winooski, VT, USA; the assay was calibrated using BSA
| spectrophotometer |
Fluorescence and Physical Indicators for Sediment Cores from a Protected island in south Wilkinson Bay in the northeast portion of Barataria Bay, Louisiana in September 2018 | | Cary 100 Spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA) |
Fluorescence and Physical Indicators for Sediments Cores from Barataria Basin, Louisiana, for March and November 2017 | | Cary 100 Spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA) |
Extrapolated pH measurements of CRMs | | Agilent 8454 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Raw absorbance and R measurements of CRMs | | Agilent 8454 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020 | | spectrophotometer |
CTD sensor and nutrient measurements from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Silicic acid and phosphate analyses were done colorimetrically at USC with a Hitachi UV/vis-spectrophotometer.
| Hitachi UV/vis-spectrophotometer |
Soluble Mn speciation from CTD casts in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean taken during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1801 in Jan-Feb 2018 | The analytical setup uses a 100 cm liquid waveguide capillary cell (World Precision Instruments) coupled with an Ocean Optics UV/Vis spectrophotometer in which a mini deuterium halogen light source (DT-Mini-2-GS) is coupled with a USB2000+ fiber optic spectrometer, controlled with SpectraSuite software.
| Ocean Optics UV/Vis spectrophotometer |
Experiment with the diatom Chaetoceros sp. on the impact of temperature, light climate, and carbonate chemistry on TEP production and aggregation processes from May 2015 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | The stained TEP filters were dissolved in sulfuric acid for 4h and measured coloimetrically through absorption at 787nm on a spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific Genesys 105 VIS).
| spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific Genesys 105 VIS) |
Results from experiment examining 15N-labeled contaminants in commercial 15N2 gas: Detected 15N-labeled ammonium (NH4) in commercial 15N2 gas (15N2 Contamination project) | Ammonium concentrations were measured by derivatization with orthophthaldialdehyde (OPA) and fluorometric detection on an AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer.
| AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
Results from experiment examining 15N-labeled contaminants in commercial 15N2 gas: Detected 15N-labeled nitrate (NO3) in commercial 15N2 gas (15N2 Contamination project) | Ammonium concentrations were measured by derivatization with orthophthaldialdehyde (OPA) and fluorometric detection on an AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer.
| AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
DEPRECATED: Optical properties of Orbicella faveoalta fragments (chl-a, Symbiodinium density, absorbance, and absorbance efficiency) from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 and 2017 (Varadero Reef project) | | mini spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics USB4000) |
Dissolved and particulate carbon and nitrogen data from seawater collected during CCGS John P. Tully cruises in the northeast Pacific Ocean from Vancouver Island to Station P from 2018 to 2020 | Agilent 8453 UV-visible Spectroscopy System (aka Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer) has average precision of ±0.004.
| Agilent 8453 spectrometer |
Discrete lab results from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Samples were transported to the USGS Carbon Chemistry Lab in St. Petersburg, Fla. Total alkalinity samples were analyzed using an Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrophotometer, bromol cresol purple indicator dye, and the methods of Yao and Byrne (1998).
Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrophotometer
| Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrophotometer |
DIC, TA, pH from R/V Pelican cruise conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico in April and July 2017 | Genesis 30 (Thomas Scientific) spectrophotometer at 466 nm
| |
DOC, TDN, and Nutrients from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project) | Phosphate was determined colorimetrically according to Grasshoff (1976) using a fiber optic spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics)
| fiber optic spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics) |
Zooplankton community abundances from meter net tows on multiple cruises on RV/Savannah in the South Atlantic Bight, Mid-Continental Shelf from 2015-2017 | Used for DNA quantitation and quality testing.
| Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop Lite Spectrophotometer |
Seawater chemistry treatment conditions | pH was measured with a spectrophotometer
| |
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017 | Used to measure total dissolved sulfide and total dissolved iron
| Ocean Optics USB400 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Sediment core sample metadata collected July 2017 in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore | Used to measure total dissolved sulfide and total dissolved iron.
| Ocean Optics USB400 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Population changes in Halobacteriovorax cultured with protist & prey | NanoDrop ND-1000 UV spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, USA)
| NanoDrop ND-1000 UV spectrophotometer |
Carbonate data in experimental treatments of Emiliania huxleyi, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Experimental results: Chlorophyll-a, POC, and cell volume of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Carbon and nitrogen content of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Experimental results: Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels from Bellingham, WA from 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Experimental results: cellular particulate DMSP from E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Experimental results: Emiliania huxleyi growth rates under different pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
SEM based morphology of Emiliania huxleyi, 2011-2012 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 5480 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (+/- 0.02)
| spectrophotometer |
Measurements of Chlorophyll, NO2, NO3, PO4, Silicate, NH4, PIC, POC, PON, BSi from CTD casts on R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018 | | Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer (SN 0947-010) |
Fe(II) concentrations over time in iron oxidizing bacteria cultures. | Used to measure ferrozine assay
| Cary 100 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies) |
Iron concentrations of phage from experiments of iron-labelled E. coli infected with T4 and T5 bacteriophage, 2018 and 2019. | Used to measure bacterial cell concentrations.
| |
Oxygen consumption rates/zero valen iron dissolution of FeOB (Ferrozine assay) with Kanamycin addition | Used to measure ferrozine assay
| Cary 100 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies) |
Field physiochemical parameters including nutrient concentrations and nitrogen specific uptake rates from samples collected between 2017 and 2019 from the Arctic Ocean, California Coastal Current, and a Chesapeake Bay estuary | Used to measure concentrations of dissolved primary amines
| Shimadzu RF-600 Spectrofluorophotometer |
HPLC data from field sampling sites in the Neuse River Estuary, Pamlico Sound, and Onslow Bay in the coastal North Atlantic, offshore from North Carolina, USA, in 2021 and 2022 | High performance liquid chromatography (HLPC) coupled to an in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer (Jeffrey et al. 1997).
| |
Hydrologic data from field sampling sites in the Neuse River Estuary, Pamlico Sound, and Onslow Bay in the coastal North Atlantic, offshore from North Carolina, USA, in 2021 and 2022 | | Shimadzu UV-160U spectrophotometer |
Experimental results describing Copepod fed phytoplankton mixtures that were analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 | Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
| Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of porewater from sediment push core samples in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | | Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of porewater from sediment push core samples in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | | Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | | Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019 | | Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer |
Geochemistry and microscopy from incubation experiments of Chesapeake Bay sediments conducted at Horn Point Laboratory | Used to determine NH4 and Fe
| ThermoScientific Genesis UV/Vis |
Summary geochemistry and radiotracer rates for 30 marine sediment cores covering eight sites and four geochemical regimes | Shimadzu Instruments Spectrophotometer Model: UV‐1601; Calibrated with laboratory made standards in envornmentally relevant concentration ranges and spectrum tuned for method. KH2PO4 for phosphate (0-40 uM in MQ; 885 nm wavelength); Na2S for sulfide (1-3 uM in MQ; 670 nm wavelength); NH4Cl for ammonium (0-60 uM; 640 nm wavelength)
| Shimadzu UV-1601 |
POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from GO-SHIP Line I07N RB1803 in the Western Indian Ocean from April to June 2018 (Ocean Stoichiometry Project) | After allowing the mixed reagent to react for exactly 30 min, the standards and samples were analyzed in 30-second intervals in a spectrophotometer at an 885 nm wavelength using a blank of ~0.1 M HCl solution and rinsing the cuvette with the blank solution between measurements.
| Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts) |
Water column GeoFish and bottle pH data from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018 | | automated Ocean Optics UV-VIS spectrophotometric system |
Water column GeoFish and bottle pH data from Leg 2 (Hilo, HI to Papeete, French Polynesia) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1815) on R/V Roger Revelle from October to November 2018 | | automated Ocean Optics UV-VIS spectrophotometric system |
Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration collected from RV Thompson (TN303) along the US GEOTRACES EPZT transect in the Eastern Tropical Pacific during 2013 (US GEOTRACES EPZT project) | Used to run samples manually
| Shimadzu UV-2550 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer |
Arsenate, iodide, and selenium concentrations collected from Super-GeoFish during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from Peru to Tahiti in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | | selective hydride generation/atomic absorption spectrometry |
Arsenate, iodide, and selenium concentrations collected from Go-FLO bottles during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from Peru to Tahiti in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | | selective hydride generation/atomic absorption spectrometry |
Carbonate chemistry data for low-high pCO2 acclimated E. huxleyi cultures (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | Agilent 8453A UV-VIS Diode Array Spectrophotometer
| |
Grazing experiment 4: Cellular carbohydrate data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 4: Carbonate chemistry data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Agilent 8453A UV-VIS Diode Array Spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 5: Cellular carbohydrate data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 6: Cellular carbohydrate data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 6: Cellular lipid data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 7: Cellular carbohydrate data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Grazing experiment 7: Cellular lipid data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures, 2011-2016 (E Hux Response to pCO2 project) | | Spec20D+ spectrophotometer |
Metagenomic, metatranscriptomics and 16S rRNA gene sequence data from diel sampling at Groves Creek Marsh, Skidaway Island, GA during July 2014 | Filtered samples (non-acidified) were placed in a 1 cm quartz absorbance cell situated in the light path of an Agilent 8453 ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer and CDOM absorbance spectra were recorded from 190 to 800 nm.
| Agilent 8453 ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer |
CDOM and FDOM full-depth Nisken profiles from high-resolution surveys of DOM optical properties conducted during the R/V Melville cruise MV1310 in the Gulf of Alaska (August 4–21, 2013) | CDOM: Single-beam liquid waveguide capillary flow cell (World Precision Instruments Inc., measured at 92.2 cm pathlength), coupled with quartz fiber optic cables to a deuterium-tungsten light source (DT-mini GS) and a MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer (both from Ocean Optics, Inc.).
| MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer |
CDOM and FDOM full-depth Nisken profiles from high-resolution surveys of DOM optical properties conducted during the R/V Melville cruise MV1310 in the Gulf of Alaska (August 4–21, 2013) | CDOM: Single-beam liquid waveguide capillary flow cell (World Precision Instruments Inc., measured at 92.2 cm pathlength), coupled with quartz fiber optic cables to a deuterium-tungsten light source (DT-mini GS) and a MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer (both from Ocean Optics, Inc.).
| MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics, Inc.) |
Gulf of Finland chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) Naperian absorption coefficients | A Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer with UV-Probe software and Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer with ChemStation software were used to take chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorbance measurements.
| Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer |
Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Naperian Absorption Coefficients from the Gulf of Finland from June to July 2019 (MODIE project) | Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer with UV-Probe software and Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer with ChemStation software: chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorbance measurements.
At the Tvärminne Zoological Station, a Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer with UV-Probe software was used, with air as an internal reference and Milli-Q water as blanks.
Absorbance (A(λ)) in the control and irradiated samples were measured at 250–800 nm at 1.0 nm intervals, in duplicate, in a 1-cm-pathlength quartz spectrophotometric cuvette.
| Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer |
Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Naperian Absorption Coefficients from the Gulf of Finland from June to July 2019 (MODIE project) | At Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, absorbances were measured using an Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer with ChemStation software, with the same parameters as above and Milli-Q water as blanks.
Absorbance (A(λ)) in the control and irradiated samples were measured at 250–800 nm at 1.0 nm intervals, in duplicate, in a 1-cm-pathlength quartz spectrophotometric cuvette.
| Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 | Used to measure total dissolved sulfide and total dissolved iron.
| Ocean Optics USB400 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Sediment core sample metadata collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 | Used to measure total dissolved sulfide and total dissolved iron.
| Ocean Optics USB400 UV-Vis spectrophotometer |
Fluorescence and oxygen from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985 from 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | | spectrophotometer |
Nutrient concentrations from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA from R/V Clifford A. Barnes CB960, CB974, CB980, CB985 from 2011-2012 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project) | | spectrophotometer |
Host-symbiont respiration related to symbiont density; anemones from Key Largo from (AnemoneOA project) | ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA
| NanoDrop spectrophotometer |
Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises from 1988-2021 (HOT project) | Used for spectrophotometric seawater pH measurements
| |
Sediment trap flux measurements for the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) project from December 1988 to December 2023 at Station ALOHA | spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3B) and 1-cm cuvette
| spectrophotometer and 1-cm cuvette |
| pH was analyzed using the spectrophotometric method and purified m-cresol purple (mCP) obtained from Dr. Robert Byrne's lab (University of South Florida), and was analyzed on the total scale with a precision of +/-0.0004. Prior to analyses, a calibrated OrionRoss glass electrode was used to adjust the indicator to pH 7.92+/-0.01, and a 10 cm water-jacketed absorbance cell of pH was kept at 25+/-0.01 deg.C.
| Spectrophotometric Method |
| pH was analyzed using the spectrophotometric method and purified m-cresol purple (mCP) obtained from Dr. Robert Byrne's lab (University of South Florida), analyzed on the total scale with a precision of +/-0.0004. Prior to analyses, a calibrated OrionRoss glass electrode was used to adjust the indicator to pH 7.92+/-0.01, and a 10 cm water-jacketed absorbance cell of pH was kept at 25+/-0.01 degrees C.
| Spectrophotometric method |
Results of 18S sequencing of full-length 18S rDNA for metabarcoding samples collected during R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-09 in the Western Gulf of Mexico in September 2017 | DNA concentration and quality were evaluated using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, USA).
| Nanodrop spectrophotometer |
Metabarcoding samples collected from surface and chlorophyll maximum depths from R/V Pt. Sur PS 18-09 Legs 01 and 03, Hurricane Harvey RAPID Response cruise (western Gulf of Mexico) September-October 2017. | Used for DNA concentration and quality evaluation.
| Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, USA) |
Radiocarbon DIC, DIC concentration, pH, and [CH4] in Hudson Canyon, northern US Atlantic Margin collected from R/V Endeavor cruise EN541 in July 2014 | | Agilent Cary 100 UV-Visible spectrophotometer |
Water geochemistry from surface samples collected along the Neuse River, Neuse River Estuary, and Pamlico Sound in North Carolina between October and December 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew | DOM absorbance. Instrument checks performed regularly.
| Cary UV 300 Spectrophotometer |
Porewater sulfate and sulfide concentrations in Alvin pushcore samples collected from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vents during R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in November 2018 and analyzed at UNC Chapel Hill | Sulfide was quantified spectrophotometrically at UNC-Chapel Hill.
| |
Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 | Phosphate and nitrite concentrations were measured using a Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer in a configuration with a detection limit of 0.05 µM.
| Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer |
Incubation experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Biogenic silica samples (200 mL) were filtered through 0.4 µm 25-mm PCTE filters and then dried at 60°C prior to storage. Samples were digested in 0.2 M NaOH and quantified spectrophotometrically.
| Spectorphotometer |
Proteins identified from the black smoker chimney Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av1 - on the Axial seamount off the coast of Washington in 2011. | Measured peptide bond absorbance at wavelength 205nm
| Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000/2000c Spectrophotometer |
Proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av2 | Measured peptide bond absorbance at wavelength 205nm
| Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000/2000c Spectrophotometer |
Phytoplankton diversity along with carbon and nitrogen uptake rates collected along the GO-SHIP IO9 repeat hydrography section of the Indian Ocean from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR1604 from March to April 2016 | Urea and total dissolved phosphorus (for calculation of dissolved organic phosphorus) were determined on a Thermo Scientific Genesys 10UV spectrophotometer.
| Thermo Scientific Genesys 10UV spectrophotometer |
Isotope data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | Analyses were completed at the University of South Florida Department of Geology Stable Isotope Laboratory using a Thermo-Finnigan Delta V 3 kiloelectron (keV) Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer coupled to a GasBench II preparation device
| Thermo-Finnigan Delta V 3 kiloelectron (keV) Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer |
SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater sampled from the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank from various R/V Atlantis cruises from 2008-2011 (microJdFR project) | NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) was used to quantify resulting genomic DNA.
| NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer |
Metegenomic sequences from Lau Basin low temperature vents and Loihi Seamount; from R/V Roger Revelle and R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises RR1211 and TN225 in the Northeast Lau Basin, Loihi Seamount from 2008-2012 | | Nanodrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer |
Chlorophyll and pheopigments from filtered water samples from R/V Savannah cruises in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) continental shelf off Long Bay, January-April 2012 (Long Bay Wintertime Bloom project) | Cary Model 3 spectrophotometer
| |
Primary results from the design and validation of an LED-based photochemical reactor | | Perkin Elmer 650 spectrophotometer |
POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from GO-SHIP Line C13.5/A13.5 in 2020 | | Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts) |
POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical oxygen from GO-SHIP Line P18 Legs 1 and 2 in 2016 and 2017 | | Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts) |
Macrophytes' amelioration of seawater acidity: Water residence time and irradiance of Saccharina latissima from the Gulf of Maine in November 2018 | The Agilent Cary Diode Array Spectrophotometer 8454 measures a full spectrum, in as little as 0.1 seconds.
| Agilent Cary 8454 |
Elemental composition of phytoplankton communities from multivariate mesocosm experiments conducted with a natural phytoplankton community from Narragansett Bay, RI. | Turner SP-830 spectrophotometer (Barnstead International)
| Turner SP-830 spectrophotometer |
OTU molecular abundances for coral Symbiodinium, Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS), 2014-2015 | Used to confirm presence of extracted DNA on agarose gel.
| Nanodrop 2000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific) |
Transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) measurements from the MesoHux mesocosm experiment held in May 2017 | For extraction, filters were immersed in sulfuric acid (80%) for 2 h and their absorbance was then measured spectrophotometrically (Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer) at fixed wavelength of 787 nm.
| Aglient 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
Microscopy counts (Beggiatoa-like filaments, Cable bacteria), together with in situ temperature and salinity and surface sediment chlorophyll concentrations, of ex situ sediment cores collected in the Chesapeake Bay during 2017-2018 | | ThermoScientific Evolution 60S |
Phosphate Time Series Data Obtained from an Autonomous Programmable Flow Injection (pFI) Analyzer at CeNVOOS Moss Landing Shore Station during February 2022 (pFI-SI-LOV project) | Samples were analyzed autonomously at the station using a pFI analyzer (miniSIA2, GlobalFIA, USA). This instrument was furnished with two High Flow milliGAT pumps with stainless steel heads, a plexiglass 8-port Lab-On-Valve, a 20 cm Long Path Linear Flow cell equipped with a Tungsten-Halogen lamp and a VIS-NIR Flame spectrophotometer (Ocean Insight, USA). The instrument was controlled and the data processed using FloZF software (v 5.2).
| VIS-NIR Flame spectrophotometer (Ocean Insight, USA) |
Organic carbon, carbonate, and opal data from Multitracers sediment trap samples | | Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometry |
Results from experiment examining 15N-labeled contaminants in commercial 15N2 gas: The measured quantity of 15N2 added to nitrate and ammonium solutions equilibrated with 15N2 gas | Ammonium concentrations were measured by derivatization with orthophthaldialdehyde (OPA) and fluorometric detection on an AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer.
| AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
Carbon, biogenic Silica, and mass fluxes from Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap (NBST) deployments in the North Pacific on R/V Falkor FK170124 in Jan-Feb 2017 | | |
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013 | Diagnostic phytoplankton photopigments were identified, separated and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to an in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer (Jeffrey et al. 1997)
| in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer |
Nitrogen isotope fractionation for ammonium assimilation by marine phytoplankton (Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation project) | Used to measure NH4+ concentration < 50 µM.
| U-3010 VIS Spectrophotometer |
Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Napierian Absorption Coefficients for Open Ocean Blue Water Samples from the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1707, AE1829, AE1820, AE1905 at Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Stations (BATS) f | Chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorbance measurements were made from samples taken from July 17, 2018 were analysed SpectraSuite software using a Maya Pro 2000 spectrophotometer with SpectraSuite software.
| Maya Pro 2000 spectrophotometer |
Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Napierian Absorption Coefficients for Open Ocean Blue Water Samples from the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1707, AE1829, AE1820, AE1905 at Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Stations (BATS) f | Chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorbance measurements were made from samples taken May 13, 2017 with an Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer with ChemStation software.
| Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
Metagenomic data from site U1382B at North Pond (IODP 336), western flank of the mid-Atlantic Ridge from core samples collected in November of 2011 | | NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) |
Daily water chemistry measurements from a larval growth experiment culturing Olympia oysters in 50 unique combinations of temperature, salinity, and pCO2 over up to 17 days of larval life. | | Agilent 8453A UV-VUS diode array spectrophotometer |
CO2 experiment physiology and carbonate chemistry from laboratory experiments with Pseudo-nitzschia australis conducted from 2021 to 2022 | | Picarro cavity ring-down spectrophotometer |
Total column ozone (O3) measured measured during DANCE cruise HRS1414 aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp from July to August 2014. | | Aerodyne CAPS; Thermo 49C; Thermo 48; Thermo 42C |
Spectrophotometric pH measured at 25 degrees C using the total hydrogen ion scale from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN277, KM1301, KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2012-2013 (POWOW project) | | Spectrophotometer |
Spectrophotometric pH measured at the PICO time-series station (34.7181 deg N, 76.6707 deg W) from 2010 to 2012 (PICO project) | Either a Cary 4000 or a Beckman DU 640 spectrophotomer was used.
| Spectrophotometer |
Raw pH data acquired during the pH internal consistency experiment. | | Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer |
Physiology of Montipora capitata and Porites compressa from October 2019 to September 2022 in response to marine heatwaves (2015 and 2019) in Hawaiʻi | host-soluble protein concentration, chlorophyll a concentrations, total antioxidant capacity, melanin content, prophenoloxidase content, citrate synthase content: spectrophotometer (BioTek PowerWave XS2)
| BioTek PowerWave XS2 |
Phytoplankton cell counts at 3 pCO2 levels and 2 temperatures before and after 12 month conditioning off New Zealand South Island, near Taiaroa Head, 2011 (Plankton acclimation project) | UV-vis spectrophotometer: Ocean Optics USB4000
| spectrophotometer |
Phytoplankton cell counts at 3 pCO2 levels and 2 temperatures before and after 12 month conditioning off New Zealand South Island, near Taiaroa Head, 2011 (Plankton acclimation project) | Shimadzu 1800UV
| spectrophotometer |
| A U-3010 VIS Spectrophotometer was used to measure NH4+ concentration < 50 µM.
| U-3010 VIS Spectrophotometer |
Cell abundance, growth rate, cellular P quotas, and alkaline phosphatase activity from a laboratory experiment examining the response of three species of marine phytoplankton grown under different phosphorus (P) conditions | | Genesys 10 spectrophotometer |
Absorbance at 3 wavelengths from pigment extractions of coral Orbicella faveolata from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 & 2017 (Varadero Reef project) | | mini spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics USB4000) |
Pleurochrysis carterae diel culture dynamics analyzed at Bigelow Laboratory from 2013 (OA Copes Coccoliths project) | Spectrophotometric pH measurements were taken of culture samples
| Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer |
Pleurochrysis carterae growth cycle culture dynamics analyzed at Bigelow Laboratory from 2013 (OA Copes Coccoliths project) | Spectrophotometric pH measurements were taken of culture samples
| Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer |
Carbonate chemistry in experimental cultures of Plocamium cartilagineum cultured at different temperatures and pCO2 levels (Seaweed OA Resilience project) | Used to measure pH (at temperature 25 C)
| Shimadzu UV-2450 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
Carbonate chemistry over a time-course in pH drift experiments with Plocamium growth collected at Catalina Island, 2014-2015 (Seaweed OA Resilience project) | Used to measure pH (at temperature 25 C)
| Shimadzu UV-2450 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
Particulate organic matter (PON, POC, POP) concentrations collected on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR1604 along the hydrographic line IO9 in the Eastern Indian Ocean from March to April 2016 | Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts)
| Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer |
Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-15-18 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during July 2015 | PO43- was measured spectrophotometrically.
| Spectrophotometer Thermofisher |
Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-16-16 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during May 2016 | PO₄³⁻ was measured spectrophotometrically
| Spectrophotometer Thermofisher |
Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-17-15 in the Gulf of Mexico during July and August 2017 | NH₄⁺ was measured spectrophopotmetrically
| spectrophopotmeter |
Concentrations of particulate phosphate in treatments amended with dissolved organic phosphate compounds in bioassay experiments (incubation 48h) with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 2019 | Measurements of PP were performed using a conventional spectrophotometer (Genesys®,10 cm cuvette) after a high temperature combustion (450°C, 4.5h).
| Genesys®,10 cm cuvette |
Concentrations of particulate phosphate in seawater collected during R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in the Spring of 2019 | PP samples were measured using a Gynesis spectrophotometer.
| Gynesis spectrophotometer |
Reef seawater biogeochemistry data from samples collected in the Jardines de la Reina reef-system, Cuba in November of 2017 | Acetone (90%) was used to extract Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin and the optical density (OD) values were measured on a calibrated spectrophotometer using standard optics (Lambda 18, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA).
| Lambda 18, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA |
Results from a study of physiological responses of Ulva lactuca to ocean acidification and nutrient enrichment | Soluble proteins, carbohydrates, and chl a were determined spectrophotometrically (Milton Roy Spectronic Genesys 5)
| Milton Roy Spectronic Genesys 5 |
CTD-associated variables, bottle salinity measurements, oxygen titrations, nutrient analyses, biogeochemical/biological variables, and DIC/Freon chemistry variables from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2004 along the 150W meridian from 30S to 60S | | Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer (SN 0947-010) |
Ammonium (NH4) and Nitrite (NO2) concentrations from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023 | | GENESYS 150 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer |
Discrete bottle sample measurements for carbonate chemistry, organic alkalinity and organic carbon from samples collected in Waquoit Bay and Vineyard Sound, MA in 2016 | | Agilent 8454 UV-visible spectrophotometer |
NCBI project accession and library information on each sample analyzed in upwelling experiments conducted on two phytoplankton species isolated from the California Upwelling Zone | RNA was purified and examined for quality and quantity using a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA).
| Nanodrop 2000 |
Seawater nutrient/metabolite and flow cytometry metadata - Picoplankton incubation experiment 2020 | FDOM analysis: Horiba Aqualog scanning fluorometer with 150 W Xe excitation lamp, Peltier-cooled CCD emission detector, and a simultaneous absorbance spectrometer, Horiba Scientific, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
| Absorbance spectrometer, Horiba Scientific, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA |
Flow through sediment core incubations for nitrogen concentration and isotopic fluxes collected in 2013 on the Island of Sylt, Germany in the North Sea. | | Shimadzu UV 2550 Spectrophotometer |
Sediment NO3 reduction rates, associated genes, and environmental data from bimonthly samples collected along the York River Estuary from June 2018 to April 2019 | Extracted chlorophyll-a was analyzed on a Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer.
| Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer |
Sediment core porewater and particulate measurements from three sites on the Louisiana Shelf sampled during R/V Pelican cruises from December 2021 through August 2022 | Porewater was analyzed for dissolved si(OH)4 concentration using a spectrophotometric molybdate-blue method and a Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.
| Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Sediment core porewater and particulate measurements from three sites on the Louisiana Shelf sampled during R/V Pelican cruises in August 2021 | Porewater was analyzed for dissolved si(OH)4 concentration using a spectrophotometric molybdate-blue method and a Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.
| Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Carbon, Nitrogen, biogenic silica, thorium-234, and mass fluxes from upper ocean sediment traps at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) site in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during RRS Discovery cruise DY077 in April of 2017 | | Spectrophotometer |
The effect of altered carbonate system chemistry on the abiotic formation of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) from UCSB MSI Passow Laboratory from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The pHT (total scale) was measured with a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Biospec 16-1) using the indicator dye mcresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) within 1–2 hours after sampling.
| spectrophotometer - Shimadzu Biospec 16-1 |
The effect of altered carbonate system chemistry on the abiotic formation of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP).from UCSB MSI Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | | Spectrophotometer - Shimadzu Biospec 16-1 |
Series 1B-1: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1335) – pH, Dissolved Inorganic carbon (DIC), and Macronutrient concentrations in experiments | Used for measurement of pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS |
Series 1B-3: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1335) – computed data from the LC3 protocol for samples at 4 temperatures, 15-26C | Used for measurement of pH.
| Spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) |
Aggregate Sinking Velocity from the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
Aggregate Size from the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
BioChemical results from the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
Carbonate System results from the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
General Information about the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
pH data from the CO2 Aggregation Experiment from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The samples for pHT were collected bubble free in 20-ml scintillation vials and measured within 1-2 hours of sampling with a spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) equipped with a single cell Peltier (SPG1A, both Thermo Scientific) using the indicator dye m-cresol purple (Sigma-Aldrich) at a constant temperature of 25oC.
| Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer |
Series 2A-2: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1014) – photophysiology | Used for measurement of pH.
| Spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) |
Series 3A: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1014) – cell abundance by flow cytometry | Used to measure pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Series 3A: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1014) - cell size estimated by forward scatter from flow cytometry | Used to measure pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Series 3A: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1014) – pH measurements | Used to measure sample pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Series 3A: Multiple stressor experiments on T. pseudonana (CCMP1014) - photophysiology measurements | Used to measure pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Aggregation of Thalassiosira weissflogii as a function of pCO2, temperature, and bacteria - Aggregation Phase - Carbonate System + TEP from UCSB MSI Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The pH (total scale) was measured with a spectrophotometer using the indicator dye m-cresol purple
(Sigma-Aldrich) within 1-2 hours of sampling at 25 oC (Clayton and Byrne 1993).
| spectrophotometer |
Aggregation of Thalassiosira weissflogii as a function of pCO2, temperature and bacteria - Aggregation Phase - Sinking Velocity from a from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation project) | The pH (total scale) was measured with a spectrophotometer using the indicator dye m-cresol purple
(Sigma-Aldrich) within 1-2 hours of sampling at 25 oC (Clayton and Byrne 1993).
| spectrophotometer |
Series 4A: Multiple stressor experiments on the cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 – cell abundance and size by flow cytometry | Used to measure pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Series 4A: Multiple stressor experiments on Synechococcus elongatus (CCMP1629) – pH measurements | Used to measure sample pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer |
Series 4A: Multiple stressor experiments on the cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 - computed photophysiology parameters | For measurement of pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS |
Series 4A: Multiple stressor experiments on the cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 - raw fluorescence readings for photophysiology computations | For measurement of pH.
| Genesys 10SVIS |
Nutrients and iron in shipboard aerosol and rain samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS1414 in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and northern South-Atlantic Bight from July to August of 2014 (DANCE project) | Spectrofluorophotometer (NH4): Shimadzu RF1501.
| Shimadzu RF1501 |
Size Fractionated Chlorophyll Measurements from R/V Tangaroa TAN1810 in the Chatham Rise (Subtropical and Sub-Antarctic waters off of New Zealand) from October to November 2018 (Salp Food Web Ecology project) | Chl and acidified phaeopigment-a concentrations were measured in the lab (within 3 months) using an ice-cold 90% acetone extraction by spectrofluorometric methods (APHA 10200 H) on a Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer (Rice et al., 2012).
| Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer |
Oceanographic data from 12 monthly cruises off the Israeli coast in the east Mediterranean conducted between Feb 2018 and Jan 2019 at a continental shelf station (~140m depth) and an open-deep water station. | NanoDrop 2000c (Thermo Sciences)
| NanoDrop 2000c (Thermo Sciences) |
Programmable Flow Injection (pFI) Silicate Vertical Profile Data from R/V Investigator IN2023_V04 in the Southern Ocean during June 2023 (pFI-SI-LOV project) | We used a miniSIA-2 instrument (miniSIA2, GlobalFIA, Fox Island, USA) equipped with a 8-port LOV unit and a 20 cm flow cell furnished with a Tungsten Halogen light source and UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Ocean Insight, USA) and a 14 position auto sampler (GlobalFIA, USA).
| UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Ocean Insight, USA) |
CO2 analysis of water used for squid study from June 2011 (OA Squid Rearing project) | | Spectrophotometer |
Experimental rearing of longfin squid under ocean acidification conditions from June 2011 (OA Squid Rearing project) | | Spectrophotometer |
Concentrations of soluble reactive phosphate in treatments amended with dissolved organic phosphate compounds in bioassay experiments (incubation 48h) with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 2019 | Measurements of SRP were performed using the Liquid wave guide capillary cell (2.5 m length path, model 3250, World Precision Instrument) and using a conventional spectrophotometer (Genesys®,10 cm cuvette).
| Genesys®,10 cm cuvette |
Stable isotopes in reactive silica pools of Mississippi River plume sediments collected aboard the R/V Pelican in May 2017 | | Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
CH4, H2, CO, and d13C concentrations from the Strytan Hydrothermal Field collected by SCUBA July 15-8 2012 (C-DEBI, Lost City-type hydrothermal system project) | spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 670 nm
| |
Dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations from the Strytan Hydrothermal Field collected by SCUBA July 15-8 2012 (C-DEBI, Lost City-type hydrothermal system project) | spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 670 nm
| |
Geochemistry measurements from the Strytan Hydrothermal Field collected by SCUBA July 15-8 2012 (C-DEBI, Lost City-type hydrothermal system project) | spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 670 nm
| |
Organic acid concentrations from the Strytan Hydrothermal Field collected by SCUBA July 15-8 2012 (C-DEBI, Lost City-type hydrothermal system project) | spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 670 nm
| |
Effects of temperature on biomass and sulfide production in Desulfovibrio hydrothermals (INSPIRE_Pyrite project) | | spectrophotometer |
Accession numbers of symbiotic algae in coral collected from the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Panama, and Mexico during 2010 (SymBioSys project) | Nano-Drop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE)
| Spectrophotometer |
Laboratory results on symbiont type in recovering Porites divaricata corals collected from the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Panama, and Mexico during 2010 (SymBioSys project) | Nano-Drop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE)
| Spectrophotometer |
Synechococcus batch culture data (cell quotas and ratios (C,N,P), size, and diameter) from laboratory experiments in 2021 to 2022 with related isolates cultured across a range of temperatures (16-25C) | | Genesys 10S UV-vis spectrophotometer (Thermo-Scientific) |
Continuous culture studies of Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures plus DNA results | Used to measure pH
| Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer |
Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) |
seapHox Ocean pH sensor (Satlantic/Sea-Bird Scientific) used by DYFAMED
Ocean Optics S1000 used by CARIACO
Spectrophotometer (not further specified) used by HOT, DYFAMED, RADCOR
Combination electrode (not further specified) used by HOT
Shimadzu UV-2401PC used by GIFT
| Spectrophotometer |
T. rotula microbiome global sample | | |
Continuous culture studies of possible climate change effects: Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 growth in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Used to measure pH
| Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer |
Experimental results of nitrate-limited or nitrate-replete continuous culture studies of Thalassiosira pseudonana at 5 temperatures with either high or low pCO2 and irradiance | Used to measure pH
| Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer |
Characteristics of tidepools from seasonal surveys conducted at tidepools along the California coast from 2017 to 2018 | | |
Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022 | A spectrophotometer (Agilent 8453 UV-visible) was used to make the absorbance measurements, which were read using 1.0 cm polystyrene disposable cuvettes (Fisher-Scientific).
| Agilent 8453 UV-visible |
Experimental results from a study of cellular quotas of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Trichodesmium erythraeum strain IMS101 under varying pCO2 and light conditions (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | Residual P was estimated using the spectrophotometric method with a Barnstead/Turner SP-830 spectrophotometer at wavelength of 885 nm.
| Spectrophotometer |
Discrete raw measurements from upwelling experiments conducted on two phytoplankton species isolated from the California Upwelling Zone | RNA was purified and examined for quality and quantity using a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA).
| Nanodrop 2000 |
Bacteria, picoeukaryote, and Synecoccus cell counts, nutrients (POC, PON, POP) and chlorophyll from nitrate and vitamin-B enriched treatments, from up-welled coastal waters off Southern California, March 2015 (B-vitamin plankton succession project) | Used to measure particulate organic phosphorus (POP).
| Shimadzu UV-1800 UV/Visible Scanning Spectrophotometer |
Physical and geochemical measurements of water and sediments measured from a UNCW 20-ft Center Console Boat in the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC in 2009 (Estuarine ANAMMOX project) | Fe (II) and H2S were measured spectrophotometrically from porewater.
| Spectrophotometer |
Water column data collected during Dataflow cruises in the lower York River Estuary, VA during and following two successive harmful algal blooms | Extracted chla was analyzed on a Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer.
| Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer |
Water chemistry data collected from a laboratory experiment to investigate the interactive effects of temperature and pCO2 conditions on the behavior of sand dollar larvae (Dendraster excentricus) | Used to measure pH.
| |
Weekly coral calcification rates in the CO2 manipulation experiment conducted on Porites corals from Palau | Spectrophotometric pH measurements were made with 2 mM m-Cresol purple indicator dye using a spectrometer with a 100 mm flow cell (Ocean Optics, mean precision = 0.005).
| Ocean Optics pH spectrophotometer |
Inorganic nitrogen content; and nitrate, ammonium, and oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric particulates collected on Changdao Island, China from September 22, 2019 to September 5, 2020 | Discrete UV–Vis analyzer (Westco Smartchem 200): for ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite concentrations.
| Westco Smartchem 200 |
Total organic carbon and total nitrogen content; and nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation collected at Qindao, Yantai and Changdao Island, China from May 17, 2019 to August 31, 2020. | Discrete UV–Vis analyzer (Westco Smartchem 200): for ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite concentrations.
| Westco Smartchem 200 |
[Deprecated] Laboratory growth, photosynthetic, and respiration rates of Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H in nitrate limited culture (Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton project) | Used to measure pH
| Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer |
[Deprecated] Laboratory growth, photosynthetic, and growth rates of Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H in nitrate replete culture (Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton project) | Used to measure pH
| Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer |